Solving Murder Mistery of Sheena Bora By Prashna Jyotish Part 2

by astrodocanil

This is in continution to my article “Solving Murder Mistery of Sheena Bora by Prashna Jyotish” link

Family Tree and People Involeved with Indrani

1) Indrani Mukherjia – Main accused

2) Siddharth Das – Indrani’s first Husband

3) Sheena Bora – Siddharth and Indrani’s daughter

4) Mikhil Bora – Siddharth and Indrani’s son

5) Sanjeev Khanna – Indrani’s Second Husband

6) Vidhi Khanna – Sanjeev and Indrani’s daughter

7) Peter Mukerjia – Indrani’s third husband

8) Saswati Mukherjia – Peter Mukherjia’s late first wife

9) Rahul Mukhergia – Peter and saswati’s Elder son

10) Gautam Mukherjia – Peter Mukherjia’s brother

11) Indrani Mukherjia’s driver

12) Sheena and Mikhail’s grandparents living in Guwahati

It seems Indrani had multiple affairs and may also have been involved in Sex Rackets since at the time of Arrest Venus and Mars conjunction is suggesting . She will certainly be having this combination in her Horoscope in the 12th house .

I am hereby adding few more observations in the article since of major concern for the analysis . I had mentioned that since there is Saturn in the Libra Lagna at the time of Murder. it appears that Indrani mukerjea as mentioned by me must have attempted for a Murder of her Daughter  on  earlier occassions when ever major planets Mars and Saturn  involved to be in Stationary motion . Surprisingly as per media , Indrani mukerjee tried her hand on the 12th April 2012 but did not succeed. See the chart below  of 12th April 2012.


From the above it is crystal Clear that Mars is in Stationary motion and aspecting Rahu in the 2nd house at very close degrees , Now Sun ingresses on the 14th April 2012 when Mars is Direct and Stationary and has exchange with Mars , hence the event will take place again when Sun and Mars are in Poorna ithasla on the 24th April 2012 . At this time Moon will also be in the 8th house and the Murder took place .

As mentioned by me  in the previous article a Vital information will be given by the Brother to the Police on 28th Evening to 29th August 2015  , since Sun in Transit  will reach Mars degrees at 10.44 in Leo at the time of the murder  on the 24th April 2012 .  Mikhai has given Vital informations to the Police . Exposing the Facts of the Murder.  Mars is significator of Brothers since in male sign  male Brother and Sun and Mars had exchange at the time of the murder and a Poorna ithasla , shows involvement of Police .Sun and Mars are also Karka for human bones , Skull and Sun for the Soul and amazingly  the police has found the above after digging from the place of the crime.

It is most amazing that the Event chart is giving vital information even after  more than 3 years  of the murder which  took place on the 24th April 2012 at the time calculated as per Mook Prashna and some time Frame given by the Media, Police. Astrology is amazing.

One of the Most Crucial Parameter in the chart of 24th April 2012 at the time of Murder is Sun 7th Lord  from 5th house , that is the house of marriage  for Sheena Bora is Exhalted and placed in the 7th house from Lagna and both the 7th from Lagna and 7th from 5th house have exchange and Poorna ithasla as mentioned by me in my article Part 1, This is raising a serious doubt that the Spouse of Indrani Mukerjea is also involved in the Murder  silently, because of some reasons  which are evident as Sheena was Pregnant after her holidays in Bangkok. Hence the Murder was for Honour  and Sheena Black mailing her Mother on Financial Kick back she got from the Benami  and Fraud deals of Mother . Jupiter the karka for Finance and Money is also aspecting the Lagna and the 5th Lord . Double male Planet is Jupiter Placed in the 7th hlouse from the Lagna and also from the 5th Lord Saturn  is making crystal clear that both Indrani and Sheena were under the Influence of Double males at the time of the Murder  and hence illegitimate relations . Indrani  Mukerjea came to know about her Daughters involvement with another male other than Rahul and was stunned and even Discussed the same with that male who is also very close to her and makes the Complete story now  as depicted by the murder chart 

Possible chart of Sheena of 11th Feb 1987 with Sagitarius Lagna and 8th lord in the 7th house aspected by Venus the 11th Lord  Lagna and Venus in Paap kartari yoga . 



