Lock Down Must Continue Till 27th July 2020 As Per Rudramasha Chart and Kota Chakra Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1320 Articles and Predictions in just 60 months from April 2015

Decision on the Lock down on the 12th May 2020 at 20-00 hrs is not conducive to give good results if the Lockdown is broken as can be seen from the Planetary positions .

The Planetary positions are not conducive to Break the Lockdown as per the time of 20-00 hrs on 12th May 2020 . Scorpio Lagna rising aspected by 12th and 8th Lord but both are benefics . Moon is ill placed from the 6th Lord and the Yoga Lord and also from Ketu the disease Karka . Moon is in U Shadha Nakshatra is good but friends the Lord is Placed in the 6th house . As per the yama chart and the Prashna chart Moon is in 6/8 axis any decision taken to open the Lockdown may see jump of COVID -19 cases if social distance is not maintained . Benefics are in the 7th house but Mercury Combusted and Venus Stationary , Saturn Stationary Retrograde poorna ithasla with Mercury the 8th Lord together with Moon. Moon is 5 degrees , Mercury and Saturn 7 degrees . 3 Planets in Stationary Mode 1. Saturn 2. Venus and 3. Jupiter . There may be make and break. Retrograde planets are erractic . They are like a painting brush who paint the area 3 times . Hence repeated actions will be taken for lockdowns

Modi has faced increasing calls to end his government’s stringent lockdown of the nation’s 1.3 billion population, with political parties, businesses and citizens saying the containment measures have destroyed the livelihoods of millions that rely on daily wages for sustenance.

Although all has been discussed in my previous Articles but just to review the situations for the Lockdown. May to 27th July 2020 could be most enigmatic period for the COVID-19 spread . 

 As per the India Foundation chart the Dasha in operation from the 30th May to 4th July 2020 will be of Moon-Saturn-Ketu  which can prove most enigmaic due to the following parameters.The Period may be Prone to Violance, Terrorism, Religious Fundamentalism, Boarder Clashes, COVID-19 taking ugly shape 


As per the Rudramasha Chart it can be most enigmatic for 35 days due to the fact that In the Rudramasha Chart with Aquarius Lagna  Saturn is placed in the 8th house and Rahu Ketu and Mars are placed in the LagnaMoon is afflicted By Saturn from the 8th house  . At the time of the Partition the Dasha was of Sat-Sat-Ketu and we all know there was Blood shed .


As Per Kota chakra the Kot Sami is not placed in good zone till 27th July  2020 although the Kota Pala is not Placed well and jupiter as the Kot swami will also be in Malefic state but in good Zone. Hence Lock Down should Continue till 27th July  2020.  Finally on the 18th Feb 2022 both Saturn and Jupiter are placed in Benefic Zones as per the Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 and hope to get out of the woes of the COVID-19


The Eclipse took place in the Moola Nakshatra and Ketu is in moola Nakshatra till 20th Sept. 2020 Most Prone to COVID-19 spread. After this date I expect a relief  


All planets were gripped by Rahu and Ketu after the 26th Feb 2020  and till Sun and Moon are out of the grip of the nodes there may not be proper Life and the woes of the COVID-19 may also not reduce . Hence  when Sun and Moon both go out of the grip of the Nodes after the 17th July 2020 will be a good time . Sun Moon and the Yoga Lordat the time of Eclipse  and the 6th Lord of the Natural Zodiac Mercury will be out of the Grip of the Nodes from the 22nd August 2020


Jupiter and Saturn both will be out of this Dreshaknne on the 5th and the 25th Jan 2021 respectively . Nigda Dreshkanne is supposed to ggive confinement and Impriosonment like conditions which we all are suffering from the 24th jan and 30th March 2020 since after the 30th March Saturn and Jupiter both are in Nigda dreshkanne and we all are suffering the conditions signified by this Dreshkanne

Hence from the above Vital Tools used by me  it is obvious that before 27th july 2020 Lock down brak may not be good for the Country as a whole may be it is COVID-19, Religious Fundamentalism , Violence ,  Political Tug of War, Terrorism, Boarder Clashes . All the above has been discussed in my earlier Articles on my webpage since Feb. 2020.

With the above planetary positions there is no respite from  COVID-19  rather a  very precarious  month for health and finance conditions of the Country . As per my Predictions of the Lunation chart of the 7th May 2020 is also not conducive to give benefic Results till the 22nd May 2020

As per the Solar Ingress of Sun in Taurus the Planetary positions are also not favourable  together with Lunation charts of 7th May and the 22nd May 2020

Read My Article “Solar Ingress Of Sun In Taurus What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/05/solar-ingress-of-sun-in-taurus-what-it-has-up-its-sleeves-astrologer-anil-aggarwala/

The Months of May and June 2020 will be most enigmaic for the Global Economy as can be seen from the Planetary positions comparing them with the earlier times as per the cycle of the Planets . The Lunation chart of the 7th May and 22nd May 2020 is indicating  the Planetary positions may push the Global Economy in Enigmatic Spiral Starting from the 14th May 2020 .

Now Let us also discuss the Stock and the Financial Markets “FM measures fail to cheer up the market as they focus more on supply challenges than reviving demand”

Market falls for the 2nd  day in line and Nifty struggling around 9100

Retrogression of Jupiter and Saturn play upon the Stock and the Financial Markets as can be seen in the Present Scenario

Read My Article “Saturn Jupiter Going In Retrogression In Capricorn May Push The Global Economy In Enigmatic Spiral Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/05/saturn-jupiter-going-in-retrogression-in-capricorn-may-push-the-global-economy-in-enigmatic-spiral-astrologer-anil-aggarwala/


Please read the Article in the link CORONAVIRUS THE BURNING TOPIC

Read My Articles I Predicted long back in my Article dated 17th Sept. 2019
1.”Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala –

Read the Predictions for China made on the 17th Sept 2019 much before the Virus actually spread and anu News . It is basically due to the Cluster of the 6 Planets at the time ogf the Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec 2019 over the Natal Fallen Jupiter the 12th Lord and the 22DK sign and China Dasha starting in Sept of Mer-Mer the 6th Lord with Ketu the disease Giver and Specially the Transit of Ketu over the 22DK sign. Rahu and Ketu also Ingress in the 7th house of the D6 Shatasmhsa

The First Astrologer to Predict the Virulant Virus from China as per My Articles Dated 17thb Sept 2019 link https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/conjunction-of-mars-saturn-…/
Also My Articles in the ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ in the Nov. 19 and Jan 2020 edition LINK https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/my-article-rahu-and-ketu-in…/
Please Read My Articles on my Webpage link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/09/conjunction-of-mars-saturn-jupiter-in-capricorn-what-it-has-up-its-sleeves-as…


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
New Webpage http://www.astrodocanil.in/


My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link http://www.astrologicmagazine.com/ammunition-dump-mars-rom…/
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