Jupiter & Saturn Conjunction After 20th Nov. 2020 What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1445 Articles and Predictions in just 67 months from April 2015

The Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign Capricorn will take place on the  20th Nov. 2020.. This conjunction is most important in the Mundane Astrology and takes place every 20 years in each of the 12 signs in Retrograde order in trines from the previous ones. For Example in1842 the conjunction took place in the sign Sagittarius. In 1861 It took place in Leo. In 1881 it took place in the sign Aries  and in 1901 again it took place in the sign Sagittarius. In the Earthy triplicates  falls in Virgo, then in Taurus and then in the sign Capricorn. After going through the 4 Triplicates  in this manner the whole series of Conjunction takes place. Many important events are derived from these mutations especially in the Countries  ruled by particular sign. Here we are more concerned about the Conjunction in the sign Capricorn. In Astrology the Activation of a Particular house is most important and has been observed in the past that when ever these 2 planets transit in a Particular sign bring massive changes in the Globe.


At the time of the Second World War in 1941 Saturn and Jupiter were conjunct in the Sign Taurus. The Indo -China War in Oct 1962 also took place after the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction took place in the sign Capricorn. In the immediate Future First the Planetary war between Jupiter and Saturn on the 16th-17th Dec. 2020 and then  6 Planet will be in Capricorn as per the Lunation chart of the 12th Feb. 2021 prone to repeat of the events especially when there is Planetary war between Jupiter and Venus  and this conjunction as per Mundane Classic  Myur Chitram is classified as Blood Shed .This will be activated by Mars on the 15th May 2021 .The 9/11 episode in 2001 also took place when Saturn and Jupiter activated the sign Taurus together .We cannot forget the Coronavirus sprouted after the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the sign Sagittarius. Mars activated this 9.58 degrees on the 22nd Feb 2020 and needless to mention that after this date the Coronavirus spikes took place with magnitude 

The Saturn and Jupiter conjunction in the 9th house of the India Foundation chart may bring  Religious Fundamentalism it so seems from the Planetary positions . There could also be unrest in the Central Asia please note these Predictions. The Planetary war between these planets may be responsible for loss of life  of many   since Jupiter is a Jeeva Planet when Mars activates the 5 degree mark from Gemini after the 22nd April 2021  by 8th strong aspect. It is well known in Astrology that Mars is a ammunition dump and triggers the events . The Conjunction will begun on the 20th Nov. 2020 and end on the 5th April 2021. This Time Frame will be most Venomous as can be seen from the Planetary positions . This will impact the Global Economy in a big way——- Note these Predictions and the time frames mentioned above It is said that major changes will be influenced by Jupiter and Saturn may influence the man kind for 20 long years in totality till 2040 . Hence  starting from the 20th Nov 2020 137 days are going to be most important for the complete world——- note these predictions

The Countries Signified by Capricorn as stipulated  by Varahamihira are as follows

Parts Of India especially North India, Punjab, Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Greece, Mexico, Parts of Iran, Afganistan, Bangladesh. Cities  Oxford, Brussels, Brandenburg . Hence for all these Countries the Conjunction is taking place in the Ascendant and will be influenced the most

USA is Governed by Gemini apart from other Countries  Canada, South West England, Belgium, Italy, Egypt, Armenia, Sardinia, Cities London, Versailles, Melbourne, Plymouth, and San francisco. For all these Countries the Conjunction is taking place in the 8th house

 Significations of Jupiter 

The nature of the events  to be experienced as a result of this conjunction will depend upon the significations of Jupiter and Saturn

Jupiter signifies  Religion, philosophy, judiciary, finances, business, trade, capitalism, treaties, external affairs, ministers, ambassadors, nobility, prosperity, peace, international cooperation, arbitration between countries, . Jupiter is a Jeeva Planet and represents  resurrection and a new order. Jupiter is also a planet of the kings, queens, royalty,  and is also associated with constitutional governments

Signification of Saturn

Saturn signifies death, national calamities, contraction, diseases, war, loss or gain of territory, agitation, strikes, labour class, democracy, farmers, miners, land and crops.. It has been noticed that the first conjunction in each triplicity, which is also called the a “Great Mutation” , has a very important and lasting effect, and when the places of other conjunctions, Eclipses, Lunation which occur after it important events are triggered . Saturn is also democracy, death and dictators, being the Lord of the 10th house of the natural Zodiac, it has much to do with the Rulers of the Country. SATURN IS DEATH AND DEATH OF RULERS ALSO

For the Results of the Conjunction read my  following Articles in this Respect

1.” Jupiter & Saturn Conjunction 20th Nov.-17th Dec. 2020 Most Crucial For Civil War In US Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Jupiter & Saturn Conjunction 20th Nov.-17th Dec. 2020 Most Crucial For Civil War In US Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

2.”Astrology Speaks Loudly !Trump Isn’t Going Quietly Economy Faces Another Stiff Test From Record Coronavirus One Million Cases Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Astrology Speaks Loudly !Trump Isn’t Going Quietly Economy Faces Another Stiff Test From Record Coronavirus One Million Cases Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

3.”Are We Heading For A Financial Crisis Parallel 1987, 1929 ? Planetary Positions Indicate Parallel Positions Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Are We Heading For A Financial Crisis Parallel 1987, 1929 ? Planetary Positions Indicate Parallel Positions Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

4.”As Per Myur Chitram Mundane Classic Concentration Of 6 Planets In Capricorn Parallel 5th Feb.1962 7 Planets Classical Combination For War And Mass Happenings Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

