Red Planet Mars Activates Eclipse Point: Terrorism Sprouts. What it Foretells For Future

by astrodocanil

This article is in continution of my article “EnigmaticPaksha kundali of 11th Nov. 2015 What it Foretells”  link

Please read this Para “Mars will activate the Eclipse point of 10.35 degrees in Pieces of the 28th Sept. 2015 Lunar Eclipse  on the 19-20th Nov. 2015 will be most crucial for untoward happenings . Combination of Mars and Rahu is Chemical weapons and Blasts in relation to the Islamic World and Russia will pounce with Magnitude to curb the Islamic world” Terrorism cannot be ruled out.

Let us start from Stratch the formation of the ISIS and analyse the Tragic event on the 13th Nov. 2015  in Paris what was predicted by me. It is extremely difficult to see the charts of all the countries but broadly speaking , I could Predict acurately that the Paksha Kundali of 11th Nov. 2015 is an Enigmatic one and War like situations in the Shia- Sunni world could sprout. I have also mentioned in my article Read the Point number 8. I have crystal clear written about Shia-_Sunni Countries getting involved with magnitude and Blood shed could take place .The event has taken place just before the G20 Summit in Turkey. This is not the first time in 2015 since there have been Terrorist attacks in Paris . A series of terrorist attacks took place from 7th to 9th Jan 2015. There were subsequent Cyber attacks and attacks on the Mosques.

29th June 2014 brought about a Catastrophic Formation of ISIS  when the Master  of the Arab World Abu-Baker–Al-Bagdadi announced that he is the Founder of the ISIS. He was not alone in his mission , but thousands of Terrorist were with him in his mission. He declared this information at 19-54 hrs. in the City of Mosul in Iraq.

ISIS Chief .On 11 October 2015, the Iraqi air force claimed to have bombed al-Baghdadi’s convoy in the western Anbar province close to the Syrian border while ISIS chief was heading to Kerabla to attend an ISIL meeting, the location of which was also said to be bombed. His fate was not immediately confirmed.There were some subsequent speculation that he may not have been present in the convoy at all.Let us see the Foundation chart of the ISIS at this time below. 29th June 2014 19.54 Hrs iraq Mosul. The Chart is taken from the Shri Vishwavijay Panchang  Solan 2015-2016

Chart of ISIS

The Lagna is Sagitarius a Codand Rashi  at 21.10 degrees in the nakshatra of Venus who is the 6th and the 11th lord placed in own sign in the 6th house . The Lagna Lord is Exhalted and placed in the 8th house with Moon who is also the 8th lord , indicative of Secret Mission , The Conjunction is also aspected by Saturn from the 11th house who is in Retrograde Motion with Rahu. Saturn is also Marak and Connected to 8th house and the  Lagna Lord Jupiter along with 8th Lord Moon is a Malefic combination for the Longevity of the Organisation. Jupiter is Exhalted and also vargottam and is stronger then the 8th Lord , hence the ISIS group may sustain for some time frame . The aspect of mars and Saturn on the Lagna is showing the struggles  and Pains what the Founder and the organisation will face due to militancy.

Mars as 5th and the 12th Lord  the planet of Wars is Digbali and Placed in the 10th house in its own nakshatra aspects the Lagna gives strength to Fight makes it war mongering as 12th lord and very close to the MEP of the 10th house  . 5th house has Ketu aspected by Saturn retrograde a marak. Ketu is also aspected bt Mars by 8th aspect, hence Ketu is badly afflicted in the 5th house of Thought Process. Saturn also aspects the Lagna along with Mars makes the ISIS a war prone Organisation . Lagna is also aspected by 9th Lord Sun  and 7th Lord  Mercury in Retrogression who is about to fall back in Taurus sign the 6th house of the chart . Sun and Mercury is a Rajyoga, but since Mercury is weak and about to fall is also showing the weakness. the 4th Lord in the 8th house and movable sign shows , the Founder will change his working place and Residence as time passes and is subject to Attacks. 4th Lord is also with 8th Lord Moon . All the 4  Parameter Lagna Lord , Moon, Mercury and the 5th house are aflicted badly shows the mental condition of  Abu-Baker-Al- Bagdadi at the time of announcement . . Mars and Saturn aspecting the Lagna and Mars aspect on Herchel in the 4th house makes Mars Explosive for Wars, hence bloodshed is inevitable , more so after Mars transits over natal Mars after 3rd Nov. 2015 with  Venus . At the time when these 2 planets ingress in Virgo, Rahu is already Placed there , making the combination explosive for Wars, Blasts and Bloodshed.

