Answering A Prashna By Different Prashna Classics

by astrodocanil

In this article I am discussing the various Techniques employed by me  to Analyse the Query  for Career Growth. The various classics used by me are 1. Prashna Marg. 2. Prashna Aaroodhaphala Tamil 3. Bhuvana Deepak 4. Prashna Tantra. 5. Prashna Shastra Daivajna Vallabha by VarahaMihira . 6. Prashna Gnana Bhattotpala 7. KrishnaNeeyam 8. Jinendra Malai .9 Shatpanchasika 

For the sake of Teaching there are 2 Modules in the Prashna 1. Prashna  2. Advanced Techniques of Prashna  and Teach both of them .

The Query was asked by the Querist on the 9th August 2015 at 15-00 hrs on Sunday. The Native was facing North and Body Parts touched by him was his face below the right eye.  The Query was Predictions through Prashna for Career . How will be my Present Year in my Career 

Let us have a Look at the Prashna Chart to evaluate the results from the same Prashna

  1. Prashna Triangle This Parameter  Analysis is purely my Research and not mentioned in any Classic. Planet influencing is Venus as per Prashna Triangle. , Placed in 10th house is in  Leo Sign Retrograde and will be fallen on the 13th August  joining Debilitated Mars.  Birth chart Venus is Placed in the 10th house in Aries , as per Birth chart both Mars and Venus in Transit are in the Lagna , hence emotional Problems relating to career .Efforts of the native going invain.
  2. Panch Pakshi Method of analysis  for the  Query. As per Panch Pakshi  the Birth Bird is crow and is in dying stage on the day and  at the time of query , hence indicates negative results for the query.
  3. Direction Method by  Naisargik and Tatlika Chakra As per Naisargik is Mercury Planet in the North  and as per Tatlika it is  Jupiter hence Jupiter in Mercury has to be seen Indicative of good results for Trade agreements, Negotiating  Contracts, but  queries relating to domestic affairs  Court , Litigation are negative.
  4. First Letter of the Word for the query is P is Paverg and is signified By Saturn and Air Tatwa  and since asked during 15-00 hrs it is in Even sign and  Capricorn which  signifies Evil results will befall. Capricorn is also Arudha Lagna and aspected by Debilitated Mars and Sun  shows lot of efforts required to work to keep up the job.
  5. Nakshatra Number Rohini number 4 Andha Nakshatra, hence difficulty in achieving the results in the Career
  6. Spristanga Rashi Body Part touched by the Querist at the time of Query. Face below right eye and signified by the  Sign Taurus. Taurus sign  has Exhalted Moon in the 7th house which is the 11th house of the birth chart is Good and indicates that  inspite of efforts going in vain the native is strong mentally and will handle  the situations by hard work. Uday Lagna Afflicted, Arudhalagna  Aquarius is aspected by 3 Planets forming Saraswati yoga is  good and shows the past, Chaitra Rashi is capricorn a Prishtodayo sign aspected by Sun and Debilitated Mars  is not good since shows the future, Navamsha Lagna is Capricorn having Sun, Janam Rashi is Leo and has benefics . Only 2 Rashis are benefic out of the 6 Rashis important for Prashna , hence only 30-40 % Positive results can be expected only.
  7. Panchang Parameters   Day Sunday Tithi KP-10 Nak. Rohini, Yoga Dhruva Karna Vishti  Lord is Saturn connected to the 10th house is good but the Karna Vishti is not good for queries relating to wealth , From Karna 10H/L Career can be seen . Karna Lord Saturn is connected to the 10th house is good along with the Tithi, but Karna is Malefic, hence not very good results for karya siddhi and fructification of the results.
  8.  Hora Venus Good for disputes getting solved  for Career. Sun Rise  06-01 AM hence the Yama will be as under.
  9. Yama Chart 3rd Yama of Leo which is the 10th house of the Query chart, which is a Dagdha Rashi  and the Lord Sun is placed in the sign of Cancer and with Mars in debilitation , hence the results will not be favourable and Karya siddhi will be difficult and will not fructify properly and lot of efforts will be required  to keep up the job. The native may not  not lose  the job but conditions are precarious.Day Lord Sun also Afflicted by Debilitated Mars is not good for Fructification .
  10.  Prashna Chart  Scorpio sign rising and Lagna Lord Mars placed in the 9th house with 10th Lord and Day Lord Sun since a Rajyoga but  Mars in Debilitation is not good for fructification. Only 40 -50 % results will be achieved and the native will have to work 4 times to achieve the same results. Lagna has Saturn and shows the native is under Trouble since 14th Nov.  2014, the time of his shifting of Saturn in Scorpio. The native may have been transfered to an un wanted place as  Saturn is the 3rd Lord placed in the Uday Lagna and a malefic and Prishtodayo . As per Prashna , the Planet Saturn went into Retrogression on the 14th March 2015 at 10.56 degreees and hence the Career of the native will stagnate  till it crosses the Retrogression mark of 10.56 degrees on the 8th Nov. 2015. Till Saturn in Scorpio , the native will have to work very  hard and a Precarious time till 8th Nov. 2015 and more so till 7th August , which the native has confirmed . UL is Present and Saturn effect and CR is Future and aspected by Mars and Sun will give mixed results. Period from 20-2-2016 will improve when Mars ingresses in Uday Lagna, but Mars going in Retrogression on the 17-4-2016 and fallen on the 17-6-2016 is a period of Alert from 17-6-2015 to 30-6-2016 and more so till 12-7-2016, there after when Mars goes in Capricorn will change the  Place of work since strong and will aspect the 10th house from the 3rd house ..
  11. UL is Scorpio, AL is Aquarius  and CR is Capricorn and aspected by Mars and Sun  is extremely Bad for a Debilitated planetto be in the 7th from the CR, but Sun in the 7th  be give some relief.  Saraswati yoga in the 7th from AL and in the 10th from Lagna and 4th from Moon . Lagna Lord is Debilitated  is weak but with Sun is extremely good . Mars has improved little bit in D10UL and AL are 4/10 to each other is not good but since Al is aspected by benefics there was some relief in the past, but CR and Ul are 3/11  and AL is 2/12 from CR there will be only 4050 % results expected , but Placement and aspect of Malefics on the UL  and AL  are indicative of mslrfic results.
  12. Assessing the Strength of Mars  LagneshD1 Debilitated in the nakshatra of Saturn,  D4 Mars is Debilitated again , D9 Mars in Leo inimical sign,D5 Mars in Virgo. D10  Mars in Taurus , it has improved hence as far as the Career is concerned though week may not give  very bad results.Assessing the Strength of KaryeshD1 Friends sign, D12 Benefic sign, D9 in inimical sign of Capricorn, D8  In Virgo , D10 Debilitated, hence there is weakness as far as the career is concerned.
  13. Assessing the results from Lagna Pada Lagna Pada is  Pieces having Ketu  is not good and is not aspected by any benefic, but Lord id placed in the 10th house .
  14. Till  Saturn , who was Stationary from 28th July to  7th August 2015, shows there have been problems in the career and more so from 14th March 2015 ever since Saturn went into Retrogression, it also shows the problems will persist till Saturn crosses the Retrogression mark of 10.56 degrees on the 8th Nov. 2015.
  15. The query is also at the Time of the hora changing , in fact is not good .
  16.  The Lagna Scorpio  has a malefic Saturn and Lord is Debilitated . Jupiter is Placed in the 10th house is good , but 5th house has Ketu . Jupiter is also aspected by Saturn  and Ketu is also in the nakshtra of Saturn, 5th house affliction shows Poorva Janma Afflictions . 
  17.  D9 Navamsha Lagna lord is Saturn and is placed in the 8th house in inimical sign, Jupiter is placed in the 5th house and aspects the Lagna  and 5th Lord is placed in the 5th house is good and some relief.
  18. Benefics in the 10th house will support the Career although aspect of Saturn on the 10th house is also not good and gives Stagnation and mixed results., hence the Status of the Native will be like a hanging fire  with no relief and may continue like this till Saturn is there in the Lagna till 28th Jan 2017. Some relief after 8th Nov. 2015 Definitely. Jupiter there till 17th August 2016 will be good , but the Bosses may exploit him
  19. Moon is placed very well in the Chart in D1 , D9 and the Yam Chart is the only positive Parameter in the chart which will give sustaining power. The is no possibility of the native losing the Job since moon is very strong. Lagna Lord and 10th Lord in the 9th house forming a Rajyoga Day Lord is placed well from Lagna and Lagnesh  but is also the 10th Lord it is ill placed from 8th house and 8th Lord is a Precarious Position as well showing Presently the native may be encircled with problems. Direction best Suited – Direction best suited  East, since the Dispositor of Lagna Lord and karyesh is Moon and Moon is Placed in Taurus in the hora chart the direction best suited is East .

