Chaitri Shukla Pratipada: Pisces New Moon Chart of 2015: What it has in Store for India

by astrodocanil

As per Hindu calender Chaitri Shukla Pratipada: Pisces New Moon Chart of 2015 starts from 20th March 2015 15-06 hrs. Before we take up this chart Let us analyse briefly the foundation chart of India. As per the Foundation chart of India ,India is running in the 68th year of the independence and  the dasha running is of Sun-Venus  , a chidra dasha  ending on the 10-9-2015, when dasha of Moon will come in operation.  Sun is the 4th lord of the foundation chart and is placed in the 3rd house with Venus the Lagna Lord and the 6th lord , Sun placed in the 12th from the 4th house with 4 planets . We a have there fore seen the significations of the 4th  house more prominent in the Sun Dasha and there by indicating problems relating to Mines, Crops, Land, Minerals and Real Estate. There have been Coal Scams and number of other scams , we are all aware of and need not be mentioned here . Boarder issues with neighboring countries  have also cropped up from time to time and also taking a greater magnitude in the current affairs of India with  Pakistan. It is the Dasha of Sun only responsible for the fall of the UPA Govt. who ruled for a very long time  and Bringing the Opposition NDA into limlight with thumping Majority 4th house is the throne of the Ruling Party  . Sun dasha has definitely brought transformation of a major kind in the field of Politics and Bringing  India in the lime light in the World affairs due to its changed Policies  in this dasha only. As per the Dasha of Moon which shall come in operation on the 10th Sept. 2015 , being the 3rd Lord placed in the 3rd house there will be all round growth in the signification of the 3rd house , hence communication, Rail and Air Transport, Media, Relations with Neighboring Countries  shall  be the main focus for 10years to come .   India Independence Chart of 15th August 1947  00-00-01 is below .

  Let us see the  Chaitri Shukla Pratipada: Pisces New Moon Chart of 20th March 15-06 hrs .above , what it  has in Store for India. The day is Saturday , hence The King of the year is Saturn. .                                                                                                                                                            Sun will enter in Aries on the  14th April 2015 at 13-47 hrs and the day is Tues day and the Lord is Mars , hence the Minister of the year is Mars, Classical texts suggest that when ever Saturn and Mars are the King and Minister of the year , the Results in the year are not good and there are lot of adversities. The Adversities may surface at the time of eclipses on 20th March 2015 and on  28th Sept. 2015 , when there will be return aspect of Mars and Saturn    and Eclipse point will also be activated . This is also indicating adversities in the year 2015.

The Lagna rising is Cancer 21.23 degrees in the nakshatra of Mercury placed in the 8th house in the nakshatra of Rahu  who is placed in the 3rd house of communications, media, Air and Rail transport, neighbors and the Boarders of the country   . Cancer is also the 3rd house  of the foundation chart and Jupiter transit as per the above chart is the 8th and 11th  Lord of the foundation chart,  hence the significations of these houses  will be more predominant in the year  and will be pertaining to the 3rd, 8th and the 11th house . Jupiter placement as a planet is Very  good close to the MEP of Lagna , connecting to the Lagna Lord Moon  and the 5th Lord Mars is very good combination  and secures the chart , since Jupiter in the Lagna is also digbali but being Retrograde may offer hinderances  and  repeated efforts may be required more so since most of the planets are connected to the 8th house /Lord   since in the nakshatra of Mercury and Saturn .. Mars Placement as a yogakarka in the 9th house is a rajyoga for Cancer Lagna and Jupiter connection further enhances it , but unfortunately  Mars is also in the Solar Eclipse along with Lumanaries , and after  Rojyogas there may be some unfortunate things also blending out of the combination in the 9th house  pertaining to Religon , Justice, Courts, Embassies and places of  Temples, may be Hindu Muslim  issues.

Saturn Placed in the 5th house  in own nakshatra may offer hinderances to the Entertainment industry, Education and Birth rate , there may be issues pertaining to children in the year .  Venus Placement in the 10th house indicates  Celebrations and Marriage of  celebrities , pending for a long time . After 10th Sept. 2015 the  placement of  Moon  in the 9th house will focus on the Immigration, Foreign trade, Tourism. The focus could also be on the security  and new legislation for the Women.  The  Solar Eclipse of 20th March 2015  taking place in the 9th house and in the 9th house from the natal Moon in the foundation chart and another Lunar  Eclipse falling in Sept. 2015 will surface Disputes among religion , strikes, untoward happenings  with Religious , Naval, Judicial and Ambassadors of the country.  In the Solar Eclipse Mars aspect on the 3rd, 12th and the 4th house from the 9th house and in the eclipse is clearly pointing out such activities and specially with the involvement of the neighboring countries , speciall;y when Mercury placed in the 8th house in the nakshatra of Rahu in aderse motion for 8 days will acquire a special dimension and there may be explosions at the boarder, and relating to Rail and Air  transport or war like conditions with Neighboring countries  . There may be  conspiracies by the foreign terrorist groups and specially Pakistan may be involved in it , The Jamu Kashmir issue may also be the headlines of the News  Paper.  In the foundation chart of India the 9th and the 2nd house have minimum ashtak varga points , It has been observed in the past that when ever Venus ingresses in Gemini they are Political turmoils . There will be expansion and research regarding the IT sector  There will be more Internet users after Moon dasha is in operation There would be good rainfall during the year and in totality the year 2015 will be a better one than the year 2014  . India plans to have 5  new Mega cities and the dream may come true and focus will be on the growth of the country . The most crucial factor is the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015 at 08-20 hrs falling in the Sign of Pieces in close degrees and Dasha of also Moon in operation .                               See the chart below.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Lagna in the Nakshatra of Rahu who is in adverse motion and with 10th Lord in close degrees  and Rahu-Ketu, Mars and Saturn at the MEP of the houses . Mars and Saturn have return aspect and Mars is also triggering the Eclipse point is most crucial  factor for untoward happenings as explained above.  Rahu will be adverse from 20th Sept. 2015 to 29th Sept. 2015 , hence this period  could be crucial . In a nut shell we can say till the Lunar Eclipse on the 28th Sept. 2015 may give birth to adversities and Stress at the Borders of the Country, Religon , Justice, Embassies may be in limelight as mentioned above , but after this The Dasha of Moon will bring General growth in the country.  Godbless  .                                                                                                                        

Acharaya anil aggarwala  9th Jan 2015 written on Now Reproduced . 30th March 2015

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