Angarak Yoga On Wheel Predictions Prove Spot On As Per Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra Multiple Rockets Fired At Iraq Airbase That Hosts US, Coalition Forces Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

199 You Tube Videos &1524 Arrticles and Predictions in just 70 months from April 2015

“Angarak Yoga On Wheel Predictions Prove Spot On As Per Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra Multiple Rockets Fired At Iraq Airbase That Hosts US, Coalition Forces Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

Please read My Article below where I Predicted this Morning that the Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra of the 4th March 2021 is Prone to  War Like situations, Agitations

Astrology Predictions & Insights For March 2021 Angarak Yoga On Wheel 4th-5th 20th & 27th Prone Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Let me reproduce the same here for Ready Reference  below

This is with Reference to my Articles and Predictions for the Angarak yoga formed in the sign Taurus from the 22nd Feb. to 14th April 2021. The Following Parameters acquire important dimension in March 2021

  1. 4th-5th March 2021  Mars and Rahu will be opposed by Moon and Ketu in the sign Scorpio most enigmatic for the significations of the Angarak yoga . Mars is Fire and North Node Oil. Hence Explosions, Blasts and Fire , War like. I have already written an Article where the  Countries are mentioned who are war mongering
  2. The Transit is not favourable since Moon and Ketu will be squaring Sun and Venus in the sign Aquarius

Have a Look at the chart of the 5th March 2021

Have a Look at the degrees of the Planets . Jupiter and Mercury at 23 degrees arc

Moon and Mars opposing degree wise at 6 degrees

Venus Combusted

 Vedha between the Planets on the 4th March 2021  is not good for good Fructifications 


This may provoke agitation, mental anguish. Since Moon is afflicted by both Mars and Ketu and debilitated there may be trouble at the Coastal Areas of the world . Moon in Jyestha Star on the 6th March 2021 can prove to be most enigmatic since all the world Tragedies take place in the stars of Mercury and specially in Jyestha star when Ketu is also there in this Star. The Countries near the Coastal Areas may be influenced the most specially the South Eastern Asia. Srilanka, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, India May be influenced adversely. Earthquake of intensity cannot be ruled out.  Political instability in Myanmar . War Mongering Country may be in aggressive stance as already discussed in my previous Article. The Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra opens the secret above  for the 4th March 2021

As per My Research when Saturn, Mars and Nodes transit over the Sensitive axis in the chart specially when they also influence  the natal Mars , Saturn  and Jupiter then there  is Anguish and Pain for the Country 

Also Read My Article

Astrology Speaks Loudly ! Red Planet Mars & North Node Angarak Yoga On Wheel U.S. Launches Airstrikes On Syria Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Let me reproduce the Article here for ready reference below

Read My Article “Red Planet Mars Ingress Taurus Joining North Node Rahu 22nd Feb. 2021-14th April 2021 Angarak Yoga Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Let me reproduce the text here for ready reference  of the above Article

The Countries Prone to this Transit will be US, India, Pakistan, Japan, China, Dubai, Indonesia, Iraq, Paris, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, North Korea. War mongering Countries  like  Israel, Syria, Iran, Iraq and other  Gulf  Countries may be influenced  by this transit. The Solar Eclipse of the 10th June 2021 is taking place  and sub Dasha of a Planet Like Rahu who has the capacity to bring a Down fall for the Country. US is Most Prone to this Combination. For India the Mars in the 3rd house Debilitated  and the Saturn at 19 degrees in Capricorn in 1/7 axis of Mars  Ketu in the 7th house  seems to be most Venomous for the Country, since the Dasha of Moon-Saturn till the Mid July also most prone as mentioned by me in all the Articles .

 The Predictions Prove spot on we have to look for the other dates which are prone to violence, blasts, fire, Terrorism and War like conditions in the Middle East Countries . I have already discussed the Horoscopes of the Countries who are War Prone in this Article. Read Full Article 



First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
3rd March 2021 17-00 hrs   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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