Timing of the Events as per above dates . Timing of Events as per Prashna Chart  as per Moon and Sun Ithasala

Moon will take weeks since in fixed sign and in Kendra and Sun in movable sign and in the 9th house  . hence will take Months , now as per fixed L:agna the combination of weeks and Months =Years  and since the difference =22.25-21.24= 1.01 degree hence after 1 year some positive fructification , now  Sun takes 6 moths and is in 7th navamsha = 42 months = 3.5 years will give good results.and Since Moon Takes  one Muhurat=48 minutes and in 7th navamsha = 48×7=336 minutes= 5 hrs and 36 minutes some results are expected  on the 9th August about 18.36 hrs New Delhi

As per the DBA the Dasha Of Moon Sun-Sun will be good to some extent  from  18-7-2016

When Moon goes in Lagna on the after 14 days = 23-24th August 2015, when Navamsha Lord of Lagna Saturn goes in the Nakshatra of Mercury on the 17th Sept. 2016 will give the results . Primarily till Saturn is there in the Lagna there may not be any respite to the Career,

When Mars comes in Lagna on the 20-2-2016 will be there for 210 days and 7 months that is the time to improve your career, it will also fall back in the 12th house  but after it reenters Scorpio will give relief  after 12th July 2016

As per Next Year Prashna  Moon is Placed in the 8th house is not good at all  fear will be there.

The native is advised to keep a low profile and take a back seat till planets improve till 8th Nov. 2015 and work hard to keep up the Job and Visit his Boss with some Presents  on Festivals.

Propitiation 7th from Moon is Lord Mars and Lord Kartike is to be Propitiated  on Shasti tithi . 9th from Sun is Jupiter  hence Lord Ganesh is also to be Propitiated  for Remedial measures .


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 20th August 2015 13.50 hrs. 


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