Amazing Results Of Marriage Query Through Omens Ashtamangla, Prashna & Birth Chart Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1109 Articles and Predictions in just 55 months from April 2015
Declination of Planets Play Important role . Garbshishta Planets can Make or Mar the Marital Life if Ill placed from Venus MCL 7th house, 7th Lord and 7P
This is in Continution to my Article “Gardening Gives Clue To Query Of Client For Marriage Dispute Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” link…r-anil-aggarwala/

Let me reproduce the Text here for ready Reference below
Mercury Changes to Scorpio on the 5th Dec. 2019 at 10-34 hrs.
The Activities of the Astrologer at the time when the Querist approaches the Astrologer are most important. Also Planet which changes or about to change when the client approaches is most important in the Prashna Astrology. Mercury acquires an important dimension in the Query since fallen in 2019 3 times in Aquarius, Gemini and now Libra and Dates become most important for the Query of the Querist, more so the 3rd and the 6th Lord of the Natural Zodiac and ill placed on the 5th Dec. from Jupiter and Karka for Marriage Venus who is afflicted and in Paap Kartariyoga in Sagitarius

In yet another Psychic Prediction made by me for the Query of the Querist for Marriage dispute. Today around evening time a Querist approached me as per the scheduled time when I was doing Gardening and a Pot of Bazil Plant had broken . I was just replacing the Pot when my wife also joined me and told me there are 2 planets in the pot and separate them. The Gardener did the same as told , just then the Client approached me. I could make out the following parameters important for the Client Query

1. Mercury ingressed Scorpio today the 5th Dec. 2019 at 10-34 hrs. almost the same time when I received a call from the Querist that he wants to meet me today evening
2. Mercury is ill placed from the Day Lord Jupiter and Venus the Karka for Marriage
3. 2 Plants in the same pot being separated and a New Pot for the bigger bazil and the smaller plant put out side the house in the ground
4. As per Prashna Triangle the Hours and the minutes the Planet Influencing the Query was Venus the Karka for Marriage in paap kartari yoga
5. Ashtamangla Number given by the Querist was 547. The Ashtamangla Prashna conducted at the time gave a number of 147. The Centre and the Right hand side digits were same was most amazing . Now in both cases the Past was good as per both the numbers since 5 is Venus and 1 is Sun , both the number have importance in the Natal and the Prashna charts. Venus placed in the 6th house of the Natal chart and ill placed from the 7th house and the 7th Lord Jupiter. In Transit Venus is in Paap Kartari yoga and with Jupiter. In natal Chart Sun in the 7th House and in the Prashna chart in the 8th house with Mercury. The Present is indicated by the centre number Mercury who had gone in the 8th house joining Sun on 5th Dec. 2019 and Future right hand side number and is Moon in both cases placed in the 12th house of the Prashna chart not in a comfortable position since there will be unhappiness and destruction.

The Analysis is as follows which I conveyed to him
1. Separation between the Husband and Wife the Omen of the 2 Plants separation gave this clue.
2. New Base for the bigger plant hence the Native has changed his base in the career with stronger footing.
3. The Pot is Reddish in color hence the Significations of Mars and Mercury for the New Venture
4. The Smaller Plant was put outside the house in the South direction from the Bigger plant hence the Spouse has gone in the South direction. The Plant has gone to the Base Ground where it normally grows , hence she has gone to the Parents house
5. The Date of Separation is the first time when Mercury was fallen in 2019 after 15th March 2019
The Client was amazed at the Predictions which were made in just in 2-5 minutes and what ever was predicted was on dot . I Immedaitely asked my Gardener to put the smaller Planet back in the new pot with the Bigger one so that the Spouse comes back.

The Future is indicated by the number 7 and 4-7 is not good as per Ashtamangla number. Mercury is the Present and just come back after being fallen from the 7th Nov. 2019. Mercury was also Fallen in March 2019 when it was Debilitated and fell back in Aquarius and at the time Jupiter was in Gandantha and also fellback on the 12th April 2019. Hence Starting from 23rd March to 5th Dec. 2019 when he approached me the native was in Anguish and Pain for the Marital Life . I told him some natural Remedies of Mercury and asked him to approach his spouse through a female who is very close to his wife or a learned man to bring about healthy relations between the two


Shall analyse the Prashna chart and the Birth chart for this query in my next Article

After using the most important techniques I will now use the Prashna chart and the Birth chart to evaluate the situations for the marital happiness for the querist
The Chart is below

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter placed in the 9th house with Saturn and Ketu. The Day Lord is placed in the Yama Gandantha of Leo and Virgo and both the yama Lords are in the 8th house of the Prashna chart and the 8th Lord also aspects the Lagna from the 7th house are most venomous parameters for good healthy relations between the husband and the wife. As a matter of fact Mercury till 5th Dec. 2019 was in the 7th hlouse as a Fallen Planet and supposed to be most malefic parameter since Mercury is also the 3rd and the 6th Lord of the Chart and combining with Mars makes the most malefic combination in the 7th House.Since Mercury has ingressed in Scorpio on the day of the Query when ever it has been in fallen state will be the time frame when the Spouse would have left the Querist. In the year 2019 Mercury was Fallen 3 times as follows

1.15th March from Pieces to Aquarius the 11th house of the Prashna chart
2.30th July from Cancer to Gemini the 3rd House of the Prashna chart
3.7th Nov. from Scorpio to Libra the 7th house of the Prashna chart
The Querist replied that the Spouse left him and went in the South Directio to her Parents after the 15th March 2019

Mars as the 8th Lord of the Natural Zodiac in the 7th house is most malefic combination here for Separation and combination with 6th Lord makes things very painful, but since Mercury has left the 7th house on the day of the Query they may live separately.
Ketu and 12th Lord Jupiter in the 9th house leads to separation without any further dispute, but unfortunately Saturn is with Venus and Ketu,this may further prove venomous for detachment and even divorce.
The Most crucial Parameter in the Prashna chart is the Rahu is in forward motion in the own nakshatra and is Up Karka for Marriage , hence till 20th Sept 2020 till in Gemini will not be a healthy out come for the Spouse to return back
7th Lord in Paap Kartari yoga is another Malefic Parameter , these parameters in totality are not conducive to give a healthy compromise between the two.

