Prashna Chart Gives Amazing Results After 9 Years Nodes Play Amazing Role For Ancestral Property Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1083 Articles and Predictions in just 55 months from April 2015

Prashna Chart shows our Present Karma and the Results for any Event can be better under stood from it then the Birth chart which shows our Past Karma only and Promise which again is dependent on the Transit of Planets at the time of the Query
A Query was raised for Ancestral Property Dispute in the year 2010 on the 30th Jan. 15.31 hrs. ” Will the Case Be in My Favour” This Query was raised when I was learning Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan.There was a Ancestral Property dispute which took place in the month of April 2007.

The Chart is below with Gemini Ascendant having Ketu in the Lagna and Rahu and Mercury in the 7th house of the Prashna chart. In the Matters related to Court Cases the Lagna is represented by the Plaintiff and Defender by the 7th house. and Querist from the Ascendant as the case may be. The Chart shows there will be no immediate solution to the dispute on the Ancestral Property since Ketu and Rahu are in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant.

Lagna Lord in the 7th house indicates that there will be a compromise ultimately but after a long time as indicated in the analysis.
Moon is Placed in the 2nd House in own sign with Karka for Property Mars shows the Property is an expensive one and in the house of Ancestral wealth.Saturn Placed in the 4th house aspecting the Lagna along with Retrograde Mars aspect on the Lagna shows hinderances . The Lagna is aspected by Jupiter and Mercury both is good but Moon with Retrograde Mars and Ketu and Rahu in the 1/7 axis shows fierce fight

The Houses from the 9th to 2nd are the houses of the Plantiff and from the 3rd to 8th of the Defender, which ever side has more benefic Planets wins

Here both sides have equal number of Benefics hence a tuff fight is indicated more so the Ketu and Rahu in the 1/7 axis
Apart from the above parameters Lagnesh and the Moon are not related .
malefics in the Lagna and the 7th house case may prolong for 9 years since Rahu and Ketu will transit again in this axis after March 2019

Lagnesh is stronger than 7th Lord Jupiter
2nd and 9th houses are positied with Benefics


1.The Navamsha rising is that of Saturn and Aquarius Ascendant and Saturn is in the 4th Navamsha in the rashi chart hence the time for settlement will be 4×3= 12 years from the Date of the Case filed in the court . The reasons are clear Saturn is Retrograde and takes one year for Timing purposes and since Retrograde and in 4th Navamsha will take more then 12 years as stated above.

2. Lagna star is Ardra Lord is Rahu and as I have already mentioned Ardra Nakshatra is the Lord of Storms and Terrific form of Lord Shiva it brings Tears and then smile. Moon is in the Star of Ashlesha , hence when these to Planets Rahu and Mercury influence the 1/7 axis the Case may be solved specially when Rahu ingresses in Lagna in Ardra Nakshatra and Mercury in the Lagna or the 7th house
Rahu ingressed in the Ardra Nakshatra in Transit on the 27th Sept. 2019 over the Natal Ketu and the Ascendant of the chart. Mercury will ingress in the sign Sagitarius on the 25th Dec. 2019 and Jupiter will ingress in the 7th house on the 5th Nov. 2019. Hence it is crystal Clear that the 7th Lord in the 7th house and the Lagna Lord in the 7th house again in Rahu Ketu axis there will be some compromise between the Plaintiff and Defender to solve the issue after 9 years from the date of the Prashna and 12 years from the date of the Case in the court

Surprisingly on my insistance on the 11th August 2019 there was a Meeting between the Plantiff and the Defenders and they reached a conclusion to put the dispute in the Mediation cell and Progress is going on. Both the Plantiff and Defender have put there cards before the Court and seems the Dispute will be settled after hinderances as per the Below Transit

See the Chart of the 26th Dec. 2019 below with Gemini Lagna and the same Ascendant degrees at the time of the Query

