Heart Throbing Predictions By Prashna Jyotish

by astrodocanil

What is Prashna

Prashna is a sanskrit word which means interrogation or question. The name is because , in this the individual with a desire of knowing his future approaches an Astrologer. The astrologer answers the query with the help of the chart drawn at the time of the query, since the Chart is made at the time of query and predictions made there in , this method derives it name PRASHNA.

Here in this Article I am going to discuss the the most Heart Throbing Experience as an Astrologer. On the 1st April 2015 a client approached me for Predictions as per the Chart attached


I am not going to discuss the Chart at length but  the Predictions I gave her on the spot. Normally when a Client comes to me I tell his/her query by Mook Prashna ,rather than he /she telling me her query or problems.

  1. You donot believe in astrology and have come to me with a half mind.  She replied in affirmative , She agreed and said that some of her Realtive convinced me to approach you, but no astrologer could pinpoint her problem, hence she had lost faith in Astrology
  2.  You are Placed well in your Career and the Tensions are arising mainly Due to your Queries Related to your Parents, . Immediate Query  Relating to your Father and Mother has a Great influence on you . She replied in affirmative  that she is doing well in her career and the Queries are relating to her Parents and as Correct to the point that the immediate query is of Father and Mother has great influence on her
  3. She approached me 3 days before the Lunar Eclipse of the  4th April 2015, Hence  I asked her what happened  3 days before the Lunar Eclipse of the 8th Oct. 2014 and the 5th Oct. 2014 to your Father  ?.. Obviously since the Lunar Eclipse is taking place and Sun in the 8th house afflicted closely with Ketu, hence Sun most afflicted and hence father is Influenced most and before that Mother  since Moon is Placed in Lagna and out of Affliction. Moon is at 13.29 degrees and has just changed the nakshatra from Ketu to Venus, Ketu in the 8th house with Sun in close degrees and Venus in the nakshatra of Ketu, Exchange  . Opens the Secret of the Query . She said Yes you are 100 % correct  about the Dates for the Father . Now see the Sunis afflicted badly in the Dwadashamsha , by Mars , Saturn aspect and Sun in Rahu-Ketu axis. Since Sunis in Virgo in this chart the activity with father will also be when Sun is in Virgo.
  4. Let us first see the chart of the 5th Oct. 2014 to open the secret further 


Since the Chart of Prashna is of  1.02 degrees  Leo in the nakshatra of  Ketu, I have made the above chart for  Aquarius Lagna since Moon has to aspect the Moon of Prashna the MEP of the Leo Sign  and opens all the Secret of the query Mother and Father and only Possible in Aquarius Lagna. 5th Oct 2014 Aq Lagna


Moon in Aquarius in the nakshatra of  Mars the 4th lord of the Prashna chart and has just changed sign from Capricorn, Moon in the 7th house of the Query chart of 1st April 2015 . Sun is as explained above under acute affliction. The 9th lord mars of the Prashna chart Mars is afflicted badly in the Dwadamamsha chart  and Malefics squaring Sun the significator of father.

Dwadashamsha is opening the Secret of the Prashna , 4th Lord and 9th Lord of Prashna chart is Debilitated in this chart for parents and in Rahu-Ketu axis and Sun in affliction since Kendra from Sun malefics and Debilitated Mars. The answer is crystal clear and  for an Astrologer to give such Predictions is not good. I only asked her  what happened on the 5th Oct. 2014. She replied she  her Father died. 

I also told her that the chart of Prashna shows some involvement of your elder brother in the event , who is now in Kala Pani. She replied in affirmative .Mars Karka for Coborns in the 8th house at the time of event  from the Prashna chart opened the top Secret of the Prashna . My predictions on this were 100 % and i was myself Surprised myself too.  

Now She approached me again and the Planetary Positions are again with Leo Lagna Moon in Lagna  with 15.08 degrees and Moon 19 degrees  and ofcourse Rahu and Jupiter in Lagna . I could again Predict a Important Event on the 10th March 2016 through this Prashna chart since the Day of Query is again one day after the such combinations and hence an Important event on the 10th March 2016 since there is Solar  Eclipse on the 9th March 2016 . She was stunned and replied in affirmative . Astrology is most amazing

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  25th Feb. 2016 10.30 hrs

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Astrology Consultancy By Birth Chart and Specialised Prashna Analysis  , Astrology Teaching, Mundane Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer :The contents donot mar the image of any client neither the contact information or Birth details are mentioned in the above article. This is just to show the predictions and the Science Astrology is applied in all perspectives gives us amazing  secrets .  

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