Minor Girl Kidnapped From the Lawns Of India Gate on 28th Sept. 2014

by astrodocanil

This Article was written by me on the 4th  Oct. 2014 on the website www.eduastrology.com  before the Child was Traced . The website is not active now

 This Article was also  Published in the All India Federation of Astrologers Societies RESEARCH JOURNAL  of Astrology in the Jan-March 2015 issue.

A Case of Missing Girl.

Prashna the 6th skanda deals with casting a horoscope for the time of query, event or thought . No skanda can be dealt in isolation. Astrology is a complete blend of all the 6 skandas . In Prashna the most important factor is the seriousness of the query . For this reason Moon is an important parameter in the Prashna Jyotish.

My Experience in Astrology has been that for mundane events or happening in which the astrologer is not directly connected , the most important parameter is the time of the event when it has taken place .We all know that the Event happening is the joint effect of the planetary positions in transit which are freezed at the time of the event . Prashna Jyotish helps us evaluate the result of the event from the time of the happening . In such cases Mook Prashna is most helpful. Our Sages through this techniques used to infer the queries in the mind of the querist . The specific query or anxiety with which the person was approaching the astrologer . Mook Means silent   From Mook Prashna we can assess the query if it is of 1. Dhatu 2. Mula 3. Jeeva . I have used these principles in Predicting some Events in the day to day happenings and found amazing good results. Here in this article I am going to discuss 3 events One national Delhi Elections in Dec. 2013, the other 2 public happenings in Sept. 2014 touching the Breaking News on the TV channels.1.   Minor 3 year old girl goes missing from India Gate New Delhi on 28th Sept 2014 around 9.30 PM.

According to Janvi’s parents, residents of West Delhi’s Raghubir Nagar, they had gone to India Gate for picnic on September 28 evening, her father, Rajesh Ahuja, said that they reached India Gate at around 7:15 pm and remained there for almost two hours. In between, a drunken man came near him and asked for money. When he refused, the man threatened him and walked away.

Janvi’s parents said that she was playing in the lawn with other children when they had last seen her at 9:15 pm. But her sudden disappearance has left them traumatised.

When CCTV footage was accessed, according to police, Janvi appeared in the recording till 9:15 pm. latter confirmed at 21-21 hrs.

Police said that the case could be of a kidnapping and the drunken, who had threatened Rajesh for not giving him money, may be involved. “A drunkard had threatened when I refused to give him money. We have handed over him (drunker) to the police. Police said that they are looking in to the matter and they will interrogate him,” Rajesh said that her daughter was wearing a yellow-white frock suit at the time of incident.

I had Used Mook Prashna to correct the time of the event for my Analysis and posted the same on my Timeline link https://www.facebook.com/anil.aggarwala

Anil Aggarwala

October 6 at 9:37am · Edited ·

Astrology is amazing. I was discussing with my students in the Astrology class yesterday on the 5th Oct 2014 at 14-00 hrs that the missing child from India gate on the 28th Sept 2014 at 21.30 hrs can be traced on the 9th Day of the Date of missing, hence 5th Oct. 2014 night and would be in the North West direction about 10.8 Km from India Gate and would be wearing white and light color cloths. Detail analysis i will put on Mundane & Astrological Research Group (MARG) I had also put my predictions yesterday much before Janvi was traced on the group.

Anil Aggarwala Missing three-year-old Jahnvi found from Delhi’s Janakpuri area http://zeenews.india.com/…/missing-three-year-old…

Missing three-year-old Jahnvi found from Delhi’s Janakpuri area

Three-year-old Jahnvi has been found from Delhi’s…


October 6 at 9:40am · Like · 4 · Remove Preview

Anil Aggarwala The child was with her family at the crowded lawns near the India Gate memorial when she disappeared while playing. Police are now examining footage from one of the 40 CCTV cameras at India Gate that shows the girl – dressed in a white frock – roaming alone around 9:20 pm before she went disappeared.

According to the police, a passer-by spotted Jahnvi 15 km from her home, near a gurudwara in Janakpuri in west Delhi. On the Sunday night around 09-00PM. Her uncle identified her at the Mayapuri police station in west Delhi. http://www.ndtv.com/…/three-year-old-girl-missing-from

My Analysis Below.

Missing Child from the grounds of India gate 28th Sept. 2014 after 21-30hrs approx. I am taking the corrected Chart here of 21.24 hrs. Missing Girl                                                          In the Prashna chart if a planet is aspecting the Lagna and is in own navamsha then the query is of a stolen or missing person, and is not misplaced . Mars here is aspecting the Lagna and is in own navamsha, hence the Case is clearly of kidnapping . Since the Female sign is rising in the Lagna and aspected by Mars it is a query of a young Girl being kidnapped. I am taking the time of 21-24 hrs Reasons explained below in the analysis.