Sun placement in the 8th house and Venusnis not retrograde and Lagnesh is also not closely related to Venus, and Sun and Venus donot have aspect of Moon, Sun is weaker than Venus , hence great Pursuation may be required for the spouse to return. The Planetary Positions are not conducive for a healthy combinations for an Earlyand healthy return.
Moon in the 12th house unhappiness and destruction. Sun in the 8th house again a malefic parameter and not good for return.
The Spouse may return after Rahu and Ketu leave the Present axis after the 20th Sept. 2020 and when Jupiter Falls back in the 7th house as a fallen Planet in Transit after middle May 2020, all this is taking a positive stance for which there are weak combinations but cannot be ruled out

For Reasons best known I am not disclosing the Birth Details but for Teaching and for the upcoming Students of Astrology this analysis may help them analyse the situations.

The Lagna is Gemini Garbshishta at Birth is of Sun and Rahu in the 7th house with 7th Lord Jupiter in close degrees . Rahu is in Adverse motion
Venus the Karka for Marriage is ill placed from the 7th house, 7th Lord,Shakrarrodha,7th Pada and the MCL of the 7th house and also from the Garbshishta planets
Venus is afflicted by Mars conjunction in the 6th house and aspected by Saturn from the 12th house as the 8th and the 9th Lord , owner of the Bad house and placed in bad house Saturn will not give good results for Gemini Lagna
Lagna is 15.4 degrees and Sun in the 7th house is at 11.20 degrees , as per Declination Sun will reach the 7th house after 36 years of Marriage and the Conflict between the husband and wife will take un healthy turn and then Sun will reach the Lagna Degrees and the Degrees of Jupiter and Rahu after 4 years hence the after 40 years the difference in the Marriage will start, at this point Venus will be over the Natal Venus as per declination. The Difference between Sun and Rahu is 12 degrees and Adding 12 to 36 years = 48 , hence after the completion of 47th Year of life Marital Problems will erupt with magnitude and the 48th years will have turbulence in Marriage front.At this point Jupiter will also be over the natal Jupiter asper Declination.
The 48th Year of the life of the Querist will be most prone to difficulties in the Married life since Venus and Jupiter will reach the Natal Positions as per Declination as well and since they are in 2/12 position they may prove most Venomous for the Querist
Transit Rahu and Ketu also in the 1/7 Axis of the Natal chart from the 23rd March 2019 and Ketu over Rahu and Rahu over Ketu in very close degrees
Rahu-Ketu in Transit will reach the MEP of the Lagna on the 10th Nov. 2019. The Spouse left the Husband on the 29th March when the Transit Jupiter touched the Natal Sun Rahu and Jupiter.
In Transit Jupiter will join the 8th house with Mars and Saturn on the 30th March 2020 and will become Retrograde and Fall back in the 7th house in Middle of June 2020. As per Prashna Parameters it is time for the Missing Person to return back.

All the above Planetary positions are are indicating what is happening with the Querist

Jupiter-Ketu started from the 30-3-2019 when the separation took placeand is till 5-3-2020 and then Jupiter- Venus all these planets are not well placed and Specially the Jupiter -Sun Dasha may again prove fattal even if the Spouse returns back. One has to be verycareful in the relation with the spouse

The Vedic Progression chart of the Native is also indicating that the 48th year will bring destruction in the Married life since 7th Lord of the Natal chart is in Mrityu Bhag AND DEEP DEBLITATION AND PLACED IN THE 7TH HOUSE
The 7th house has gone in the 6th house . Natal 7th Lord Jupiter placed in the 8th from Moon and Moon also with 7th and 8th Lord Saturn in the Progression chart are most malefic combinations .
Cancer Lagna afflicted by Saturn and Mars. 7th Lord from Moon is Mars and with Rahu again most Venomous parameters
The Progression chart is showing absolutely what the Prashna chart is showing and difficulty for the Spouse to return with healthy Relationships


All the Parameters indicate strained Marital Relations and even if The Spouse return back for which poor Combinations the Dasha of Jupiter-Sun may prove to Be worst after Jup-Venus Dasha .
The Spouse is running the Dasha Rahu -Saturn and Both Point out Hurdles in Marriage till 7-1-2022 since Rahu in the 2nd house alone and Saturn in the 11th house and the Virgo Lagna rising . The Querist has to Try his level best to Pursuade her to Come back which will be a tedious task.

As Per Shakun and Omen the 2 Planets are alive and there is no change . Taking the Call of the Nature it will be possible for the Spouse to bring her back in her life after lot of Changes , since the Smaller Planet will take time to get set in the New Pot and till date it is Status Quo Position and no signs of any Improvement or any Negative ones . This gives an indication that even if the Querist may convince his wife for coming back it will be a hard Period for him to Keep her in a Happy State . Hence He should make sure that he will keepm her happy when she returns after lot of Pursuation taking a Positive Stance

16th Dec. 2019 14-30 hrs Dubai
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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My Interview by a University of Repute from US in Nov. 2018
My Interview by the Express Star Teller Magzine published in Sept. 2017 edition on the page 34 link on my webpage

“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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