South Node Ketu & Fallen Mercury On Wheel Covid-19 Cases Up In 5 Vidarbha Districts As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

195 You Tube Videos  & 1511 Articles and Predictions in just 70 months from April 2015

“South Node Ketu & Fallen Mercury On Wheel Covid-19 Cases Up In 5 Vidarbha Districts Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

My Predictions asper the Below Article are proving spot on for the Virus spread in the Maharashtra as per the Ketu in the Jyestha star signified by the west Direction in the Koorma chakra

Read My Article “Astrology Speaks Loudly ! Predictions Spot On For Fallen Mercury Moon Ketu In Jyestha Star Uttarakhand North-West Direction Gets Massive Jolt – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Let me reproduce the important text here for Ready Reference below

  1. Mercury is the Ruler of the 3rd and 6th House of the natural Zodiac. Its Stars are  Ashlesha , Jyestha and Revati. The World most Tragic events happen when planets are in these Stars  . In the Present Context Ketu disease Karka  is in Jyestha in Scorpio sign till the 10th May 2021.When Ever Moon will be in these stars after the 4th Feb to specially 21st Feb 2021 will be prone to natural and unnatural disasters  in the North-West Direction. 

  2. Mars will be  the Cancer Sign and Ashlesha Star at 18-19 degrees and will be in Ashlesha and will oppose Saturn Degree-wise at 19 degrees on the 1st July 2021. The Situations then will be parallel to the 20th Oct 1962 when we had war with  China


Mercury is Intellectual calibre of the Country, speed and Communication, Editors of the News Papers, Magazines, Transport Vehicles,  Entertainment Media,  TV Trade and Commerce,, Means of Communication,  Treaties and written  documents , Computer Programmers,  News Media,  Radio and Television

 Mercury signification  are of Weather , Stock Markets and when Changes the signs is responsible for Earthquakes of Dimension specially when the cluster of the planets in the Earthy sign take place after the 4th Feb . to 11th March and the Lunation chart of the 12th Feb. 2021 indicate of Malefic happenings as already discussed in the 3 Articles on my webpage . World all Untoward happenings have taken place in the stars of Mercury as stated above

 As per the Planetary positions when Mercury is Fallen, Retrograde and Combusted there could be adverse effect on the significations of the Mercury as mentioned above from the 31st Jan 2021 to 11th March 2021  specially after the 4thFeb. to 21st feb 2021 

The Following happenings could be seen

  1. Farmers Agitation
  2. Political Tug of War
  3.  Stock Markets Volatility and  Adverse effects
  4.  Earthquakes of Dimension, Natural and Unnatural disasters
  5. Brawl between the nations going for a Toss
  6.  Weather Changes
  7. Disruption in the Communication system
  8. Accidents of Train and Air
  9.  Virus and Disease spread
  10. As mentioned above The Stars of Mercury  Aslesha, Jyestha and Revati are Prone  to Natural disasters after the 4th Feb specially till the 21st Feb. 2021 when Mercury will be most afflicted. Moon in the Jyestha Star along with Ketu the disease karka  may  be detrimental for Diseases and Virus specially in the Western Part of  India. Jyestha Star is known to be most malefic  and all worldly tragedies have occurred when Moon and number of planets have been in this star. In the Koorma Chakra below Jyestha Star is in the West. Hence Till Ketu in the Jyestha Star till the 10th May 2021 there could be surge in the Virus and Diseases . The Western Part of the  Country is Maharashtra. Hence Untoward natural and Unnatural happenings along with surge in the Virus casses is not ruled out specially in the Maharashtra 

Now have a look at the Koorma Chakra Below  What ever was predicted by this Chakra Proves spot on for the Direction

I had Clearly mentioned that the disasters could take place in the North West Direction as per this Chakra . Also Ketu the disease Karka in the Jyestha star which depicts the western Part of the India and Maharashtra

 North Node Rahu In Rohini will also be influence the Central Part of the India since Rohini is in the Central Region of India specially after the 13th Feb 2021 to Sept. 2021–  Specially when Mars also joins the Rahu after the 21st Feb 2021  to 14th April 2021———Note these Predictions

Now Read this Media News 

Covid-19 cases up, ‘partial lockdown’, curbs in 5 Vidarbha districts

Covid-19 cases up, ‘partial lockdown’, curbs in 5 Vidarbha districts (

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