As Per Myur Chitram Mundane Classic Concentration Of 6 Planets In Capricorn Parallel 5th Feb.1962 7 Planets Classical Combination For War And Mass Happenings Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

5.”Conjunction Of Jupiter & Saturn From 20th Nov.-5th April 2021 Turning Point For Nations Specially India China & US Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Conjunction Of Jupiter & Saturn From 20th Nov.-5th April 2021 Turning Point For Nations Specially India China & US Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

6.”Fate Of The Successful Future President Of USA As Per Mundane Hypothesis & Matsaya Purana Classic Most Venomous Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Fate Of The Successful Future President Of USA As Per Mundane Hypothesis & Matsaya Purana Classic Most Venomous Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

As per the above Article the Results of this Conjunction as observed in the past is that the US President Elected under or about the time of the Conjunction dies in the Office. In the above Article the cases are also cited . Hence read tha above full article in this Regard

6.”Star’s Foretell Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Successful Sept. 2020 Launching After 20th Nov. 2020 ‘8th Dec.2020 Onwards Enigmatic ‘Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Star’s Foretell Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Successful Sept. 2020 Launching After 20th Nov. 2020 ‘8th Dec.2020 Onwards Enigmatic ‘Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Jupiter will be in Vargottam from the 20th Nov to 8th Dec. 2020 and is supposed to be in its Mool Trikona sign and being a Jeeva Planet is good for Vaccine Development and is a Good Time Frame and My Predictions seem to be Proving Spot on. As a Matter of Fact after the 24th Dec. 2020 to 21st Feb 2020 will be very good for Vaccine and its effects since then Mars will be in Fiery sign and considered to give good Relief from the diseases 

7.”The Stock Market Is In A Bubble-Likely To Get Bigger Before It Bursts When Planets Influence Fiery signs Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

The Stock Market Is In A Bubble-Likely To Get Bigger Before It Bursts When Planets Influence Fiery signs Astrologer Anil Aggarwala


8.”As Per Matsya Purana : 7 Days Omens Crucial For Destruction Earthquakes Wars Disease Famine After Eclipses Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

As Per Matsya Purana : 7 Days Omens Crucial For Destruction Earthquakes Wars Disease Famine After Eclipses Astrologer Anil Aggarwala


As per Brihat Samhita  Of Varahamihira major Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn brings  job loss for Millions and a Global Recession especially after the 8th Dec. 2020 when there will be Planetary war between the Saturn and Jupiter after the Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020 on the 17th Dec. 2020 when Jupiter will be at the Deep Debilitation point and at the same time will lose in Planetary war at 5 degrees

Needless to mention that the Coronavirus Pandemic has brought  biggest economy crisis. The Crisis may take an ugly dimension  in the time frame as mentioned above .. The Condition of India in this connection is most Precarious since the Dasha of Moon-Saturn is also in operation forming a vish yoga till the July 2021. This can create major unrest. The Cluster of the 6 Planets in the sign Capricorn in the lunation chart of the 12th Feb 2021 will add fuel to the fire when there will be Planetary war between Jupiter and Venus which as per Mundane Classic is Blood shed . The China and Pakistan Aggression cannot be ruled out  and the Relation with the neighbours can also take an ugly turn and there could be Terrorism and Brick batting with the neighbouring Countries . The Economy Crisis will last till Jupiter Crosses the Saturn in Aquarius around the April 2022 it so seems as per the Planetary positions. There could also be recovery to some extent when Jupiter is in Aquarius after the 5th April 2021 and Saturn in the sign Capricorn


The Growing Coronavirus till the 24th Dec 2020 will also add fuel to the Fire  although till Jupiter crosses Saturn there may not be any major relief from the Virus  and I expect Relief from the Virus by Vaccines after Jupiter goes in Aquarius after the 5th April 2021


Capricorn Sign is also a Watery sign and Rains in the Southern Part of the Country cannot be ruled out in Dec. 2020 and the weather may also become very cold and exceptional in  Dec. and the Early 2021 till April 2021


Jupiter Getting afflicted  being Karka for Gold may influence the Prices of Gold and they may touch a new High till Jupiter Goes in own sign  Pisces on the 12th April 2022. The Coming 3 Months Gold May become most Bullish starting from the 20th Nov. 2020


Crude oil Prices are controlled by the slow moving planet Saturn and till it is in Capricorn the Prices of the oil may remain low  till 29th April 2023, there may be variations when Saturn Transits the Sign Aquarius when it goes in Aquarius from the 30th April 2022 to 13th July 2022.  Saturn will become Retrograde in Aquarius on the 5th June 2022 and fall back in Capricorn on the 13th July 2020. Saturn will then be a Fallen Planet  and most Venomous for the Globe


The Conjunction of the Jupiter and Saturn is taking place in the 6th house of the US foundation chart and in the 8th from the sign Gemini  the sign allocated to Us By Varahamihira is Prone to Untoward happenings and the Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020 is visible in the Latin America and the Country may be influenced adversely and the Negative effects may also be seen there . As predicted Donald Trump is bent upon creating mockery of the Presidential elections and  may not succeed in his mission . He may go out of the way to achieve his targets and would hit his own foot with the axe.. Trump also has Leo Ascendant and Dasha in operation is Jupiter-Saturn-Rahu till March 2021 . Every possibility till this Dasha in operation he may do all odds to achieve his targets but the Future Dasha Jupiter-Sat-Jupiter may not support him since Jupiter is a Fallen Planet and Brings ill Name and Fame for him after March 2021 




First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
20th Nov. .  2020 5.00 hrs  NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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