Solar Ingress Scorpio & Full Moon Chart 30th Nov. : Onset Of Prolonged Cold Weather Mercury Dipping Breaking All Records Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

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Solar Ingress Scorpio & Full Moon Chart 30th Nov. : Onset Of Prolonged Cold Weather Mercury Dipping Breaking All Records Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

This is also with reference to my earlier Article “127 Days Starting 20th Nov. 2020-5th April 2021 Jupiter & Saturn Conjunction: Extreme Cold Weather Tornados Rains Pollution Virus Political Trauma Wars Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Hence coming total 127 days will be extremely cold  with unusual Temp. dipping about 5-7 degrees then the normal Temp. at the particular portion after decades 

The Solar Ingress of Scorpio on the 16th Nov. 2020 6.54 hrs . 5 Planets in the Watery sign . There are good yogas for Rain fall and a Onset of a good  Winter season  which may bring below the Mercury  after the Full Moon Chart of the 30th Nov. 2020

The Full Moon is Taking place on the last Day of Nov. 30th 2020 at15-00 hrs  .With 6 Planets in the Watery signs in the Rashi Chart and 4 Major Planets in the Watery sign in Navamsha is crystal clear of onset of an Early  Extremely cold winter Winter. The Chart of the 14th Dec. 2020 of the Solar Eclipse also has concentration of 8 Planets in the watery sign in the Rashi Chart and  Luminaries in Total Watery sign Pisces further indicates the Cold wave will be a Prolonged one . The Solar Ingress chart of the 14th Jan. 2021  has 6 Planets in Watery sign.  Asper the Lunation chart of the 12th Feb 2021 there is concentration of the Planets in the sign Capricorn and total 7 planets in the Watery sign indicate Prolonged Winters  in the year 2021 . The Mercury may dip 5-7 degrees  then the Normal Temp.  in the Northern Hemisphere.

Have a Look at the Lunation chart of the 30th Nov. 2020 of 15-00 hrs

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon placed in Exhalation sign in the 2nd House  is Good But afflicted By Rahu . Rahu will become direct on the 1st Dec. 2020 in the Early hours  Not good . The Day Lord is Placed in the yama of Leo the 5th house  and the yama Lord Sun is placed in the 8th house  with Mercury and Ketu in a Watery sign indicating Cold Winds blowing in the Coastal areas of the Southern Peninsula. As far as India is concerned the North and the Central India will experience early Winner  since Planets Placed in the watery signs as below

Scorpio  Sun Ketu and Mercury

Capricorn  Jupiter and Saturn the Major Planets  coming close after 800 years . As per Astro-Meteorology Capricorn sign is a watery sign

Pisces  Mars

In the navamsha  D9

Capricorn  Mars and Jupiter

Scorpio   Sun

Pisces Venus

The Following Parameters are most important 

Lagna Movable and Vargottam

Lagna Lord is Exalted in Navamsha in Watery sign

Dispositor of Moon  Venus in Navamsha Exalted

Dispositor of Sun Mars Exalted in Navamsha

Sun and Moon Both Vargottam

Jupiter 9th Lord Vargottam in Capricorn

Saturn with Ketu in Aquarius—— Strong Cold winds

All the above will be responsible for Early Winter in Dec. 2020 with unusual Snowfalls in the Himalayas. This will influence bring a cold wave in the Northern Part of India like Jammu& Kashmir, Punjab, Utter Pradesh, Himachal, Uttarakhand, Haryana and Delhi in a Big way . The Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020 will add fuel to the fire for the Cold weather   intense cold weather . This Eclipse is seen in the Latin America, Southern Pacific Ocean, Galapogos Island,  South America , Like Brazin and Peru. The Eclipse will bring heat waves in these Areas in the Southern Hemisphere . This could also Bring Earthquakes in these Countries .


As far as India is concerned  this could bring a Tornado or Cyclone in the western parts of the Country along with unusual Rains with in a Fortnight of the Eclipse . This may be responsible for dip in the Mercury  by minimu 5-7 degrees then the normal Temp.. It is possible that we not be able to see the Sun for 7-10 days  specially starting from the 14th-21st Dec. 2020. This would make the Month of Jan-Feb 2021 extremely cold . We Can experience unexpected Rains and Snow Falls specially after the Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec . or after the 21st Dec. 2020. Jan and Feb 2021 Could Prove the Coldest in the Decades in 2021 . Northern and Central Part of India will be Influenced the most along with Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan China  and the Countries in the Northern Hemisphere


After the 24th Dec. 2020 when Mars enters the sign Aries  will be in square position from the major planets Jupiter and Saturn and  the Possibility of a Strong Earthquake is not ruled out  till the 21st Feb 2021. The Solar Ingress in the Capricorn Chart of the 14th Jan 2021 of 8-15 hrs indicates the same crystal clear . The Cold wave may Continue for Long till the end March 2021 and till Jupiter with Saturn in the sign Capricorn till the 5th April 2021



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    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

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BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
30th Nov. .  2020 09.00 hrs  NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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