Panchang of the Day.

Day Sunday Tithi SP-4.

Rikta tithi   Yoga vishkumba Lord is Saturn and Karna Vishti.

Let us apply the rules for Mook Prashna.

Hora Venus , On Sunday hora of Venus is not good .

Nak Vishaka   Tithi, Yoga and karna are not good.

2nd and 5th houses are dagdha Rashi   Rahu in forward motion till 3rd Oct. 2014 .

Special features in the Prashna Chart which can bestow good results .

Venus Lagna Lord and Moon having close ithasala and both are in Neecha Bhang Rajyoga . 2. Jupiter Exhalted and about to enter 4th house of the well being of the child, since Jupiter is Exhalted and in movable sign , it has a role to play specially aspecting Moon and Chor Graha Mars . Jupiter is 21-28 degrees and Karka for children as well,and close to its entering 4th house.

Lagna Lord Venus has exchange with Mercury who is Placed in the 6th house and hence Neecha bhang rajyoag of the lagna lord in the 5th house.

Lagna is fixed and 7th house also fixed has no travel and 7th Lord in 7th house and degrees over 15.00 and aspected by Jupiter from the 3rd house and Moon in the 7th house and Lagna Lord and Moon both in movable navamsha there is possibility that the child may be traced . The Planet about to enter the 4th house is exhalted Jupiter and in movable sign and 21.28 degrees , hence since in movable sign the child can be traced in 8 to 9 days. Hence the child can be traced after 2nd Oct and possibly on the 5th -6th Oct 2014 , when 8-9 days will be completed. (As per my Predictions on my Time line on face book Child was traced on 5th Oct. 2014 night near Gurdwara Janak Puri )

1. Lagna is Even Taurus at the time of child disappearance and 4th Navamsha should be rising only then it will be a Jeeva query and the final stage of the query, Hence the child has disappeared between 21-12 to 21.24 hrs and more so near 21-24 hrs . when the 4th navamsha has changed to Aries and navamsha is about to be changed to 5th Navamsha   , since for mook prashna if Lagna is even and navamsha is 1,4, or 7 then the chinta is of Jeeva and final stage of the chinta. My research and experience when ever the navamsha is about to change the event takes place hence I am taking 21-24 hrs, since after that the navamsha will change . (It matches very well with the findings of the CCTV camera of the Police given latter 21.21 hrs. last seen.

2. Nakshatra lord of Moon is Jupiter placed in the 3rd house and owns the 8th and the 11th house and aspects the 7th house and Moon. Hence the chinta is of Permanent loss.

3. The planet aspecting the Lagna at close degrees is Mars the 7th and 12th lord , 7th Lord is also chor graha and specially Mars is clearly indicating a case of Kidnapping , since Mars is also the 12th lord , espionage for kidnapping.

4. Lagna Lord Venus having close ithasala with Deblitated Moon , the query is pertaining to Moon significations   , since weak in debilitation, person could be in Tourism, waterworks, navy,fisherman, nurse or hospital staff , working in refreshment bars. Mother is also suffering due to disappearance of the child   , since Moon is significator of Mother.

5.   Between Lagna lord and 11th Lord 11th lord is stronger , hence counting from Jupiter to Moon is 5 houses hence the chinta is pertaining to the 5th house and female child, since the 5th house is a female rashi.

6.   Lagna is Taurus Prishtodayo and nakshatra lord is Moon aspected by Moon and Moon nakshatra lord relation is 5/9 axis, hence chinta of 5th Lord and Progney.

7.   Arudha Lagna is also Capricorn and aspected by Jupiter , hence query is pertaining to a child.

8. Chaitra Rashi is Virgo and has Venus , hence the chinta can be solved by a female , since Venus take one Paksha , therefore it can take maximum 15 days for the problem to be solved.

9.   Arudha Lagna Capricorn is aspected by Jupiter a Jeeva Planet hence the chinta is for a human being.

10. If we take the aspect of Rahu the 9th aspect on Capricorn then the query will not fructify more so since Rahu is in adverse motion and become poison, but when Rahu regains its normal motion on the 3rd Oct. 2014 there is a possibility ,but if8- 9 days are passed ,then the child may not be traced . The most important Parameter is Significator of Child Jupiter and in movable sign and about to enter the 4th house , hence after 8- 9 days , the dated 5th Oct. and 6th Oct 2014 become the Dated for the child being traced .( The child was latter traced exactly after 8days at night on the 5th Oct. 2014 and handed over to the Police ).

