D-St Nifty Registers Worst Weekly Loss Since 2009: Sensex falls 1,448 pts Key Date 25th Feb 2020 Predicted Much In Advance Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1187 Articles and Predictions in just 58 Months from April 2015

Nodes Mars On the steering wheel as Predicted 25th Feb 2020 Proves the Key Date for the Massive fall in the Stock and the Financial Markets and the Cortonavirus Spread

Man Touches his Face and as per Omens the Planet is Rahu the north node hence till Rahu in the sign Gemini and specially in own Nakshatra no respite till 22nd April and in broader spectrum till 20th Sept 2020 . The Stock and the Financial Markets may continue to Bleed and Economy may be like the 1929 Great Recession since Saturn is on the completion of 90 year cycle from Oct 1929 and 30 year cycle from 2007 and Jupiter 12 year cycle from 2008. Hence Economy will be hit hard is so seems due to this Virus and the Planetary positions taking ugly mode
ASTROLOGY SPEAKS ! STOCKS BLEED CONTINUOUSLY CORONAVIRUS SPREADS OUT OF CHINA IN ASIAN COUNTRIES PROVES 25TH FEB 2020 KEY DATE AS PREDICTED IN ADVANCE ON MY WBPAGES www.astrodocanil.com and www.astrodocanil.in Coronavirus is the off shot of the Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec. 2019 which took place in the 12th house of the China Foundation chart over the 22DK sign and with Ketu and the 6th Lord Mercury in Gandantha at the time of the Solar Eclipse and the Dasha of Mer-Mer-Mer who is also the 6th Lord and Placed with Ketu in the sign Virgo and the Eclipses in the Kendra from Ketu and Mercury. Amazingly I wrote about Virus spread in my Article “Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala -…
Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-J” dated 17th Sept 2019 Note this date

The Exact Date for the Stock Bleeding , Coronavirus and Violence was also Predicted by me well in advance . Mars is on the steering wheel and can blow off the Economy was clearly Predicted by me along with CAA Stir till 27th Feb. 2020
webpages www.astrodocanil.com and www.astrodocanil.in
Email astrodoc.vedicastrology @gmail .com
The Sensex lost 1,448.37 points or 3.64% at 38297.29, while Nifty fell 431.50 points or 3.71% at 11201.80.

The Coronavirus to take ugly shape if not contained by 28th March 2020 and broadly speaking till 20th Sept 2020
Mercury is retrograde till 10th March 2020 is most Venomous parameter for the Spread in the other Countries and take ugly shape in the immediate future since now it is in the 6th house of the D6 Chart of the Shashtamsha Chart and after it becomes direct will again join Rahu-Ketu , Mars in the 7th house will be most ugly for the Virus spread . The Other Parameter is the all Planets in the Shadow of the Planets after the 26th Feb 2020 will be the ugliest situation till anu planet crosses the Gemini sign which will be Mercury crossing the Gemini sign the 6th house of the China Foundation chart on the 24th May 2020 Hence The Possibility of any Respite does not seem to come immediately it so seems
1.Rahu and Ketu in own Nakshatra till 22nd April 2020
2. Ketu the Disease Karka in Moola Nakshatra till 20th Sept 2020 most destructive
3. Mars, Saturn and Jupiter Join the Capricorn sign the ascendant of China may aggravate the issues more so whenBoth Saturn and Jupiter will become Retrograde on the 12th and the 15th May 2020 Respectively
4. Eclipses in the Month of June 2020 in the sign Gemini the 6th house of China
5. Jupiter falling back in Sagitarius on the 30th May 2020 till Oct Fallen and Retrograde and reaching the 24-25 degrees in Sagitarius and with Ketu may further aggravate the Virus Issues in China and Asian Countries . Jupiter will become direct in Oct and Mars will also Fall Back as a Fallen Planet in the sign Pieces in the Kendra from Jupiter at this point from the 4th Oct to 23rd Nov. 2020 there will be 2 Planets in the Universe who will be fallen . This Parameter is Worst for the Globe since the Lagna Lord and the 9th Lord of the Natural Zodiac will be in most Precarious condition and Mars is Bhoomi Putra and Real Estate will suffer the Most along with Stock and the Financial Markets for a Period of more then 6 months from the Fall of Mars in Pieces on the 4th Oct. 2020

READ MY ARTICLES “Astrology Speaks Again ! Blood Bath On D-Street As Predicted 25th Feb. 2020 Key Date Stocks Bleeding, Coronavirus Spread and Violence Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” : https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/02/astrology-speaks…r-anil-aggarwala/

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
Jyotish Acharaya from BVB New Delhi
28th Feb 2020 16-00 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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God Bless us all

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