Countdown Begins For Bubble Burst In Economy As Predicted Lunation Chart 17th Sept. 2020 Most Prone Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1419 Articles and Predictions in just 65 months from April 2015

Countdown Begins For Bubble Burst In Economy As Predicted Lunation Chart 17th Sept. 2020 Most Prone Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

There are 3 Time frames as already Predicted for the Bubble burst and the Month of Dec. 2020 seems to be most prone for it although the countdown will start from the Lunation chart of the 17th Sept. and the Solar Ingress of Sun in Virgo  on the 17th Sept. 2020 it so seems . I have already mentioned this is a Research Article and very difficult to exactly Predict the time frame but as per the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction in any sign it is most Prone and takes place every 20 years . Looking back in the year 2000 read this —–Stock investors celebrating the Dow Jones Industrial Average knocking on 29,000’s door should remember what happened exactly 20 years ago. On Jan. 14, 2000, the Dow DJIA, -0.24% hit its bull-market high prior to the bursting of the internet bubble.

Read My Articles for the planetary positions not conducive to give good results specially after the 17th -19th Sept. 2020

1.”Sept. 2020 Planetary Positions Enigmatic Venomous Violence War like As Per Lunation Charts Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Sept. 2020 Planetary Positions Enigmatic Venomous Violence War like As Per Lunation Charts Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

2.”Star’s Foretell Lunation Chart Of 17th Sept. 2020 Most Enigmatic Brawl With China May Take Ugly Shape Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Star’s Foretell Lunation Chart Of 17th Sept. 2020 Most Enigmatic Brawl With China May Take Ugly Shape Astrologer Anil Aggarwala


The Stock Market Is In A Bubble-Likely To Get Bigger Before It Bursts When Planets Influence Fiery signs Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

The Stock Market Is In A Bubble-Likely To Get Bigger Before It Bursts When Planets Influence Fiery signs Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Let me reproduce this Article for ready Reference

This is a Research Article and if the Predictions go wrong then Please do not blame me .Disclaimer Clause is applicable.  Please note this .The Planetary Positions in the Month of Sept. 2020 are most Enigmatic one and Planets will be turning direct specially the Jupiter and Saturn and Mars the most crucial Planet will go in Retrogression which is most enigmatic for the Globe in totality may be it is Global Economy or War and Untoward Happenings. Mars will be closest to Earth on the 4th Oct 2020. Hence the Following Time frames are most Enigmatic one for the Bubble Burst. On the 4th Oct 2020 Mars will be in the sign Pisces and the Lord of the same will also be Fallen  and Ketu will be in Scorpio whose Lord is Mars and Fallen After the 20th Sept 2020 Mars will aspect Ketu in Scorpio with 8th aspect  from the Sign Aries  which is also most Crucial Parameter for Brawl between Nations taking ugly dimension. I have also Predicted that Ketu Transit in the Sign Scorpio is also not conducive for India since it will be over the natal Ketu in the 7th house of Wars and Mars aspect on Ketu can sprout Espionage from Foreign Elements and War like  from the foreign elements and boarder Countries  China and Pakistan.

Mars has the Capacity when in fallen state sprout Ugly Relations between US and China. There is also Possibility of Gulf Crisis since Saturn has also completed 30 years from the Gulf war of June 1990. The Israel may become aggressive when Mars over stays in the sign Aries and falls in Pisces. We all know the significations of Mars and need not be elaborated . In the Indo-China Brawl can also go for a toss between the 25th to 6th Oct. 2020