The Most Critical factor in the chart of the ISIS foundation chart is that Mars is a fallen Planet in the 10th house Digbali and Most Malefic being the 12th and the 5th Lord It has the Capability to bring about warlike conditions for the Group itself and for the World , But it has been observed that such a Planet causes more harm to others , Mars was in Airy sign and has fallen in Earthy sign , hence It will create war on the Earth and Air. In Libra it was with Rahu and Saturn . Hence Mars will create havoc when with Rahu and Saturn in Transit  and in the sign Libra where it had conjunction with Rahu and Saturn   . It had ingressed in Libra on the 4th Feb. 2014 and became Retrograde on the 1st March 2014 at 3.28 degrees and Fall back in Virgo on the 26th March 2014, It became Direct on the 20th May 2014 at 14.58 degrees . On the 1st  March 2014 Mars was very close to Rahu and Saturn when it was Stationary before going in Retrogression at 3.28 degrees . Rahu was 5.22 degrees in the same Navamsha and Saturn at 7.05 degrees , Hence when Mars Transits Libra on the 24th Dec. 2015 and Reaches these degrees could create havoc for the Globe and the countries ISIS plans  Terrorism  Mars will Cross 3.28 degrees on the 30th Dec. 2015 , Hence from 30th Dec. 2015 to 1st week of Jan 2016 will be the Most Sensitive time for terrorism.

Navamsha and Dashamsha  Jupiter lagna Lord of Rashi Chart  is strong in both the charts , 10th Lord of Foundation chart is strong in Dashamsha along with 10th lord od Dashamsha , hecne the ISIS will fight with Strength , irrespective of the Outcome, Since they will produce disasterous conditions in the globe and Financial Recession, Escalation in the Prices of Petrolium Products and Blood shed is on the Cards .The 1/7 axis of the Navamsha with 8th Lord Moon of the Rashi chart opens the mission the ISIS may have . I have already written a separate Article on the Financial Stagnation in the globe after the 9th March 2016 Eclipse.

The Dasha at the time of Formation of the Organisation is of Saturn who is Exhalted, Retrograde, Marak and with  Rahu indicates the Future and their mission. The Dasha at the time of  Foundation is Saturn-Venus-Mercury, Mercury the Sub Sub Dasha Lord  Mercury with Sun the 9th Lord shows the Mission  for  the War . Dasha of Sat-Sun, Sat-Moon, Sat-Mars and Sar-Rahu  and then Sat-Jup till 24-12-2023 ,but the Periods of Sat-Sun till 27th Nov. 2015 and then Sat-Moon from 27th Nov. 2015 will be crucial for the Globe since there will be Bloodshed in this Period , which is likely to be continued till 6-8-2018  a Period of Sat-Mars from 27-6-2017 to 6-8-2018 will be worst. In fact when Mars Transits Libra on the 24th Dec. 2015 could bring about more terrorist activities by the Group. A Period till Mars is over natal Mars could also be a Period of Blood shed by the Organisation .Mars transit in the sign of Scorpio from 20th Feb. 2016 for a Period of 211 days could also escalates the war like situations  specially when it becomes Retrograde and fall back in Libra over Natal Rahu and  Saturn .The Eclipses in March 2016 and Mars Activating the Eclipse point again and again , since in Retrograde motion and then in direct motion will prove fatal for the Globe and specially between the Shia -Sunni Countries . Needless to mention the Countries . 

US, Russia and Nato Powers should soon find a solution for elimination of this Organisation from the roots else it will prove very heavy for the powerful countries of the world and Terrorism will sprout  these countries and warlike situations will emerge . Unfortunately the year 2016 is Durmukhi as per Vedic astrology and seems US and Nato will not be able to destroy these Terrorist Groups emerging with strength, specially during the period after Mars will in ingress in Libra on the 24th Dec. 2015. A period in totality from 3rd Nov. 2015  till Mars crosses Sagitarius sign in Transit on the 1st Nov. 2016. Countries which will be influenced most will be US, Russia,Syria, Israel, Turkey,Libra, Italy, Afganistan, Iran, Iraq, England, Paris, France(European Countries), India and Pakistan. Terrorism, BloodShed , Financial Stagnation is on the cards.Hence a Period from 3rd Nov. 2015 to 1st Nov. 2016 will be a Critical  Period and ISIS will be Most active during this Time tenure . 