It has been my experience that for all Grusome murders the Person involved has  to basic factors in the chart which are badly afflicted .

  1. Moon Karka of Mind afflicted badly
  2. The Karka for kindness and Divine gift Jupiter is afflicted badly for the Grusome act .  See the charts of Talwars for Arushi  , both Mother and Father have Jupiter badly afflicted . Jupiter is badly afflicted , when In Retrogression, Fallen, In Rahu-Ketu Axis or In Debilitataion. Mother of Sheena is born in 1972 and Jupiter Remains in Sagitarius from 1st week of Jan to 31st Dec. 1972. Indrani hence has to be born when jupiter is totally eclipses with  Rahu-Ketu and according to me she is born in  Dec. 1972 with  Jupiter and Rahu in Conjunction the main Parameters.
  3. Now Read my  Article “Saturn Stationary in Transit: What it Foretells” link I have mentioned in my article that if any Planets are placed in Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn and leo between 3.20 degrees to 6.40 degrees than those natives are bound to be influenced  during the Transit of Saturn in Stationary motion between the 27th July to 7th August 2015 . Also if a native has Rahu in Forward motion and specially in Virgo then all those will also be influenced from 18th August to 24th August 2015, since Mercury the dispositor of rahu will also joinRahu on the 23rd August and negativity will sprout to the highest level.
  4. Mars and Venus Conjunction . Mars is Debilitated and Venus Retrograde and fallen and this combination is well attributed as Abnormal sex life and Crimes related to sex for Materialistic benefits
  5. In case of Indranin Mukerjea the Planetary positions at the Time of Probe and Arrest are most significant since she should have similiar planetary positions in her chart to bring adversity and Arrest for her.
  6. Let me write the Planetary Positions which acquire a special dimension in the Present Scenerio.
  7. Saturn was Stationary on the 27th July to 7th August 2015 , hence she should have Primarily Saturn Retrograde in her chart to be activated . As per the media reports she is born in 1972 and hence Saturn was in Taurus sign.
  8. Around the 21st August 2015 the Driver of Indrani mukerjeee was questioned and facts revealed that Indrani was Involved in the Murder. The Parameters which acquire a special dimension are Rahu and Mercury since Mercury was in Mrityu bhag on the 21st August 2015  and Rahu in the sign of Virgo in forward motion from the 18th August to 24th August 2015. At the time of Murder Rahu was in Scorpio and has to be connected to the 8th Lord  who could be Mercury, Hence Indrani Mukerjea has Mercury in Scorpio, Rahu in forward motion in her natal chart. On the 25th August Jupiter was with Sun but totally combusted , hence she has Jupiter afflicted and in a fiery sign and as per 1972 Jupiter was in Fiery sign Sagitarius . Venus and Mars  Conjunction in Cancer at the time of Arrest and in close degrees .With the above combinations  Indrani Mukerjea would have been born on the 10th Dec. 1972  with Scorpio Lagna in the morning hours  as below
  9. Indraini
  10.  8th Lord Mercury in Lagna at 4.14 degree where Saturn was Stationary in Transit  on the 6th August 2015  and also aspected Transit  Mercury in Leo at exact Degrees along with Venus and Jupiter . Rahu-Ketu in the 5/11 axis  affliction to the House of Children, since in her natal chart 5th lord is with rahu Ketu and Rahu in Forward motion and Poison. Lagna in Bhandan yoga for Arrest . Now compare with the Chart of the  25th August 2015 when she was arrested The chart are below.25-8-2015
  11. Satisfying all the above conditions .ury Degreewise at 22.14 . These are amazing planetary positions arrived with .Hence when Mars goes in Leo in Transit on the 15th Sept. 2015 and reaches the 2nd navamsha  then the Case will become crystal clear after the 21st Sept. 2015 in all respects.Rahu changing sign and Joining Jupiter is Leo on the 9th Jan 2016 will be instrumental to give the the Culprits the due.

God Bless

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  28th August 2015  10.30 hrs PM  .

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