16th Sept. 2015 A Day of Strong Earthquakes: Danger of Earthquake Looming over other Countries .

by astrodocanil

This is in continution to my Earlier Article dated 16th Sept. 2015  “Can Astrology Predict Earthquakes ? Indonesian Earthquake Reveals the Secret.” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/09/can-astrology-predict-earthquakes-indonesian-earthquake-reveals-the-secret/

This article has been Published in the Leading US Astrology Magzine “ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE” linkhttp://www.astrologicmagazine.com/16th-sept-2015-a-day…/ in the Oct. 2015 Issue 

The Article Reveals  that Astrology could Predict Earthquakes Accurately.. In my article “Red Planet Mars, Saturn and Ketu afflict Watery Signs , Earthy signs Near Eclipses :What it Foretells ” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/09/red-planet-mars-saturn-and-ketu-afflict-watery-signs-earthy-signs-near-eclipses-what-it-foretells/. I had clearly mentioned that after mars ingress in Leo after 15th Sept. 2015 will be a period of Planetary realignment andthere could be a strong Earthquake which could surface specially whe rahu is in Adverse motion. I had also mentioned the dates and once again Astrology has proved the replicity of the events.

Now read this M 8.2 – OFFSHORE COQUIMBO, CHILE – 2015-09-16 22:54:32 link http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=459672 There have been more than 4 Earthquakes in Chile. Earthquakes on 16th sept. 2015

I have found some amazing Similarities between the Indonesian  Foundation chart and that of Chile from the book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion. I am comparing the 2 charts with respect to the Eartrhquakes on the 16th Sept. 2015

Chart of Chile 12th Feb 1818 12-00 LMT Sintiago


I have already mentioned in my article “Saturn Stationary in Transit: What it Foretells” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/08/saturn-stationary-in-transit-what-it-foretells/ that all those countries who have planets in Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Capricorn between 3.20 degrees to 6.40 degrees and depending upon their ownership, Saturn will activate the Planets when Stationary between 27th July and 7th Auigust 2015 and there will be positive and untoward happenings to the respective individuals and the countries. Now looking at the chart of Chile  Saturn Transitting in the 8th house and Mars aspecting it after 15th Sept. 2015 becomes critical for mass happenings more so simnce Stationary Saturn aspected the 6th Lord Mercury in the 10th house at  6.17 degrees . Natal Mars and Saturn activating the Transit mars and Saturn including Sun activated by Saturn  . Earthy signs are afflicted  and hence the strong Earthquakes , specially the 8th Lord is activated in the chart in Navamsha as well since mars is in debilitation and transit mars was also in Debilitation . Navamsha Sun Debilitated also activated by Saturn in Leo Navamsha in Transit.

Let us see the Chart of Indonesia 

Let us analyse the Foundation chart of Indonesia of 27th Dec 1949 09-22 hrs GMT Jakarta  of Taurus Lagna and Gemini navamsha as below.


The Lagna is Taurus an  Earthy sign   and the Signs  Virgo and Capricorn are also  afflicted  as above .

Some special features of the Horoscope why it is Prone to Earthquakes Astrologically.

  1. Lagna in the nakshatra of Moon , who is placed in Pieces sign with Rahu and Ketu in forward motion. Both Moon and Rahu aspect the sign Virgo and Ketu aspects the 9th house by 9th aspect .
  2. Virgo Sign has mars and Ketu and Capricorn has the 8th Lord Jupiter Debilitated , Saturn is aspecting the Taurus Sign.
  3. Navamsha Mars aspects the sign Virgo  Saturn aspects Capricorn and Taurus
  4.  Signs Earthy in the 1/7 axis and afflicted
  5. Trshamsha Lords of the 6th Lord Venus and 8th Lord jupiter are Saturn and Jupiter itself.

The Country is running the dasha of Mars-Rahu-Venus needless to explain this since is crystal clear for the happenings  Mars Afflicted, Rahu in Forward motion and Venus Fallen