11. Future is seen from the chaitra Rashi and is Virgo,since veedi rashi is Taurus Sun being in Virgo. , which has debilitated Venus in Neecha Bhang Rajyoga, combusted and Rahu in forward Motion is not good for the child since it is also the 5th house and 5th and 5th and 6th lord have exchange conferring neecha bhang rajyoga to the Lagna Lord and making 5th lord also strong after suffering the child suffers and cries torture but possibility of its being traced.

12.   5th house is kidnapping and 5th lord is with Saturn the significator of Captivity in the 6th house .

13. Lagnesh and Moon are having close ithasla and in the 5th house and Moon debilitated also in Rajyoga in the 7th house shows kidnapping.

14. Lagna is Fixed and Prishtodayo sign and aspected by Prishtodayo planet Mars , hence no journey and no return, the child is in the same city .Also Lagna is fixed and malefic in 5,6 and 7th house no return. Specially Mars in the 7th house .There is a combination in the chart, which shows return as well , discussed below.

15. Moon in the 7th house in deblitation and with Mars the child may be traced after lot of difficulty with in 8-9 days as Jupiter is aspecting Mars , the kidnapper may change his mind to free the kidnapped child This Parameter is crucial in the chart as explained above Jupiter is Exhalted and about to enter the 4th house .

16.   The DBA Planets are Jup-Rahu-Sat. For Taurus Lagna Jupiter is MMP but in Exhaltation and also the 11th Lord and Rahu is in adverse motion and Saturn is the significator for captivity is signifying kidnapping.

Lagna is Prishtodayo Taurus and not good for the query. Lagna is Fixed and aspected by a malefic Mars in very close degrees is also not good, also it is the 12th lord and indicates come conspiracy for kidnapping . Malefics aspecting the Lagna is confirming captivity.

Saturn the significator for captivity is in Paap kartari yoga . Saturn is also aspecting the 8th house and 8th lord Jupiter and has future inimical ithasala with Jupiter. Saturn is also in the nakshatra of Jupiter the 8th Lord.

Kendras and Trikonas have predominance of malefic which is again not good for the fructification of the query. Lagna lord Venus is debilitated ,combusted with Sun and also in Rahu-ketu axis. Moon is debilitated and just shifted from the 6th house to the 7th house is indicating the connection of Moon with the significator of Captivity Saturn and then joining the chor graha Mars .

The well being of the child is to be seen from the 4th house and 4th lord Sun is forming a rajyoga in the 5th house who is in Rahu-Ketu axis and going to be eclipsed on the 8th Oct. 2014. 4th house and 4th lord has no benefic aspect, but connected to Venus who is getting Neecha Bhang rajyoga. Lagna lord Venus has closest tajik aspect of Moon, Moon is 2.03 degrees and Venus is 4.29 degrees and the difference is 2.26 degrees , Moon is in the nakshatra of Jupiter who is the 8th lord and 11th Lord will behave like the 8th lord and 11th Lord.

Captivity, imprisonment and Torture is indicated when there is Prishtodayo sign aspected by malefic and Prishtodayo planets , here in the chart Mars is closely aspecting the Lagna Mars is Prishtodayo planet . Another classical principle is present in the chart Prishtodayo sign rising aspected by Mars and Mercury with planet of Captivity Saturn in the 6th house ,   Saturn is in Paap kartari yoga by Rahu and Mars on either side of the 6th house . Saturn also has Future tajik aspect of 8th   Lord and 11th Jupiter . , Saturn in the nakshatra of Jupiter the 8th lord and 11th Lord . Dispositor of Saturn is combusted and debilitated .Mars the cruel culprit for torture is aspecting the Lagna at very close degrees . Lagna is 10.04 and Mars is 15.57 degrees. Mars is in the nakshtra of Saturn the planet of captivity.

Navamsha rising is of a malefic Mars and having Sun exhalted and Lagna Lord Mars is placed in the 8th house and Mars also being the char graha is vargottam and strong . In navamsha Moon and 8th house is connected to Mars and Saturn along with Mercury and 8th lord Jupiter has become debilitated and Venus the lagna lord has come in Rahu-Ketu axis . The worst is that Rahu was in forward motion on the 28th Sept. 2014 at the time of kidnapping . Rahu when become direct or forward is poison and is with Sun and Venus the Lagna Lord and Rahu is in the nakshatra of Mars the 7th Lord Char graham . The whereabouts of the child will be difficult to be found out if not traced with in 8-9 days . I remember in case of MH-370 plane also Rahu was in forward motion and Saturn Stationary , till date we have not been able to locate the missing plane inspite of so many countries involved and agencies working on it since 8th March 2014.   Lagna Lord Venus in navamsha is badly afflicted by Mars , Saturn and in Rahu-Ketu axis , hence there is no possibility of the child being traced after 8-9th Day of Kidnapping .

