2015 G-20 Antalya Summit on 15th Nov. : What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my Earlier Article “Red Planet Mars Activates Eclipse Point and Terrorism Sprouts as Predicted” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/11/red-mars-activates-eclipse-point-and-terrorism-sproutes-in-paris-as-predicted/

The 2015 G-20 Antalya summit will be the tenth annual meeting of the G20 heads of the Govt. It will be held in Antalaya Turkey, a southwestern city, which is the most visited destination in Turkey and the tenth in the world, on 15-16 November 2015. The venue for the Leaders Summit will be Regnum Carya Hotel Convention Centre.

Apart from other agenda  Financial  Trends and Climate changes the main concern will be Terrorism. At their opening dinner, leaders will consider how to better care for the millions of refugees from Syria, with two million already residing in Turkey and many more arriving daily. This concern will probably extend to the root cause of the refugee crisis — the brutality of the so-called Islamic State and the Assad regime in the civil war in Syria and Iraq, and of similar terrorist groups elsewhere

Let us have a look at the Foundation chart of Turkey of 29th Oct. 1923 20-30 hrs  EET-2.00 Ankara Turkey


The Lunar eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015 has taken place in the Lagna and in the 7th house from the Natal Mars at 14.36 degrees in Virgo where Transit Rahu, Venus and Mars are transitting . Mars and Venus have ingressed on the 3rd nov. 2015 make the 7th house prone to war like activities when the Dasha Lords Venus and Saturn are posited in the 8th house , Venus is the 8th lord placed in 8th house, Saturn is in Planetary war with Mercury are crucial parameters in the present context , both Venus and Saturn are ill placed from Lagna and Lagna Lord , Sun and Mercury activating the natal Sun and Mercury Venus and Mercury Exchange in Transit activating the Mercury and Venus in the 8th house .The Planetary positions are indicating the magnitude of the affairs for which the summit is taking place

8th house/Lord /Navamsha sign of 8th lord / 8th house of Navamsha and 8th Lord of Navamsha are important parameters and in the Present Context  Mercury and Sun Debilitated in the 8th house, Saturn in the Libra navamsha , Rahu and Mars with 8th lord Venus in the 7th house and on the 19-20th Nov. 2015Mars will be in Aries Navamsha ans aspect the Sign Libra are some Parameter of concern . Now 8th house of both Rashi and Navamsha afflicted , 8th Lord  Venus afflicted by Mars and Rahu in Transit and in navamsha it will also be afflicted on the 19020th Nov. 2015 would be crucial for TURKEY AS WELL for untoward happenings and Terrorism by the islamic state.

The Time and the chart at the time of the meeting in Antalya in Turkey at 09-15 hrs though the G20 Official ceremony will start at 12.30 hrs.Chart below

G20 summit

The Panchang Parameters on the day as per http://24timezones.com/current_time/turkey_antalya_clock.php are below

Day is Sunday and is debilitated in the muhurat chart in the 11th house , its Dispositor is also Debilitated and its Dispositor is Mercury totally combusted , hence the day Lord is totally Afflicted

Tithi  Sp-4  A Rikta Tithi negative for the Event

Nakshatra  Moola  A Teekshana Nakshatra and good for acts related to Killing , aggressive and deadly deeds , to divide others ( Good for Violences  or Sacrifice  are directed toward self) Hence War like situations will emerge out of the meeting for ISIS

Yoga Driti  Lord is Rahu

Karna Vanija  Lord is  Venus who is placed in the 10th house but is Debilitated

DBA Planets are Ketu-Sat-Jup

Hora  Mars  malefic 

Yama  Sunrise at 06.35.35 hrs hence the Day lord is Placed in the 2nd  yama of Gemini  and is the 7th house of the event chart and the Lord is Combusted  , its dispositor Venus   is Debilitated  . There is also Exchange between the two but since both are weak there is no success in the Achievement towards the G20 Summit for a War against ISIS mainly

Day lord Sun  is weak and is Debilitated placed in the 10th house with 9th lord and combusting it . Day Lord is also 8th Lord and weak

Lagna is Sagitarius at 00.56 degrees in Gandantha and weak . at the Start , but we will take the official time of 12.30 of the event . The Lagna is capricorn a Prishtodayo sign and Prishtodayo Planet Saturn  aspecting the Lagna is not good for the event, but since the Lagna lord is placed in the 11th house and aspects it  will give some protection. Lagna is at 23.55 degrees in the 8th Navamsha of Leo the 8th house rising and the Nakshatra Lord is Mars placed in the 9th huse in close degrees with Rahu and Debilitated Venus . Venus is yogkarka for the Event chart and as 10th lord placed in the 9th house is a Rajyoga , since also having exchange with 9th lord as 10th Lord but since both are weak the yoga is losing its strength

Kendras are devoid of benefics and Malefics are placed in the 9th house of Religion, Justice , Judiciary, Consulates , Embassies, Temples . Malefics should be placed in the 3,6,11 houses . Only Ketu and Saturn are placed in the upchaya houses 

Hence the Kendras and Trikonas are weak . Benefics are not welcome in Trik bhavas . Jupiter is Placed in the 8th house and Moon in the 12th house of Terrorist Camps , being the 4th from the 9th house and is also aspected by Mars

Mars a Planet of War is Afflicted by Rahu since in very close degrees with Rahu , Mars signifies War,Blood shed and Terrorism is placed in the 9th house aspecting the 12th, 3rd and the 4th house is most crucial for a long term battle between the Globe and the ISIS, . A Fierce battle is depicted till Mars Crosses the Sagitarius sign on the 1st Nov. 2016.

Moon is afflicted by Mars from the 9th house  and placed in the 12th house as 7th lord shows Espoinage by the ISIS group  for terrorist Activities 

Navamsha The 8th house is rising having Ketu in the Lagna in Leo and rahu in the 7th house mars is placed in the 8th house and aspects Saturn in the 3rd house by 8th aspect .  Mars is also connected to the 8th Lord Sun of the Event chart by 4th aspect 

Between the Lagna Lord and the 7th lord Lagna Lord is definitely stronger , But to achieve the success , the Globe will have to pass through a very tuss period till Mars Crosses the Sagitarius Sign  since till then the Period will be a Period of War, Terrorism, Blood Shed

The DBA Planets suggest that there will Fierce battle Between the ISIS and the Powerful countries needless to mention the names specially from 29th Nov. 2015 since then the dasha will be Ketu-Mer-Mer  and Mercury is with Sun and 8th Lord and totally Combusted  and the Dasha is tioll 25-11-2016, aftyer that the dasha of venus starts which is again Debilitated , though forming a Rajyoga  is also weak as explained above .

The dates crtitical are 17th to 22nd Nov. 2015 specially when Rahu will be adverse and with Mars and Venus the 8th Lord . Full gaurd against the terrorism should be the Order of the day . The Terrorism may not only take place in Turkey but other Expected countries , while the Summit is on or just when it ends. All Countries Mentioned in My Previous article will be influenced Most . US, Russia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Israel, Egypt, Afganistan, France, Europe,  India and Pakistan

In a nut shell the Road to eliminate the ISIS will be a tuff one and the Period of Mars stay in Virgo, Libra, Sagitarius till 1st Nov. 2016 will be a Dreaded one for War, Bloodshed, Terrorism. Specially when Mars ingresses in Scorpio on the 20th Feb 2016 and stays there for a prolonged period of 211 days and Activating the Eclipse point again and again of the Eclipses of March 2016 .. The countries influenced most are already mentioned in this article and goes without mentioning them . God Bless   

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 14th Nov. 2015 19-20 hrs 


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