 Slow Moving Planets  Formula. It has been observed that when Ever Saturn and Jupiter influence a sign or the Axis and the Rahu Ketu Transit in that sign then there is a big transformation in the world and When Mars Transits the sign after the Eclipses  then there are war like condions  Terrorism, Bloodshed  specially those countries who have the Lagna, Sun and Moon signs in these axis . Hence till 9th Jan 2016 will be a Period of Blood shed which will be created By the ISIS. In a Nut shell and to be more Precise till Mars is in Virgo till 24th Dec. 2015 . Mars Triggers and Moon delivers is the final formula .( Moon is with Saturn and in Mars -Saturn axis in the 9th house  in the Paris Foundation chart See below on the 13th Nov. 2015 ) 

June 2010 Saturn was in Virgo and Jupiter in Pieces at degree opposition at 3.52 degrres on the 23rd May 2010 Now Rahu and Ketu are transitting over these signs and at 5.44 degrees and Mars at 6.06 degrees  on the 13th Nov. 2015 when the Terrorist attack took Place in Paris on the 13th Nov. 2015 at 21.10 hrs. “Paris Attack: ‘It was a Bloodbath,’ Says Witness at Concert Venue” link

On the 6th-7th Dec. 2015 Rahu and Ketu will be exactly on the 3.52 degrees could also be disasterous and Terrorism by the ISIS may sprout again with Magnitude.Incidently Saturn, Jupiter have also activated the Axis Libra-Aries along with Rahu and Ketu and Now Mars will Transit over the Sign Libra could be crucial for the Countries having Lagna, Moon and Sun Signs 

Now Planetary Positions at the time of 13th Nov. 2015 on Friday. Moon Debilitated, Sun Debilitated, Mercury Combusted, Mars Activating the Eclipse point on 19th Nov. 2015 at 10.35 degrees but with Rahu Conjunct very close degrees and same Navamsha , Venus st the Eclipse Point . Still Period from 17th to 22nd Nov. 2015 could be a Period of Escalation of the events Globally.

Now see the chart at the time of the event  on 13th Nov. 2015 21020 hrs CET France Paris Saint Denis 

Terrorism in Paris 13-11-2015

Panchang of the day

Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus and is weak in the event chart afflicted  and with Rahu and Mars good for Aggressive acts .

Tithi SP-3  Gauri  Power giving for ISIS

Nakshatra Jyestha Ferrocious  and Bitter  Good for Killing and aggressive acts  Positive for ISIS

Yoga  Atigandha  Lord is Moon and Debilitated and with Saturn the 8th Lord

Karna  Taitila, Lord is Mercury and is Combusted closely.

Hora Lord  Mercury  Totally combusted 

Yama since the Sun rise is at 08-01 hrs the Event took place in the 5th Yama of Scorpio, which is the 5th house of the event chart and having Lagna Lord and Saturn the 7th and the 8th  Lord , shows the ISIS will be successful in its mission for war and mass killing .

In case of Disputes, Fights and War  6 houses starting from 3rd to 8th house  represent the Citizen and the Ruler of the Querist country , where as 6 houses  starting from 9th to the 2nd house represent the Enemy and hence the ISIS , Victory or Defeat  depends upon which ever group of houses have benefics or Malefics respeectively. In the Event chart 3rd to 8th houses have 4 malefics and 3 benefics which  weak , where as 9th to 2nd house has  one Benefic Jupiter and one malefic Ketu, since there are more malefics in the group houses from 3rd to 8th house there will be damage to the Countries which are the Target  of the ISIS .

Sign Aries and Taurus associated with malefics , makes the enemy move on to inflict defeat to the Querist king. In the event chart both Aries and Taurus are aspected by Mars and Saturn

Lagna, Navamsha Lagna are movable and Moon is Placed in Fixed sign, the Enemy will again Arrive soon , Lagna Lord Moon is Debilitated annd Placed with 7th  and 8th Lord Saturn  indicates a Prolonged war  more so since Saturn is a Slow moving Planet and in the 4th Navamsha , hence 4 long years  the fight could continue . There is an Ishraaf yoga between the lagna Lord and the 7th lord hence no  compromise and both in a fixed sign. Between the lagna Lord and the 7th lord 7th Lord is stronger , hence the Terrorist Group though weak  will attack again and the  War between ISIS and the Countries will be a long one . Saturn will reach its own house Capricorn approximately after 4 years , hence the War may prolong for 4 years  .