Now the Feature in both the above charts of Chile and Indonesia are as follows

  1. Rahu in Forward motion in both the charts and in transit also Rahu is in Forward motion .
  2. Saturn Natal or Navamsha  in the foundation charts are Activated .
  3. 8th house/ Lord Activated  by Saturn  and Jupiter  in both cases .
  4.  Natal Saturn is aspecting Jupiter and Transit Saturn aspecting the Jupiter and that also between 10 to 13.20 degrees in both cases and in Fiery signs
  5. Venus activated in both Cases an important Parameter since in Transit Venus is Fallen in close degrees
  6. Earthy signs afflicted in 1/7 or 4/10 axis in Transit
  7. Mercury Ingressed in Virgo on the 23rd August 2015 when Rahu was in forward motion in Virgo, thereby afflicting mercury badly.In both cases Mercury is connected to Earthy signs and aspected by Saturn when stationary degreewise on the 6th August 2015. Mercury is in Capricorn in both cases
  8. Moon in close degrees with Rahu in both cases .
  9. Keeping these Parameters and the parameters mentioned in my earlier Articles the Countries Prone now around the Eclipse of the 28th sept. 2015 could be the Following .
  10. The following countries will be prone.                                                                                                                                  
  11. The places ruled by Earthy Signs are Thailand, North and South Korea, , Bolivia, Ukraine, Libya, India, USSR.
  12.  China  Sun in Virgo at 15.00 ,  7th house from Sun lunar Eclipse . 8th house from Lagna and Moon under affliction by Transit mars and aspect of Saturn
  13. Iran no planet in Virgo,   , USA has Saturn in Virgo, hence Earthquakes.
  14. China, Japan and South East Asia most Prone for Natural Calamities and Earthquakes.
  15. The Places of Fiery signs are  Nepal, Pakistan, Australia can have violent happening concerning Fire.
  16. Places which are under influence of Earthy and Fiery signs are Lebanon, Gaza ,, Syria,Mexico,  ,Indonesia,  and other countries where eclipses are taking place in the 4/10 axis from Lagna or the zodical signs .
  17. Those countries who have affliction in Virgo will be most prone as well after 27th Sept. 2015 when Saturn joins Ketu in Virgo navamsha,  Mars will be in Taurus navamsha between 21st to 27th Sept. 2015 and Rahu will also be in forward motion till 22nd Sept. and then from 25th to 29th Sept. 2015 will be most critical periods for the countries mentioned above. In a nut shell above are the countries and Primary Parameters satisfying as above for the EarthQuakes and Violent happenings.  
  18. Chart of Japan .Japan has Saturn in Virgo and at 16 degrees  Most crucial for Tsunami and a strong Earthquake as per dates mentioned above  and with in 40 days of the eclipses . Indonesia and Japan are most prone countries for all such happenings specially around the Eclipse of 28th Sept to 9th Oct. 2015 plus  minus 2 days . 28th Sept. 2015 is most prone along with 9th Oct. 2015
    1. Japan Chart prone to Natural calamities in the Present scenerio








  1. Let us see the Foundation chart of Jammu -Kashmir Assension.  The Chart has been given by our Teacher Shri K . N RaoKashmir Assension   27th Oct. 1947 Time 13-21.43 hrs Place Srinagar India  74E48 34N06   
     The 8th house of the above chart is afflicted by both Mars and Saturn , hence natural and unnatural clamities are bound for Kashmir. Saturn is over Ketu and Jupiter and Eclipses taking place over Moon , hence untoward happening in Kashmir. An earthquake cannnot be ruled out in the Himalayan Terrian and the effect in Kashmir.
  2. Russia will be exposed to weather Changes and Natural calamities. Saturn aspects Mercury natal at very close degrees at 6.52 in the 9th house  and is also the Lagna Lord , on the 6th August Saturn had aspected Mercury, Ven, Jupiter in very close degrees in Stationary motion is critical for the country Head and the country in general. Eclipse in the 1/7 axis will escalate the things around the eclipse time .
  3.  Iran, Iraq, Israel, Egypt also under affliction
  4. Pakistan as already mentioned in all my articles MASS happenins since the 8th house of the Chart is activated by Stationary Saturn over natal ketu in close degrees and now after 15th Sept. 2015 . Mars also aspects it. Military intervention in the Political scenerio and Nawaz has to step down . Mars Transits in Scorpio on the 20th Feb 2016 will be worse for Pakistan including the Present Transit Position of planets. the affliction to the 2/8 axis is disasterous for Pakistan, specially when Mars is in the 2nd Navamsha from 21st to 29th Sept. 2015. Pakistan can be involved in terrorism with in the country and also Responsible for Terrorism in India. Mars and Saturn conjunction in Scorpio after 20th Feb. 2016 will be crucial for both India and Pakistan, specially for Pakistan since the house of mass happening s and permanent losses . Nut shell India, China, Japan , Indonesia, mexico are Prone to Earthquakes of strong intensity of over 7.00   
  5. Financial Stagnation also starts to appear after the Lunar Eclipse of 28th Sept. 2015 Globally
  6. Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 17th Sept. 2015 11-00 hrs 
  7. Disclaimer  : This is Astrological analysis and not my personal opinion and the writer is not responsible for its effect if any on any individual or an corporate

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