In Continution To My Article Effects Of Solar Eclipse of 26th Dec 2019 Parameters For Career Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1212 Articles and Predictions in just 58 months from April 2015

Parameters for Career Elobortaed since Transit Jupiter was in affliction by Rahu and Saturn and Crisis Situation for Peoplehaing this Combination in the 10th house or over the 10th Lord
This is with Reference to My article “26th Dec 2019 Solar Eclipse Bolt From The Blue For Natives Born With Nodes In Sagitarius-Gemini Axis Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” link…r-anil-aggarwala/ DATED 11TH FEB 2020

1154 Articles and Predictions in just 57 months from April 2015

Rahu-Ketu Malefic Placement in Gemini-Sagitarius Axis in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant or the 4/10 axis of the Natal chart AT MEP or Eclipsing Sun has Proved Most Enigmatic as Predicted
In this Article I am going to discuss the Venomous effect of the Solar Eclipse of ther 26th Dec. 2019 on Natives Born with Sagiatrius and Pieces Lagna Having Rahu-Ketu in Sagitarius-Gemini axis and close to Eclipse point between 10 -18 degrees or Rahu-Ketu at the MEP. I have got Number of Cases which were Predicted by me well in advance and in all the half dozen cases suffered as per the Predictionsmade well in advance , Although remedies were given they could only lessen the effect in some cases . In one Case due to Aggressive stance the Native has to face Divorce proceedings

Divorce Case Of Girl . The Chart is Below. For reasons best known I am not disclosing the Birth Details

The Eclipses in 2019 took place in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant and Ketu over Ketu and Rahu over Rahu was tHE most venomous Parameter specially the 26th Dec 2019 Eclipse played havoc . The Rahu and Ketu close to the MEP in the Natal chart and Rahu and Ketu crossed the Lagna and Ketu-Rahu degrees in the Month of Dec 2019 and palyed havoc
Earlier a Prashna was raised by the Querist In the month of March 2019 when Rahu and Ketu were about to ingress in the 1/7 axis of the Natal chart and Jupiter also about to enter the Ascendant. Since Jupiter was in Gandantha immedaitely after Ingress in Sagitarius and Retrograde and then Fallen the Effects were seen on the Querist Marital relations. I had Predicted that Ist week of Feb 2020 will be detremental for the Relationships and may end in a Divorce. I had advised the Querist to take a back and not take any aggressive stance otherwise would end up in a divorce. As predicted the Querist approached me just after Mars Ingress In Sagitarius in the Ascendant on the 8th Feb 2020 again. The Chart is below

The Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn placed in the 8th house and in the yama of Leo and the Yama Lord Sun in the 8th house connected to Moon in the 2nd House is most malefic combination indicating no respite in the marital relations which are ripe for a Dirvorce as earlier Predicted .
Mars Rahu-Ketu Influencing thr 7th house and the 7th Lord specially when the 7th house is afflicted badly by Mars and Ketu and Mars being the 6th Lord will give signatures for Divorce and the Process will also be a bitter one . Venus although Exhalted and aspected by both Mars and Saturn and the Kendras from Venus under affliction clearly points out No repite in the Marital Relations . Venus connected to Saturn from the 8th house as the 8th lord and there was Poorna ithasla on the 3rd Feb 2020 indicates that the couple decided for a Divorce on the 3rd Feb 2020. The Querist was much surprised that this Date was Predicted in the Month of March 2019 when the first Query was put. The Querist also replied in affirmative that the 3rd Feb 2020 was the final Date when the Couple decided to go for a Divorce. The Other Query was how will be the Proceedings ? The answer is simple and Mars as the 6th Lord in the 7th house the Proceedings will be a bitter one and Court Proceedings will start after Mars, Jupiter and Saturn join the 8th house of the Prashna chart after 30th March 2020. The Querist was stunned that Astrology could Predict the Exact date for the the Break in the Marital Relations and decisions for Divorce .

Case 2
Yet another case for Crisis in Career was Predicted by me for a Querist in July 2017 with Pieces Lagna that after Saturn Transit in the Sign Capricorn on the 24th Jan 2020 over the Natal Moon in U. Shadha Nakshatra will bring Crisis in the Buisness since Saturn will aspect the Mercury and Sun in the 5th house and Dasha of Saturn in the Natal chart of the Native Proved on Dot.
The Ashtamangla Number for the Future Played the Magic for the Future Predictions pertaining to Rahu and Saturn
The Parameters for Crisis in Buisness or Career were activated By Rahu-Ketu and Saturn in Transit over the Natal 10th Lord . The Native is Born In July 1960
For Details of this Case Refer to my Article “Some Amazing Research Parameters Observed Through Prashna & Omens Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
Case 3.
Yet another case of Native Born in Dec 1973 with Pieces Lagna born few days after Eclipse and Solar Eclipse Taking Place over the natal Eclipse brought Crisis in the Buisness as perdicted Much in advance .
The Ashtamangla Number for the Future was Rahu and Transit Rahu over the Natal Rahu after 23rd March 2019 and and Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec. 2019 Played the Havoc and the Native Faced Govermental Issues as Predicted much in Advance

Have a Look at the Prashna chart of the Native
For reasons Best Known I am not disclosing the Prashna Details

The Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn placed in the 12th house totally Eclipsed by Ketu and is placed in the yama of Scorpio the 11th house of the Prsshna chart where Fallen Jupiter is Placed and the Yama Lord is Mars Placed in the 7th house in Debilitation with 6th , 8th and 10th Lord shows Trouble from the Govt. and in Buisness when Sun goes in the Lagna along with Day Lord Saturn after 24th Jan 2020
Now Have a Look at the Chart Below when the Native Face Issues as per the Predictions made in advance

The Planet is Sun main in the Prashna chart since 8th Lord and with the Yama Lord Mars and in navamsha again Sun aspects the Navamsha Lagna
On the basis of this I had Predicted that when the Yama Lord reaches it own Yama Sign Scorpio over the Jupiter Fallen and combination of Sun and Saturn in the Lagna the Native would face Troubles from the Govt. Accordingly what ever was Predicted Proved on dot.
In all the Cases the ASHTAMANGLA PRASHNA HAS GIVEN AMAZING PREDICTIONS and the futre Number in all the cases Proved on Dot and was the Planet Rahu and the Present at the time of Prashna Sun and Rahu Eclipses Sun and hence at the tiem of the Eclipses the natives would face Enigmatic and Difficult conditions

1.10th house,10th Lord from the Lagna, Moon and Saturn . !0th house from Sun Status, 10th house from Jupiter Prosperity
2.Karka Saturn For MNC Sun For Govt. Jobs
3. Up Karka Mercury Buisness 7th house/7th Lord and Mercury
4. Bhavat Bhavam
5.Mid Cusp Lord of 10th House
6.Dashmarudh 10 P
7.2,6,10 and 11th house in D1 and D10
8. D10 Chart Dashamsha
9. MCL of 10th House with respect to Garbshishta Planets
10 D6 of D10 Varga Chart to see Crisis
11.D6 and D11 Chart for Promotions

1.MD/AD Lords Dasha Analysis by Dasha Varga Charts like Dasha of SaturnJupiter then D16 of D19 Dasha Varga Chart to give appropriate results
2.Transit Saturn/Jupiter Double Transit of the 10th house and the Lord
3.Activation Of MCL of 10th House– Opportunities in Career
4.Activation of Vivasahaya Saham- Rise in Life
5.Activation of Vivasahaya Balam— Rise in life
6.Indu Lagna
7.Indu Lagnesh
8. Relation of Indu Lagna Lord and Shree Lagna Lord malefic bad Results and Good Relation very good
Following Parameters Most Crucial For Career to impart strength
1. MCL in Kendra Or Kona from 10th house
2. MCL in Kendra Or Kona from 10th Lord
3. MCL in the 3rd from Saturn
4. MCL in 7th house from Bhavat Bhavam
5.MCL in the 11th house from Dashmarudh
6. Relation of MCL with 10th Lord —- Stability
7. Relation of MCL with 10th Lord Nakshatra Lord —– Satisfaction
8. Placement of 10P In D10 Dashamsha Chart
9. 10th House of D1 in the Trik Bhavas of D10— Bad results
10 Dasha of Planet in D11 placed well from the Sun and the 10th Lord Promotions
11. Dasha of the Dispositor of the 10th Lord of the navamsha Rise in Life if placed well
12. Planets in the 11th house and PAC, dispositor of the 11th Lord in Navamsha

1. Conjunction of the 10th lord with 8th or the 12th Lord and dasha of the Trik Bhavas 6,8, or 12th house
2. Conjunction of 5th and 8th Lord and adverse dasha Job Loss
3. Eclipses falling in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Sun or Moon , 4/10 axis
4.Atma Karka Falling in the 6.8,12th house from the Rashi Dasha
5. 10th Lord in the 8th house of D10 Dashamsha Chart loss of Competance and Dasha of Trik Bhava
6. Transit of Rahu and Saturn over the afflicted Jupiter or the 10th/house/ Lord in affliction crisis or major change
7. Dasha of 5th Lord in affliction
8 Dasha of Planet Ill Placed from MCL of the 10th house and the Garbshishta Planets
9. Dasha of 10P Afflicted and placed in the trik Bhavas of the D10 Dashamsha chart
10. Dasha of Planet in the 6th house of the D2 Venkatashwera Hora Chart. Losses
11. 10th lord in the 5th house afflicted Professional Blockages
12. Dasha of Indu Lagna Lord or Shree Lagna Lord inimical to each other

10th Lord connected to 6th house Service
10th Lord to 7th house Buisness

10th Lord connected to Sun, or D9 Navamsha Lord connected to Sun
Sun getting connected to 10th house/lord
6th house/6th Lord PSU Semi Govt.

6th house nwhat native wants and associated growth
8th House Opposite to what he wants and will come back in 4-8 months . The Bubble Burst

Extra Ordinary fame and achievements , infinity and immortal
Lagna Lord and Moon in Lendra together where a Powerfi]ul Planet is placed
Shri K N Rao has this Yoga In the Lagna . Venus the Lagna Lord placed in the Lagna with Moon and Mars a Very Powerful Yoga

ASHTALAKSHMI YOGA Rahu in the 6th house aspected by Jupiter

Crore pati


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
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