  1. The Lunation Charts of the 19th August and 2nd Sept -22nd 2020  Prone  to Corrections specially after  the 2nd Sept. and 17th Sept. 2020 Lunation charts , but before this happens the bubble may become big  and Stock Markets can hit all time high, note this parameter . More Prone time is after the 20th Sept when Nodes change signs and Rahu is in the 5th from Saturn. I may add one  more Parameter when the Longitudinal distance between Mercury and Venus is minimum then that particular day the Corrections can take place — Note this parameter
  2. The Next Time frame is after Mars is nearest to Earth  from the 4th Oct. 2020 onwards
  3.  Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020 and the Planetary war between Jupiter and Saturn  on the 16th Dec. 2020. This is most Crucial Parameter  for worldly events and a big change  is on the cards . This Parameter as per Matsaya Purana  not only for the Stock and the Financial Markets but untoward happenings  and direct influence on the Economy of the Globe
  4. Mercury goes in retrogression on the 14th Oct. and the Longitudinal distance between Venus and Mercury will be around 13 degrees from the 10th Nov. 2020. Note this Parameter Prone for Corrections
  5. A parameter which cannot be ignored is that Mars will be fallen in the 8th house of the US and Donald Trump Chart of  Leo Ascendant and Mars will be stationary at 20 degrees on the after the 10th Nov to 18th Nov. and aspect the Sun in the natal Chart at 20 Degrees and this Time frame will also be most Prone to  War like conditions in the Country just after the Elections  and may results in Stock Market taking a Hit 
  6. 12th Feb 2021 there will be 6 Planets in the sign Capricorn and there will be Planetary war between Jupiter and Venus and this is considered most malefic as per the Mundane classic of Myur Chitram and is termed as Bloodshed .This Time fame may also trigger the Economy Burst  and the Moment Mars goes in Gemini will aspect this Point and trigger the events 
  7.  As per K N Rao  when Planetary War take Place the real effect is seen when Mars aspects the Planetary war degrees and thta would happen on the 22nd April and then on the 3rd June 2021 . Hence the Economy may suffer for a long time it so seems .
  8. Mars in Gandantha  3 Times  may cause Havoc in the world  first related to Fire and then Related to Water  Tsunami’s, Earthquakes  etc. A period from the 2nd Oct to 26th Dec. 2020 will be most devastating . Mars from Fiery sign to watery sign and in Gandantha will be like a red hot iron at maximum temp. is put in water . The Iron will crack and also cause ripples in the water ——– Note these predictions specially when Mars is stationary just before  becoming direct on the 14th Nov. 2020 and then in Gandatha from the 2nd Oct to 6th Oct  and then from the 22nd Dec to 26th Dec. 2020
  9. In the Immediate Future the Time frame from the 25th Sept. to 6th Oct. 2020 is most Prone to Earthquakes, Natural and Unnatural disasters . There may be war like situations in the world 
  10. Coronavirus may take an ugly shape  since Mars the Planet for healing will be in fallen state from the 4th Oct to 24th Dec. 2020——- Note these Predictions 

The above Time frames are prone to  Global Economy Burst . The Dec. 2020 Time frame is most Prone as can be seen from the Planetary positions  since there is Planetary War between the Jupiter and Saturn with in 7 days of the Solar Eclipse  and most Prone as per Matsaya Purana . 

It is Possible that the first time in the immediate future there may be some corrections . The 2nd and the 3rd Time frames are most Prone to Global untoward  happenings . Please note this is a Research Article and all above may not happen . The Financial Astrology is the most difficult stream in Astrology and till date there is no Astrologer who can Predict accurately the Crash, although in this Article I have tried my level best to see the combination at earlier times and then the parallel positions in the near future 

The Planetary positions are most enigmatic and the Stock and the Financial Markets are in a bubble and likely to go bigger in the immediate scenario before it burst’s . The Future is not secure and the specially after the 13th and 29th Sept and when Mars goes in Retrogression on the 9th Sept and is nearest to Earth on the 4th Oct. 2020  and is in a Fallen condition. Another Parameter is there will be 4 Planets in Fiery sign after the 16th August 2020. Jupiter and Ketu in Sagittarius. Mars in Aries and Sun and Mercury in Leo after the 2nd Sept 2020. It has been observed from the past that when ever there are more planets in the fiery sign or aspect on the fiery signs  it is a time for rough patch in the Stock and the Financial Markets . This is  Research Article and Let me also put here for Ready Reference when there was Global Economy Burst’s at earlier Times. We all know that at the time of the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 there were 6 Planets in the sign Sagittarius and we had Economy burst after the out break of Coronavirus

US entered Recession in Feb 2020 after end of longest expansion in history

Coronavirus pandemic cause unprecedented economic collapse


The stock market crash of 1929 – considered the worst economic event in world history – began on Thursday, October 241929, with skittish investors trading a record 12.9 million shares. On October 28, dubbed “Black Monday,” the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged nearly 13 percent.

The Following Parameters at the time of the Burst and Fiery signs being influenced

Saturn in Sagittarius, Rahu in Aries,  Mars and Sun Influencing the Sign Aries  . Hence 4 Planets were influencing the Fiery signs


Black Monday is the name commonly attached to the global, sudden, severe, and largely unexpected[1] stock market crash on October 19, 1987. In Australia and New Zealand, the day is also referred to as Black Tuesday because of the time zone difference from the United States.

