Enigmatic Lunation chart of 2nd Sept. 2020 What is Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1393 Articles and Predictions in just 64 months from April 2015 Enigmatic Lunation chart of 2nd Sept. 2020 What is Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala This is with reference to my Articles on my webpage and also about the Lunation chart of the 2nd Sept. 2020 . Please refer to my Article “

“Sun In Leo-Virgo & Mars In Aries-Pisces: What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves Between Aug.-Dec. 2020 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/08/sun-in-leo-virgo-mars-in-aries-pisces-what-stars-have-up-their-sleeves-between-aug-dec-2020-astrologer-anil-aggarwala/
 Let me reproduce the Text here for this Fortnight from the 2nd Sept. 2020 below
LUNATION CHART OF THE 2ND SEPT. 2020 10.52 hrs  The Day is Wednesday and the Lunation is taking place in the 5th house and Mercury is placed with Sun in the 11th house. The significations of the 5th house will be more predominant  in this fortnight for Educational Institutions and Exams , Stock Market  etc. hence we would see the news for the same in this fortnight . Exams for the Entrance exams may not be a good option. Jupiter the Karka for Education is not placed well and conducting the examinations between the 20th No. to 8th Dec. 2020 would only be a good choice since Jupiter will be strong then  for a short period Mercury shortly going in the sign Virgo on the 2nd Sept. 2020 Gold and Silver will be bullish from the 2nd Sept. 2020 for one week  and then may be  volatile  Rashi Sanghatta Chakra There is Veda on Sun and Mercury by  Jupiter and Ketu There is Veda on Venus by Jupiter and Ketu and also from Sun and Mercury Rulers will fight and Terrorism in the Globe is not ruled out with dimension On the 9th Sept. Mars goes in Retrogression in the sign Aries the 7th house of the chart which is of Wars . This is termed as Durbhishik and very bad  not only for India and  the complete World  On the 13th Sept. Jupiter becomes direct and Sun in U Phalguni Gold will become Bullish West and South Countries will suffer  war like Sun Ingress in Virgo on the 16th Sept. 2020 and Sun will, enter in Agni Mandal . This indicates that the rulers will fight and take aggressive stance  and there will be fear of War like situations  In the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra There will be Veda on Sun by Rahu and Saturn most malefic Mercury will get Veda from Saturn as well Jupiter and Ketu will give Veda to Venus and Moon The Combinations are extremely malefic South East Direction Fear of Warlike The Ingress of Sun in Virgo the Planetary positions are like the Sept. 1965 Parallel Positions and when India had a Brawl with  Pakistan The Rashi Sanghatta Chakra shows Terrorism at the Boarder

Indo-Pakistani War of 1965

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Pakistani_War_of_1965#:~:text=The%20Indo%2DPakistani%20War%20of,an%20insurgency%20against%20Indian%20rule. The World will be concerned in dealing with Terrorism it so seems and Necessary steps may be taken against the same specially  against those countries involved in it . There may be some success in this it so seems The Fortnight is most Enigmatic Some Important Planetary Positions Mercury In Own sign Virgo its Exaltation sign till the 22nd Sept. 2020 Jupiter and Saturn becoming Direct on the 13th and 29th Sept. 2020 Most Sensitive points Rahu and Ketu Change Signs to Taurus-Scorpio Axis on the 19th Sept. 2020 Jupiter is afflicted in the Present condition by the following 3 Parameters  1.Retrograde  2. In Rahu-Ketu Axis. 3 Fallen . After the 19th Sept. 2020 Jupiter will improve but still will be in Fallen condition and will be on the path to get out of this state  hence some betterment . This Transit may be good to some extent for  getting out of Coronavirus woes , but till Jupiter leaves this sign the woes of the Coronavirus may still be seen specially till 20th Nov. 2020 ,although after the 19th Sept. 2020 Coronavirus  may lose its strength  and will enter a waning time frame.. Jupiter will be auspicious state from the 20th Nov to 8th Dec. 2020 after which due to the Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020 and Planetary war Jupiter again will lose the shine along with Luminaries . Virus reoccurrence or other woes of this Eclipse may be seen in some form or the other since the Star Lord of the Eclipse Mercury will be totally eclipsed by Ketu at the time of the Solar Eclipse . These parameters are most Enigmatic and Venomous   On the 15th Sept. 2020 6 Planets will be in own signs . There is a Possibility of Vaccine Trials successful but may have some limitations I so feel since Jupiter will remain in the sign Sagittarius where the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 took place . The Rays of the sign are 7 , hence 7 months may be some hurdle or the Vaccine may act for 7 months only . The Planets which were eclipsed come in their own houses except Jupiter remains in the same sign. and then goes in Capricorn and then Planetary war of Jupiter and Saturn at 5 degrees in Capricorn the Deep Debilitation point of Jupiter  again indicates trouble to mankind after the Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020 on the 16th Dec. 2020 4th Oct 2020 Mars will be nearest to Earth . In this Regard Read My Articles. This time frame is most Venomous for the complete Globe may be it is War, Global Economy, Untoward happenings . In the Month of August-Sept there may be some correction in the Stock and the Financial Markets  but when Mars comes close to Earth then it will be war like . Mars Overstay in a Sign is never good and specially in the Sign Aries and in Kendra from Saturn 1.”Red Planet Mars Nearest To Earth Oct. 2020 Warns Of Warlike Conditions In Globe Astrologer Anil Aggarwala https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/06/red-planet-mars-nearest-to-earth-oct-2020-warns-of-warlike-conditions-in-globe-astrologer-anil-aggarwala/ 2.”Red Planet Mars Stay Pisces-Aries Signs For 249 Days Till 22nd Feb. 2021 May Put World In Enigmatic Spiral Of Wars In South China Sea Astrologer Anil Aggarwala https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/07/red-planet-mars-stay-pisces-aries-signs-for-248-days-from18th-june-2020-may-put-world-in-enigmatic-spiral-of-wars-in-south-china-sea-astrologer-anil-aggarwala/ http://https://youtu.be/nUPdEZZXJks Astrology is amazing

First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/09/conjunction-of-mars-saturn-jupiter-in-capricorn-what-it-has-up-its-sleeves-astrologer-anil-aggarwala/

ASTROLOGY IS AMAZING BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch 29th August  2020 12-30 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS New Webpage http://www.astrodocanil.in/ Mobile +919810038903  +918527884764 Disclaimer Clause applicable



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