Timing  for the War

There is future ithasal between moon and the 6th Lord  and the difference is 4  degrees , Moon is placed in the 5th house in fixed sign will take  Months and Jupiter in the 2nd house in a Fixed sign will also take months , now Since the Lagna is Movable The time taken will be in Weeks from the attack on the 13th Nov. 2015 and it could be with in a week and multiple of 4 as well for the Terrorism by the ISIS again .. There is also an Ithasala of Mars and Saturn and the difference is 5  and Mars will reach Saturn Degrees on the 20-21st Nov. 2015  could be crucial for Terrorism again , Mars at this Point will also Activate the Eclipse point of 10.35 degrees of the Lunar Eclipse of the 28 th sept. 2015. The worst will be when Mars joins Scorpio on the 20th Feb 2016 for a prolonged period of 211 days , then there will be fierce fight between the ISIS and the Countries who are the Target of ISIS.

I have already  explained the combinations above of Mars activating the Eclipse point and in Degrees  with Rahu in same navamsha and Period from 17th Nov. to 22nd Nov. 2015 Crucial for blasts, Terrorism and War like situations in the Present Scenerio.

God Save the mankind. United we stand and divided we fall, hence  the Powerful countries prone to terrorism shopuld unite and Fight back terrorism amd ISIS and give them a strong blow, which appears diifcult till 2018 at least  it so seems. The Year 2016 will be a year of untoward happenings , since Durmukhi as per Vedic Astrology  and as per Placement of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio till 21st Sept. 2016. At this point Mars will be with 7th and 8th Lord and also aspect the 8th house of this event chart and maximum damage to mankind in this Respect.

Chart of Paris as per Book of World Horoscopes By Nicholas Campion

6th Oct 1958 18-30 hrs  CET -1.00 Longitude 002E19 and Lattitude 48N51


The main feature in the Foundation chart of the France is the Opposition of Mars and Saturn in the 3/9 axis will sprout a Religious war which will last long. The Lagna is vargottam and Saturn, Mars and Ketu in Lagna of the navamsha  make the Happenings crystal clear with the Dasha running of  Venus-Rahu-Rahu all connected to the 7th house of international affairs and war .

As Per the Book The Nehru Dynasty  page 80 the Astrological Inevitability  When Eclipses take place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Moon and Sun signs and Sub dasha of Rahu then there is Downfall of the nation when Mars triggers and activates the eclipse point of the Eclipses. The Formula has gone a long way in the Terrorist attack on France and Proved its Strength to give the Malefic and Venomous results  . See the Lagna is Pieces and the Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015 has taken place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna and Sun. Transit Mars in the Leo sign and Saturn in the Scorpio activated the Mars and Saturn in the Foundation chart of the France along with the Return aspect and as I have already mentioned in my webpage that when a planet changes sign, nakshatra or navamsha it gives the results immedaitely. Here Mars has Played a Most crucial role in the Transit. The moment is has gone in the sign of Virgo and aspected the Eclipse Point of 10.35 degrees and the Degrees of Rahu at the time of Eclipse , It has played its full term game . In Transit Mars was conjunct with  Rahu at 6 degrees approx. The Terrorism with magnitude sprouted in France . We all also know that Mars gives results in the 1st Dreshkanne.

I had already written an article on the 1st Oct. 2015 “Menace of Red planet Mars Activating the Eclipse Point : What it Foretells for Shia and Sunni Countries  link I had mentioned “Countries with Virgo Lagna/Pieces Lagna will be worst influenced those Supporting the Shai and Sunni regimes  till 9th Jan 2016 and after Mars Ingresses Scorpio on the 20th Feb 2016 and in the Present Scenerio when Mars activates once again activates  the Eclipse point of 10.35 degrees in Pieces on the 20-21st Nov. 2015 by 7th aspect . On the 12-13 Nov. 2015 Rahu and Mars will be degree conjunct could also prove Disasterous for all such Countries . The following are Countries with Virgo, Pieces Lagna, Moon and Sun signs   liable to be victim of the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015  and Mars, Saturn Conjunction on the 20th Feb 2016″

Transit  Rahu-Ketu are on the Natal Rahu-Ketu and The Dasha of  Venus-Rahu -Rahu in operation and Venus and Rahu placed in the 7th house of Wars and Transit Venus and Rahu over Natal Venus and Rahu . Mercury combusted in the chart and in Transit also Mercury is combusted and there is Exchange of Venus snd Mercury. making things absolutely clear at the time of the event Venus over natal Venus at exact degrees and Venus is the 8th lord , which causes a mass happening . Rahu in the chart of Paris is also in Forward motion and it seems the Dates from 17th to 22nd Nov. 2015 there could be more Terrorist attacks on Paris it so seems specially till Rahu is in Virgo till 9th Jan 2016.

The Foundation chart and navamsha are indicative of repeat attack on the nation.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 14th Nov. 2015 10-00 am

Disclaimer : Writer is not responsible for any outcome since this is an Astrological analysis only and not connected to any body in Personal

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