Delhi Court Reserves Order On Plea For Stay In Nirbhaya Case 9th-11th Feb. 2020 Key Date For the Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1141 Articles and Predictions in just 57 months from April 2015

This is purely a Research Article please note this.Mars Saturn Sun Moon Rahu and Ketu Activation of the 16th Dec. 2012 indicative 9th-10th Feb 2020 most Crucial for the Convicts of the Nirbhaya case . Using Navamsha Degree of Planets My Research

As per the link the Rape took place on the 16th Dec 2012 when the two boarder the Bus at 21.30 hrs New Delhi
In this Article I am going to make some Predictions based on my research using the Day of Rape, since there have been n number of Court cases and noting conclusive till date . Please excuse me if my Predictions go wrong since there are no specific time of the hearings in the Court. I am forced to use the 7 years old chart of the 2012

The Chart is Below

Now see the chart of the 9th Feb 2020 below and compare the Planetary positions after more then 7 years

The Planets for Death Sentance important are as follows
Sun and Moon are life giving Planets
Mars is the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord of the Natural Zodiac has to have connections with Ketu
Saturn the Karka for Longevity
Rahu the Planet for Strangulation

1. Mars Transit over the 6th house with Ketu and the 6th Lord Jupiter over the Sun and Mars at the time of Rape . Note the Degrees of
Sun on the 16th Dec 2012 was 1.04 degrees in Sagitarius. On the 9th Feb 2020 Mars will be exactly over the Sun degree-wise at 1.05 degrees in Sagitarius Sun is the Judge
2. At the time of the Rape Saturn was Exhalted in the 4th house and aspected the 6th house by 3rd aspect. Now Both Sun and Saturn in the 7th house forming a Bhandan yoga for the criminals . Transit Saturn aspects the Exhalted Saturn by 10th aspect , This Bhandan yoga is over the moon at the time of the Rape.
3. Transit Moon on the 9th Feb 2020 will be in the sign Cancer and aspected by both the Mars at the time of Rape and also the Transit Mars on the 9th Feb . 2020. Transit Moon will activate the Moon in the 7th house at the time of Rape
4. At the time of the Rape Mars was 28.3.8 degrees in the sign Sagitarius and was about to join the Moon in the 7th house at the time of the Rape . The Transit Mars at 28.38 degrees at the time of Rape will aspect the Moonin Transit at 28.38 degrees on the 9th Feb 2020
5. As per the Timing Principles of Prashna the Lagna Nakshatra Lord Mercury and the Moon Nakshatra Lord Moon must aspect each other. On the 9th Feb 2020 Moon will be in the Cancer Lagna and about to aspect the Mercury in the Aquarius sign just after few hours .
Navamsha Comparasion degree wise planets
6. 8th house rising at the time of thr event and had Saturn in Aquarius now Rahu over it.
7. Saturn was 7.34 degrees in the navamsha Lagna and now the Mercury the 12th Lord of D1 and the 8th Lord of D9 over the DSaturn at exact degrees at 7.49 in Transit on the 9th Feb 2020
8. In Navamsha the 7th house had Venus at 28.56 degrees and now Sun over it at 24.4 degrees in the 7th house
9. Sun in Navamsha was Exhalted at 9.38 degrees and on the 9th Feb 2020 Mars over it at 9.47 degrees
10 Transit Saturn over the Ketu in the 12th house in Navamsha
11. Transit Moon in Navamsha about to go over the Sunin Aries at the time of the Rape on the 16th Dec. 2012 and joinMars Transit in navamsha . In the Transit Navamsha on the 16th Dec. 2012 Mars aspected Moon in the navamsha
All the above Parameters are Venomous for convicts in the Nirbhaya gang-rape and murder case
It seems from the Planetary positions on the 9th Feb-11 th Feb 2020 there will be some decision for the same

Please forgive me if My Predictions go wrong since this is purely on Astrology and no data is available for the Time of Hearings in the Court cases so far which took place
Read this News ” Nirbhaya gangrape-murder convicts’ execution postponed until further orders ”

Astrology is amazing and can Predict any thing and every thing if Proper Parameters are employed

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
Jyotish Acharaya from BVB New Delhi
31st Jan 2020 6-40-00 hrs
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