Whereabouts Of Missing Person Through Prashna Jyotish Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1016 Articles and Predictions in just 53 months from April 2015

Prashna Jyotish gives amazing answers to Missing Persons , one such analysis as per the Prashna Jyotish and keeping in mind the Planetary positions of the Birth chart one case is being discussed here
A Query was raised for a Missing Young Boy who was in depression who wrote a suicide Note on the 13th August 2019 at 01-16 hrs and after 05-15 am on the same day went missing.

Lagna represents the Missing Person, 7th house his path, 4th house his happiness and 10th house parvas. Affliction to Lagna, Lagna Lord , Moon and Malefics and Retrograde planets connected to Moon are worst Parameters for safe return.

The Time of the Native writing the suicide note is most important and then also the time when he went missing. I will analyse 3 Charts for the missing person
1. Chart of 13th August 2019 at 01-16 hrs.
2. Chart of 13th August 05-15 hrs
3. Birth chart of the year 1995. The Native had complated 24 years of Age and Jupiter Bhadak,Marak and Having Kendraadhipati dosh in the Natal chart since placed in the 6th house with Debilitated Moon. The Jupiter acquired most important dimension since In Prashna chart Stationary, In Vish Ghati in Scorpio and in the Birth Chart 1st Class Marak and in the Progression chart in Mrityu Bhag. Jupiter was also over jupiter asper the Declination of jupiter and so was the Venus at the time of Missing

Chart of the 13th August 2019 01-16 hrs below

The Panchang of the Day
The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon placed in the 7th yama of the day in the sign Aquarius the 10th house of the Chart and the Yama Lord Saturn is placed in the 8th house with the Day Lord Moon in acute affliction is the most malefic Parameter in the chart more so the Yama Lord from the 8th house aspects the Yama Moon in the 10th house from the 8th house . This confirms what the native is intending will take place

See the Dwadashamsha chart the Sun in the sign Taurus and the Sign rising in the Lagna is Taurus is another Parameter which cannot be ignored for the Native ending his life.

Day Lord and the Yama Lord both ill placed from the Lagna and the Lagna Lord Venus who is totally combusted in the Watery sign and the 3rd House of Short travels. Hence this is indicative of the Person losing life . The Day Lord is also ill placed from the 8th Lord Jupiter who is in Stationary mode after becoming Direct on the 11th August and also in Vish ghati at 20.23 degrees and Debilitated in the Navamsha. Unfortunatley in the Birth chart also this Jupiter as the 7th and the 10th Lord is placed in the 6th house in Retrogression in Scorpio with Debilitated Moon Making Jupiter the First Class marak for Gemini Lagna and in the 2nd cycle and Transit Jupiter in Fallen, stationary state over the natal Moon and Jupiter. The Natal Saturn also aspects the Transit Saturn in the 7th house of the natal chart with Gemini Lagna


1. The Planet closest to Lagna Degrees is Venus and the Lagna Lord in Total combustion

2. Lagna aspected by 8th Lord Jupiter Fallen Stationary and in Vish Ghati
3. Karka for Longevity afflicted with Ketu along with Moon in the 8th house
4. Lagna is a Dagdha Rashi, Lagna and Lagna Lord both very weak and since represents the missing person and therefore for the native being alive are poor chances
5. 7th house the Path of thre missing person and a fixed sign and 8th Lord is placed and extremely malefic as explained above , this also shows the trouble to the native due to ignifications of Jupiter in his life
6.4th house is the Happiness of the Person and there Mars is placed who is the 7th and the 12th Lord in the nakshatra of Ketu who is placed in the 8th house .
7. Moon in ithasla with Retrograde planet in the 8th house
8. 7th house has 8th Lordjupiter and aspected By Mars from the 4th house
9. Prishtodayo Lagna Taurus rising at night is bad for the query
10. Day Lord Moon and the 8th Lord Jupiter are in Debilitation in the navamsha
11. Lagna Lord Venus, Sun and Mercury in Paap Kartariyoga in the watery sign and the 3rd house of short travels
12. In Navamsha the 2/8 axis is badly afflicted by Rahu-Ketu Mars and Saturn and Lagna aspected by Debilitated Jupiter who is in Vish Ghati and Stationary . In the Navamsha as per the Degrees of jupiter and Mercury there is Poorna Ithsala and showing the Cause of the native taking an Aggressive step concerning Studies where he was not able to perform as expected and went in Depression

Around the Time 5-00 am the same day of the 13th August 2019 , some one heard some one taking bath in his bath room and his chapples were found there . As per the Mook Prashna for a Jeeva Query the time critical is after 5-10 in the Same day. Let us take the time of 5-16 hrs and analyse the situations

1. The Day Lord Moon is in affliction in the 6th house with KEtu and the 8th Lord Saturn who is also Retrograde.

2.The Day Lord Moon was in the Yama of the Pieces and the Lord Jupiter in acute affliction as stated above in the 5th house of the thought process of the native and aspecting the Lagna, here Jupiter hads become the 6th Lord where earlier at the time of 01-16 hrs he was the 8th Lord

3. The Lagna is the 3rd house of the Earlier Chart at 01-16 hrs and a watery sign and in Paap Kartariyoga

4. Lagna Lord and Day Lord Moon in the 6th house in acute affliction as stated above and here with 7th and the 8th Lord Saturn in affliction.

5. Lagna Lord Totally afflicted and ithasla with 8th Lord who is also Retrograde also shows the native has at earlier times also tried to committ Suicide when Saturn was stationary around the 18th April2019 and also when Jupiter when in Retrogression on the 13th April 2019

6. Lagna hemmed by malefics hence no return


At 5-15 hrs Watery sign in Paap Kartari yoga is there hence the Native went to Places where water, wells, ponds. river or Forest are there . Significantly he was very close to Watery places and a River as well

The Strongest Planet in the Kendra is Sun and the Direction asper the Yama Chart is South East

There are not good Parameters for the Return of the Missing Boy due to Lagna in Paap Kartri yoga , Lagna Lord , Day Lord and Moon in the 6th House in close ithasla with 8th Lord Saturn and Ketu


Date 19th August 2019 10-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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