Solar Ingress of Sun In Capricorn 2021 What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1474 Articles and Prediction sin just 69 months from April 2015

It also some times becomes very necessary  to find  out which particular month on the life of a nation  is likely to become historic in terms of Achievement or Disaster

Sun’s entry into Makar (Capricorn) sign is celebrated in India as a major festival through out the country. Sun moves into Uttar Ayana which is considered as the ‘day time of the Gods’ as per Hindu tradition. The farmers celebrate this day for the time to reap the winter harvest. The day of Makar Sankranti also has great astrological significance as the horoscope cast for the time of Sun’s entry into Makar (Capricorn) gives important indication for coming 3 months  as it is a movable and a cardinal sign

This is done easily by making what is known as  Surya Veedhi or Solar Ingres chart.. Special consideration is given to entry of Sun in the Cardinal signs or the Movable signs 1,4,7,10(Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) These Charts give results for the coming 3 months which means that the year can be divided in to  four quarters for such predictions. Special attention is paid to the position of the Sun and malefic or benefices aspects received by Sun. The Matter pertaining to the house  where the Sun is placed would figure  prominently during the 3 months. Saturn Transiting over the Same sign may not bring good results .

The Solar Ingress should come as no surprise that 2020 was a cosmically intense year. And while 2021 will have its own celestial twists and turns, it promises to bring inspiration and hope to us all. The new year will help us evolve with the times and move into the future wiser than ever..

Parameters which acquire a special attention in these charts

  1. Panchang Parameters
  2. Position of Sun and Malefic and Benefices aspects received by it . Matter Related to the house where Sun is Placed will  figure out Prominently in the 3 months tenure .
  3. The Lordships of the Planets aspects Sun are of Vital Importance .
  4. The Lagna has to be examined carefully as it Depicts nation as a whole. The General Conditions of the Country are also indicated by the Lagna
  5. Other houses and the Rajyogas also to be seen for the Malefic and the Benefice
  6. Let us have a look at the Solar Ingress of the 14th Jan . 2021 of 08-14-50 hrs . below

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter and Placed in the Lagna  in Debilitation as the Lord of the 3rd and the 12th hpouse  is not good . It is placed in the yama of Taurus the 5th house of the Chart where  Rahu is Placed and supposed to be good in this sign . The Yama Lord Venus is placed in the 12th house again not good and in Paap Kartari yoga

The Tithis is SP-1

The Star is Shravana

The Yoga is  Vajr

The Karna Bava The Lord is Sun

The Capricorn Sign is Dagdha Rashi is not good but placement of Jupiter is good here

All the Planets are in the Grip of the Nodes is not good Since Aroha Kaal Sarpa  Yoga is formed

The Lagna rising is Capricorn in the star of  Moon the 7th Lord who is also Placed in the Lagna . The Lagna Lord  Saturn is placed in own sign but Combusted and placed in the star of U Shada  and the Lord is Sun Placed there . Sun is also the 8th Lord here

Sun ingress in the sign Capricorn and the Lagna indicates the General Condition of the Country .

Sun is influenced By Jupiter the 3rd and the 12th Lord

Sun and Lagna influenced by the 6th and the 9th Lord Mercury

Sun and Lagna Influenced by the Moon the 7th Lord

Sun and Lagna Influenced by Saturn the Lagna Lord and the 2rd Lord

There are total 5 Planets in the Lagna inclusive of Sun and all these Planets aspect the 7th house along with Mars from the 4th house . Hence the Lagna and the 4th house acquire an important dimension. Lagna is Influenced by the 6,8, and the 12th Lord  and Lagna Lord  Saturn and the 4th Lord Mars are in Square position hence there will be strife and struggles in the comming 3 months and since 6 planets influence the 7th house and the Lord of the 7th House in the Lagna the Significations of the 7th house acquire an important dimension alson with the Lagna


LAGNA  Signifies the General condition of the Country . First house is also Ministry of Home affairs, Public Health and Nation as a whole, their in times of Emergency, national disaster,  and ability of the nation to cope with it

 Condition of the Cabinet

Malefic Planets here show dissensions in the cabinet, it also means shuffle and  reallocation, of Portfolios. Since Benefice planets are also placed in the Ascendant they give  good health and happiness, while malefic cause troubles  and disasters . Since the Lord of the 6th , 12th are benefice planets the troubles may not be much, But Sun and Saturn Conjunction is definitely not good as mentioned in the Book of Mundane astrology . Saturn and Jupiter in the sign Capricorn there will be intense cold weather in the Northern Country


Since the 2nd Lord is combust and Jupiter is in Debilitation the Concern may be for the 2nd house in the coming 3 months . 2nd House is the financial condition of the Country . Capacity to Invest in Stock and Bonds , Economy of the Country. Since the 2nd Lord is afflicted in the Lagna means that the State is going to draw heavily on national resources due to emergencies, but the 2nd Lord is with Benefice Planets hence good after  Trouble to  the Nation .Rahu Stationary from the 6th Jan and then in forward motion till 11th Jan 2021 and then gripping all the Planets is most sensitive parameter and Rahu has the Capacity to take the Markets in any direction. Note these Predictions


Since the 12th and the 3rd Lord Jupiter is placed in the Lagna there will be troubles from the Neighbours China and Pakistan. Rail and Air Traffic may suffer , Boarder Clashes may take place with dimension.  Communication and Radio, Television may be influenced . Armed Forces  may have to be alert . Loss or Gain of Land and troublke for the same with neighbours


Land and Crops, Agriculture Industry , Mine and Minerals, Weather Conditions , Hotel Industry, Mining Disasters, Earthquakes,  Floods,  School and Education Institutions , Opposition Parties , Throne of the King.  General Conditions and Trade in Agriculture . Since the Mars is placed in own sign  and goes in the Gemini Navamsha the 6th hopuse of the Rashi Chart as per Rashi-Tula Navamsha  and There is Square Position between Mars and Saturn there will be strife and Struggles  to achieve happiness in the coming 3 months . The Farmer’s agitation may be the main parameter which may pose strife , struggles and hinderances .