The Chor graha is the 7th lord Mars. The appearance of the thief is signified by the planet aspecting it , since Jupiter is aspecting it The Child of is own has moved away and lost her parents. And then latter kidnapped .It has gone in the North west direction and in the same city nearby. If the child is not traced with in 9 days then it is a matter of concern . The strongest Planet about to enter the 4th house is Jupiter and 21 degrees and in a movable sign and also aspecting Moon and the 7th house , hence the child can be traced with in 8-9 days and with the help of Police only it can be accomplished. if it does not happen in 9 days then tracing will be difficult.

Cloths worn by the child , since the Lagna is Taurus the girl kidnapped will be wearing white cloths. 7th house and lord is aspected by Jupiter strong hence the kidnapping is done in public and at night since nocturnal sign is rising in the Lagna .

Appearance of the thief 2nd D3 is rising in the Lagna and as per Dreshkanne surup the person who has kidnapped the girl is a male and wearing dirty cloths, may be agriculturist, dairy farming , neck like a bull, face like a ram or goat, thick lowerlip, hungry high minded and firm in action. May be gentle in behavior. Since the strongest planet in the Kendra is Mars it can also have the significations of Mars , since male planets are influencing the 7th house the sex of the kidnapper is male , more so since the navamsha rising is also a male sign.. Caste of the thief is from the lagna lord and if it is Jupiter or Venus then it is Brahmin.  Direction   Lagna nakshatra is of moon and Moon signifies North west direction where the kidnapper has gone.

Place of Captivation Since the 7th Lord is placed in 7th house and aspecting Lagna from Scorpio the place of captivation could be near cremation grounds , caves, hollow ground, near a pond or a lake grass is in habitation, ground of ant hills , near water tanks, Workshop of blacksmiths, since Jupiter is aspecting Moon it may be at a place higher then the ground.

Distance of the kidnapped child    Arudha Lagna is Sagitarius , hence not far from the place of kidnapping, now lagna is in the 4th navamsha and about to complete 4 navamsha , hence the kidnapped child is located as follows , since 5 navamsha = 13 kilometers and here it is 4 navamsha about to be completed , hence the kidnapped child will be located at about a distance of 13/5×4=10.4- 13 Kms in the northwest direction . I am assuming that the kidnapping took place at 21-24 hrs . But as per Prashna Marg upto 5th navamsha =13 kms, hence the kidnapped child can be located in the 13 km radius and as per the direction mentioned in this article.

Direction where the kidnapped child is kept.

Sunrise 06-16 hrs Time of Disappearance of the child , hence 5th Yama and day is Sunday, difference of time lasped = 14.56 hrs.

Karyesh 5th Lord Mercury is debilitated in yama chart hence there is ill influence on the 5th house the child being traced.

In the Yama chart above the hours completed from the sunrise are 14 and hence taking the Yama chart below the Sign is Sagitarius and Mars is placed there it is a case of kidnapping of child stealing . Counting number of signs @ one sign per hour from the time of Sun rise till the time of question. Count as many from Taurus, the resultant rashi is the Arudha rashi and is Sagitarius the 8th house of the Prashna chart, if any planet is placed in this sign see the direction in the yama chart. If no planet is placed then see the Sign Lord where it is placed in the Yama chart. In the above case Jupiter the lord of Sagitarius is placed in the Aquarius sign and the direction is NorthWest. Hence the child has been taken by the culprits in the Northwest Direction. Uday Lagna is fixed, Arudha Lagna is Dual Sagitarius and Chaitra Rashi is also Sagitarius. 7th lord is the chor graham and if it is placed in the signs 4,8,12 then there are more than 1 person who have done the stealing of the child  Delhi: Missing minor girl Janvi found in Janakpuri.

India TV News Desk [ Updated 06 Oct 2014, 06:57:31 ]

New Delhi: A 3-year old girl, Janvi, who went missing since last Sunday from India Gate, has been found from Lajwanti Garden in Janakpuri by Delhi Police. Around 8-00 pm on the 5th Oct. 2014 and exactly after 8 days of the abduction as per the above analysis and also in the Noth West Direction.

The girl has been identified by her mother who lost the kid a week ago.

The 3-year old who went missing from India Gate was found roaming in D-Block market of Lajwanti Garden with her hair shoved off.

The girl had gone to India Gate along with her family on 28th September 2014, and went missing.

While the parents suspected it to be a case of kidnapping, they registered an FIR in the police.

The Police also confirms that the CCTV fottage shows the child was playing till 21-21 hrs in the Lawns. Time taken by me is 21-24 hrs for the analysis. Astrology is amazing.  God Bless.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  30th March 2015  Reproduced

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