Astrology Speaks Again ! Predictions on Chandrayaan 2 Prove On Dot Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1036 Arrticles and Predictions in just 54 months from April 2015

These Predictions Prove that if Astrology and Science go hand in hand then there will be wonders for the Globe and the mankind

Time of Event is most Important if Good then Good if Bad then Bad as per Astrology Combinations

Read My Article “Chandrayaan 2 Moon Landing Tonight: ‘Fifteen Minutes Of Terror’ What Star’s Foretell ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎dated 21st July 2019 Written well in advance as per the Time of Launch and the time of Landing . The Predictions as per ASTROLOGY have proved on dot . The Effort are really appreciaable . If Used Astrology for the time of Launching and Landing then it could be 100 % Successful
Now Read this ISRO Chief K Sivan briefed Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was then at the ISRO control centre, before making the announcement. “Vikram lander’s descent was as planned and normal performance was observed up to an altitude of 2.1 km. Subsequently, the communication from the lander to ground station was lost. The data is being analysed,” the ISRO chief said around 2:16 am.
I had Predicted that till 02-15 hrs the Planetary positions are not Conducive for the Landing and the Connection was lost at 02-16 hrs

Let me reproduce the Text here for ready reference below

As Per the Muhurat Chart of 22nd July 2019 and the Day of Landing 7th Sept. 2019 Early Morning the Planetary positions are not conducive to give results as per expectations
This Analysis is purely on Astrology Principles and not my Personal Opinion

Please Read My Analysis of the 22nd July 2019 of 14.43 hrs when the Chandrayaaan took off. Article “Muhurat Chart Plays Vital Role In Launch Of Chandrayaan 2 What Star’s Foretell For ReLaunch ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Let me reproduce the Article here for ready reference

Let us see the chart of the rescheduled time of the 22nd July 2019 14.43 hrs at the same place if the Muhurta is congenial to give auspicious Results

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon and placed in the sign of Pieces the 5th house of the Muhurat chart aspected by Jupiter Fallen and Retrograde

Krisgna Paksha -6

The Karna is again Gar and Lord is Jupiter and Placed in the Lagna In Retrogression and Fallen, it aspects the 10th Lord Sun, As Karna Lord aspecting the 10th Lord is good
Yoga is Atigand Inauspicious

The Day Lord Moon is Placed in the Yama of Leo the 10th House and is a Dagdha Rashi and the Yama Lord Sun is Placed in the 9th house with a Planet in Depression who is the Lagna Lord and also with the 8th Lord Mercury who is in Retrogression and also Combusted as the 8th Lord since about to go in the 8th house as a fallen planet on the 30th July 2019. Planets with Lowest Degrees are most important more so it is about to go in the 8th house as the 8th Lord . Hence even if the Launch takes place the results between the 30th to 3rd August for the Chanderyaan may not be auspicious . The Connection of the Yama Lord Sun with 8th Lord and a PlanetMars Lagna Lord in Depression is most Venomous for a good Muhurat and good Fructifications of the event.

Moon is in the Yama of Leo again a Dagdha Rashi and the Yama Moon and the Muhurat Moon are in 6/8 axis is the Most Venomous parameter for Good Fructifications of the event. In the Prashna Shastra it is considered most Venomous

Lagna connected with Retrograde Planet ,But Jupiter in General is supposed to be good in Lagna , unfortunately it is fallen and Retrograde will it give a support is a big question and will be known as per the Predictions in this Article
The Yama Lord is Ill Placed s explained above.Moon is in the Yama of Leo again a Dagdha Rashi and the Yama Moon and the Muhurat Moon are in 6/8 axis is the Most Venomous parameter for Good Fructifications of the event

1. Lagna is Shisshodayo and Shirshodayo planet is good , but the Lagna Lord Mars is not in own Navamsha
2. Arudha Lagna Lord Is Jupiter and Debilitated in Navamsha and Retrograde , not good
3. Dispositor of Moon is Jupiter and Debilitated and Retrograde in and Navamsha , not good
4. Dispositor of Sun is moon and In the Navamsha of Sun is good But with Retrograde Mercury

From the above we can say that even this Muhurat is not upto the mark and there are negatives in the Muhurat

Though The Negatives are More than the Positives Taking Positive stance Jupiter in Lagna and aspect on the trinal houses may impart some good this is the only saving factor if we take Jupiter as Benefic inspite of being in Retrogression and Fallen. The Earlier Lagna was Taurus and now Scorpio the 7th house of the Earlier Muhurat

This Article was written on the
Date 20th July 2019 19-00 hrs

As per the link
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) scientists will be glued to their consoles tracking telemetry parameters at the Missions Operation Complex in Bengaluru, as Chandrayaan 2 attempts a soft landing near the South Pole of the moon on September 7. Since the takeoff on July 22, the team of scientists has been working upto 16 hours a day: calculating the orbit, performing simulations, and planning complex orbital manoeuvres.
The powered descent, which India will attempt for the first time, was described as “fifteen minutes of terror” by the ISRO chairperson K Sivan. “It will be a terrifying moment for us. Everybody’s eyes would be glued to their consoles. The telemetry parameters will keep telling us that we are going in the right direction, but at the same time, there will be a lot of anxiety about what will happen in the next moment,” ISRO chairperson K Sivan had said, describing the most challenging phase of the mission after Chandrayaan 2 had entered in a lunar orbit on August 20 2019

Now Have a Look at the time when it is Landing as per IST we cannot take the Longitude and Lattitude of the place it is Landing

New Delhi:
India looks to create history by becoming the first nation to reach closest to the Moon’s south pole as the Chandrayaan 2 moon mission is scheduled to land on the lunar surface after midnight today. The moon lander Vikram that separated from its orbiting mothership has already performed two manoeuvres to lower its altitude for a perfect touchdown between 1:30 am and 2:30 am on Saturday.

The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus placed in the Yama of Aquarius the 9th house of the Chart and the Yama Lord is aspecting the Lagnaand Rahu the Planet of Research is good . The Following Parameters are adverse
1. Gemini the 8th house of the Time of Launch is rising which is Research also

2. Moon is Debilitated and placed in the sign Scorpio at the time of Launch
3. Navammi Tithi not good for New Ventures
4.DBA Planets are not of 2,6,10, 11
5. Lagna was Scorpio on the 22nd July 2019 and the Mars the Lagna Lord was Debilitated and today Mars is Combusted
6. Moon is aspected by 6th Lord Mars and Jupiter the 7th Lord is placed in the 6th house which was the Sign Rising at the time of Launch , There are no benefics in the Kendra and Trikona
7. At the time of Landing the Lagna degrees will be same as the Rahu degrees 21 and the Navamsha will be of Aries Lagna and the Lord os the same in the Rashi Chart is totally Combusted

8. The Lagna Lord Mercury is Placed in the Yama of Sagitarius and the Yama Lord is placed in the 6th house with DPlanet in Depression , hence weak results and seems there is 15 minutes of ‘TERROR’

9. After 02-15 hrs Cancer sign is rising and the Lord is Debilitated and placed in the 5th house with Jupiter , In Navamsha Jupiter is Debilitated and aspects the Navamsha Lagna , although the Lagna is Vargottam, hence this time may be better for Success but the Ultimate aim may not be achieved is seen from the Day of Launch and the Day of Landing on Moon .
Written on
Date 6th Sept. 2019 12.50 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

Date 7th Sept. 2019 10.00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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