The Imporant Parameters are as below
1. Rahu in the Nakshatra of Ardra in Transit at the almost Lagna Degree 15.29 of the Prashna chart
2. Mercury in the 7th Lord has to establish a connection with Rahu in Transit and the 1/7 axis
3. Saturn was aspecting the Ketu in the Lagna in the Prashna chart now in Transit with Ketu in the 7th house at exact degrees of Rahu 26.4 in the Prashna chart . All the Planets influencing the 7th house which are the 11th house of the Querist from natal Moon and the Querist has the same Lagna Gemini.. Strong Mars placed in the 6th house as the 6th Lord

Having Look at the Chart of the Plaintiff Youngest Sister below For Reasons best known I am not disclosing the Birth details

Note the following Parameters
1. Ketu and Rahu in the 4/10 axis and both in each other nakshatra and a exchnage. Have a Look at the degrees 12.32 . At the time of the Settlement Rahu will be over the natal Ketu and Ketu over the natal Rahu very near the Natal Degrees of Rahu-Ketu.
2. Since Rahu and Ketu are most important in the Prashna chart we have to see the Transit Rahu and Ketu from the Lagna and Moon . In Transit Rahu will be in the 4th house from the Lagna and the Moon and condidered most malefic to give auspicious results for any Property .
3.Jupiter Transit in the 10th from the Lagna and Moon is not considered good
4. Saturn and Ketu are considered good in the 10th from Moon.
5. Sun, Moon and Mercury are also good in the 10th house from Natal Moon and Dasha of Venus -Mercury is in operation
Above shows Gains of Money but not from the Property since the 4th house of the Property is having Rahu in Transit over the natal Ketu
6. The Eclipse in the 10th house from the Lagna and the Moon is not good since falling in the 1/7 axis of the Ketu and Rahu but the Moola Nakshatra is the 4th and Good hence she stands to gain in the whole process in the form of Money which may be substaintal.

Second Plaintiff Daughter of Elder Sister
Chart below

Have a Look at the chart above of the Daughter of the Eldest Sister posing issues for want of Money
The Transit of Rahu and Ketu in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Sun and Moon on the 26th Dec. 2019 may prove to be most Venomous as per the Principles of Theory of Inevitability Of K N Rao due to following reasons
1. Moon in Ardra Nakshatra and see the Degrees on Moon 15.29 the same which are in the Prashna chart Ascendant and Transit Rahu will move over this point after 11th Nov. 2019 at exact degrees and then the Eclipse on the 26th Dec. 2019 and the Eclipse in the Mool Nakshatra is taking Place in the Lagna and over the Natal Sun and from Moon this is the 5th Partyari star and Most malefic for her

It is Surprising that the Prashna chart raised 9 years back is opening all the secrets of when it will be settled and when it would be the correct time to negotiate with them, obviously after 5th nov. and 11th Nov. 2019 when Jupiter joins the 7th house of the Prashna charta and gives some divine thinking and in the 11th from The Natal Moon in Aquarius for the Querist which is very strong to give good gains , since then Mars will also be in the 10th from Natal Moon for the Querist
The Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Transit in Capricorn after 30th March 2020 indictate that after the 3 Planet will aspect the 2nd House of Ancestral Property it may be demolished and Reconstructed again to be built as a massive mansion

Chart of the day of the Court Case on the 3rd April 2007 is again a Gemini Lagna and Rahu and Ketu are in the Aquarius and Leo Navamsha and In Transit Rahu and Ketu will join these axis in the navamsha transit after 27th Oct. 2019 and hence 4 months from this Date till 20th Feb. 2019 will be the Period till which there would be negosiations and fight and the matter will be solved


The Plaintiff and the Defender are trying to settle the issue but as per me the Problem will only be solved after 27th Oct. 5th Nov. and then finally after 26th Dec. 2019 as per the Prashna chart which seem to give better results for the Court case then the Birth charts which are seldom correct. Prashna Chart is the Backbone of Astrology

This article is also on the link my other website

Date 17th Oct.2019 17.00.00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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