Jupiter Retrograde in Aries, Moon in Leo, Aries Sign influenced by Mars, Sun Venus and Mercury.

The early 1990s recession describes the period of economic downturn affecting much of the Western world in the early 1990s. The impacts of the recession included the resignation of Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney, reduction of active companies by 15% and unemployment up to nearly 20% in Finland, civil disturbances in the United Kingdom and the growth of discount stores in the United States and beyond.

The financial crisis of 2007–2008, also known as the global financial crisis (GFC), was a severe worldwide financial crisis. Excessive risk-taking by banks[2] combined with the bursting of the United States housing bubble caused the values of securities tied to U.S. real estate to plummet, damaging financial institutions globally,[3] culminating with the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008, and an international banking crisis.[4] The crisis sparked the Great Recession, a global recession, which, at the time, was the most severe recession since the Great Depression.[5][6][7][8][9][10] It was also followed by the European debt crisis, which began with a deficit in Greece in late 2009, and the 2008–2011 Icelandic financial crisis.

Jupiter in Sagittarius, Sun and Saturn in Leo, Moon influencing  Leo and Mars Influencing Aries sign

August 2011 stock markets fall

The August 2011 stock markets fall was the sharp drop in stock prices in August 2011 in stock exchanges across the United States, Middle East, Europe and Asia. This was due to fears of contagion of the European sovereign debt crisis to Spain and Italy, as well as concerns over France’s current AAA rating, concerns over the slow economic growth of the United States and its credit rating being downgraded. Severe volatility of stock market indexes continued for the rest of the year.


Gold increased in value up to US$1750. Gold is typically considered a secure investment in times of economic uncertainty,[9] with other investors and traders also investing in foreign currencies, such as the Swiss franc and Japanese yen, also considered to be safe investments.

Gold may follow similar pattern now note this Parameter after the 16th August and after the 31st August 2020 in the immediate present may cross 2000$ after the 17th August to 20th August  and then again surge after the 31st August 2020. Some Correction in Gold from 19th August to 31st August is also possible . Gold May hoover around the 1950 $ Mark for some time in Sept. 2020 and May surge after Sun in Libra and Jupiter in Capricorn Note these Predictions 

Now Have a Look at the chart of the  19th August 2011

 We have Similar Planetary Positions after the 19th August 2020 and specially after the 20th Sept  and before the 4th Oct 2020

The Bigger impact may be after Rahu and Ketu change signs  and Rahu will be in the 5th from Saturn after the 20th Sept. 2020 for corrections in the Stock Markets  Globally

Please Excuse me if the Economy does not break as per the time frames mentioned above .

Financial Astrology is extremely difficult subject , in the above only one Parameter is missing which is of Mercury and Venus conjunction. Every time there has been a Economy Hit the Longitudinal distance between Mercury and Venus is minimum  as mentioned above  According to this it may happen after Sun in Libra after the 17th Oct 2020  when the Longitudinal distance between these planets is minimum . I will write more when the time comes on this  But from the Planetary positions it seems that now the time has come for Correction in the Stock Markets any time  when ever the Longitudinal distance between the 2 Planets is minimum. 

Hence there is Probability of the Stock Market on correction mode after the  Nodes change sign and Rahu in the 5th from the Saturn in the sign Taurus. Last Hit in 2011 took place when Ketu was in the 5th from  from Saturn

Now Read My Article “Sun In Leo-Virgo & Mars In Aries-Pisces: What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves Between Aug.-Dec. 2020 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala 

Sun In Leo-Virgo & Mars In Aries-Pisces: What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves Between Aug.-Dec. 2020 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

The Lunation chart of the 19th August 2020 is Prone to Economy taking a hit for the simple reason that all the 8 Planets are influencing the Fiery signs  and 4 Planets are in Fiery signs and Jupiter the Planet of wealth and Finances aspects all the 8 Planets . The Reason is Jupiter is in most afflicted condition and in the Month of Sept. 2020 Planets will also turn Direct and as per the Following Chart Prone to mis happenings may be in the Stock and the Financial Markets or the Brawl between the Nations may take ugly dimension. The Reasons may be due to Ugly Relations sprouting between the Countries in Sept. 2020 which may take a bigger dimension after the Mars goes in Retrogression and after the 4th Oct. 2020

Change of Signs of the Nodes may trigger and the Bubble may become big before it bursts.

Astrology is amazing

The above was predicted on the 16th August 2020

My Video for the above Predictions



My Video for this Article


First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
18th Sept. 2020 12.00 hrs  NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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