Rahu placed in the 5th house and has aspect of Debilitated Jupiter , Rahu becomes very strong  5th house is also Speculations  and Stock Market and since the Nodes are gripping all the Planets  from the 11th Jan 2021 and Rahu has the Capacity to turn the Tables and take the Stock Market in any direction  and May give opportunities to Invest in the Stock and the Financial Markets  Specially after the 13th Feb 2021 when Rahu also joins the Rohini star  and there will 6 Planets in the sign Capricorn in the Lunation chart of the 12th Feb 2021. Some Important Parameter from 6th Jan 2021 Rahu Stationary for 2 days and then in Forward motion till 11th Jan 2021 when it Grippes all the Planets most sensitive parameter


Since the 6th Lord is placed in the Lagna and influences the Sun and Mars joins then Gemini Navamsha there will be Protest by the Farmer’s with Greater dimension. 6th house is also Labour class, Armed Forces  may have to be brought in action, Para and Other Medical Services. Diseases will spread from Animals  Note these Predictions


War , Battles  Enemies , Dacoits, Foreign Secretive agents, International affairs,, International disputes, , agreements and alliances. The Influence of the 6 Planets on the 7th house is most enigmatic for Brawl between India -China and India-Pakistan . The affliction to the Taurus -Scorpio axis , and Cancer-Capricorn axis is Prone to war like conditions as can be seen from the past . The sign Rising Capricorn in the Lagna as alloted to India by Varahamihra crystal clear indicates the same


8th Lord in the Lagna and Saturn Combusted  there can be setback to the Cabinet,  Trouble to the nation by Famines , Epidemic, etc.


9th Lord in the Lagna influencing the Sun as well . Supreme Court may  Take up cases cropping up like the Farmer’s agitation. Treaties and agreements


The 10th Lord in the 12th house in Paap Kartari yoga  The King royalty suffers and there may be law-lessness . Parliment is also seen from the 1th house


Agreements and Contracts with Foreign Govt. Gain from other nations. The Lord is strong in the 4th house but in square position with Lagna and the Lagna Lord strife and struggles for the same


12th Lord Jupiter in debilitation in the Lagna with Sun is not good for Losses in War, For Espionage, secret plots , Foreign Spies, . 12th Lord in the Lagna indicates spies are active and foreign powers  are trying to influence policy of the Country. It signifies foreign plots and Conspiracies

As per the Solar Ingress in Capricorn  There will be Trouble in the Magad, Bengal and Orrisa Political Turmoils cannot be ruled out —— Note these Predictions


Asper the Lunation chart of the 13th Jan 2021  Mars Placement in the 3rd house is most Venomous for Boarder Clashes and relations with Neighbours going for a Toss



In my Article of the Lunation chart of the 30th Dec.. 2020 I had Predicted that Gold will become bearish from the 7th Jan 2021.  Please note these Predictions  For More Predictions on Gold Contact me for  Investment opportunities in Gold . 

Read My Article of the 30th Dec. 2020. Lunation chart  Link Cold Moon 2020: Lunation Chart of 30th Dec. Know About Last Highest Full Moon 2020 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

After the 3rd Jan 2021 Precious Metals may become bullish
Mercury will join Capricorn sign on the 4th Jan. 2021 this will add fuel to the fire being the 6th  and 9th Lord . Precious metals will also rise further . Jupiter  joining shravana star  on the 7th Jan 2021 Gold and Silver will turn Bearish

The Panoramic View of the 2021 1-1-2021 00-00 hrs  also indicates that till Mars in the sign Taurus till the 15th April 2021  will be the Time of trouble  for the Country by the Neighbouring Countries  and more so till the 18th July 2021 after which there may be lot of opportunities and the year 2021 will prove to be a better year then the 2020 which was a cosmically intense year.




Please read the Article in the link CORONAVIRUS THE BURNING TOPIC

Read My Articles I Predicted long back in my Article dated 17th Sept. 2019
1.”Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala –
Read the Predictions for China made on the 17th Sept 2019 much before the Virus actually spread and any News . It is basically due to the Cluster of the 6 Planets at the time ogf the Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec 2019 over the Natal Fallen Jupiter the 12th Lord and the 22DK sign and China Dasha starting in Sept of Mer-Mer the 6th Lord with Ketu the disease Giver and Specially the Transit of Ketu over the 22DK sign. Rahu and Ketu also Ingress in the 7th house of the D6 Shatasmhsa

First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala. Not a Single Astrologer gave all these detailed Predictions on the Coronavirus Spread in 2020. 

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

Also My Articles in the ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ in the Nov. 19 and Jan 2020 edition LINK…/my-article-rahu-and-ketu-in…/
Please Read My Articles on my Webpage link…


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
 2nd  Jan. 2021  16-15 am




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