Will The Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Sagitarius & Capricorn Bring Global Recession ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

980 Articles and Prediction in just 50 months from April 2015

Saturn and Jupiter conjunction takes place after every 20 years and opposition after every 10 years from the Conjunction
This conjunction is supposed to be most important and enigmatic one for mundane affairs , since they are the 9th and the 10th Lord of the Natural zodiac and bring about marked changes in the Globe , may be it is Politics,Brawl between the countries or the Global Economy . The Signa Sagitarius and Capricorn are the most important ones and the Results may be most Enigmatic one’s

In the Present Context the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter took place from the 29th March to 23rd April 2019 and not it will take place from the 5th Nov. 2019 to 25th Jan. 2020 and then aagain from the 30th March 2020 the conjunction will take place in the sign Capricorn the Sign allocated for India by Varahamihra

The Saturn and Jupiter Conjunction has always been enigmatic as below
1.In the Year 1980 The Conjunction took place in Virgo and there was Iran-Iraq war
2.In 1981 The PresidentZia-Ur-Rahman was shot dead
3. President AnwarSadat of Egypt was assassinated
4.In Uganda Mass suicide of 470 Dooms Day Cult Movement
5.Nawaz Sharif in Pakistan Convicted and sentenced for 25 year jain term
6.Blasts in Kinshass and Airline crash in Phillipines
7.Booody Fighting betweenEthiopia and Eriweeand Christian-Muslim Clashes
8.Crash of Air France Concorde
9.Attack on US Warship
10.Drought in Madhya Pradesh
11.Law Minister Jethmalani Resigns
12.Havoc in Bihar

The Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in 1999-2000 also took place
We had the Gulf War

Mars, Saturn and Jupiter Conjunction will also Take Place in March-April 2020 and these conjunctions have serious repurcussions in the sings they take place this conjunction may not be good for India since capricorn is allocated to India By Varahamihra

Sagitarius sign is allocated to Spain,Saudi Arabia,Hungry, Madagascar,Australia
Cities – Cologne,Toledo,Sheffield, Roddenburg, Nottingham, Toronto, Bradford

Capricorn Part of India Specia;;y the North India, Punjab, Albania, Bosnia,Bulgaria,Greece,Mexico,Part of Iran, Afganistan,Bangladesh
Cities Oxford, Brussels Bradenburg

All the Baove will be influenced accordingly
As per Research and as per the past it has been seen that when Ever Saturn, Jupiter are in fiery signs it is time for Global Recession. Take the example of the 24th Oct 1929 at the time of the Great Global Recession Saturn was in Sagitarius and on other Time frames jupiter was in Aries and Saturn in Leo. The Conjunction of Saturn_Jupiter therefore after the 5th Nov. 2019 and then after 30th March 2020 can be explosive one for the Global Financial Markets. I have already mentioned that the Time frame from the 5th Nov to 11th Nov. 2019 when Jupiter will ingress back in the sign Sagitarius meeting Saturn, Ketu and Pluto and simultaneously Mars will activate the Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse of the 17th July 2019 could prove most Venomous for the Global Stock Markets between 5th-10th Nov. 2019 . Also see the chart of the 29th Nov. 2019 below

5 Planets in Fiery sign Sagitarius and Mercury the Karka for Stock and the Financial Markets Fallen

The Planetary Positions specially Saturn Ketu and are driving the world towards Recession and when Jupiter and Venus join them will be the worst time for the Global Economy it so seems

I had Predicted athat after 3rd July to 19th July also there will be time for the Stock Markets taking a reversal and there will be no stability in the Stock and the Financial markets, since rahu will be on the driving wheel and has the capacity to turn the tables up-side down

Now Look at the Global Events and the News which pours in when the 2 Eclipses take place in July and Rahu is on the driving wheel

Read My Articles also written for the Global Economy below

1.”Sensex Falls More Than 1100 Points After 4th July 2019 Asia Stock Slide Monday North Node On Wheel As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/07/sensex-falls-mor…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Predictions were on Dot
2. “Rahu North Node On Driving Wheel Budget 2019 Gets Thumbs Down From Markets Predictions Prove Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/07/rahu-north-node-…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
3. “Vedic Progression Chart Of US July 2019-July 2020 May Prove Most Enigmatic With Eclipses Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/07/vedic-progressio…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
4.” Research On Global Economy Predictions Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/07/research-on-glob…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
5.” Astrology Predicts Last Bubble In Stock and Financial Markets As Tensions Rise Between US-China US-Iran Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/06/astrology-predic…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Now Read the media news as follows
1. “Hong Kong Demonstrators Rally for Second Day in New Territories” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-14/hong-kong-demonstrators-rally-for-second-day-in-new-territories?srnd=premium-asia

Hong Kong demonstrators gathered for a second day in the New Territories, pledging to spread their protest against leader Carrie Lam’s refusal to retract controversial draft extradition legislation.

People marched in the district of Sha Tin, a popular destination for visitors from the mainland. A bigger-than-expected turnout meant protesters had to leave the designated starting point earlier than planned and some did not walk along routes approved by the police, Hong Kong’s RTHK radio news website reported.

Yesterday, scuffles broke out between police and demonstrators after a rally against parallel traders ended in Sheung Shui, near the China border. More than 30,000 people took part in the largely peaceful march, according to North District Parallel Imports Concern Group convenor Ronald Leung.

2.”Bond Traders Locked In for July Seek Answers About Rest of 2019″ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-14/bond-traders-locked-in-for-july-seek-answers-about-rest-of-2019?srnd=premium-asia
Bond traders appear certain that the Federal Reserve is on the brink of its first rate cut since 2008. The biggest question, as the market girds for a barrage of speeches by policy makers, is what comes next.
Jerome PowellPhotographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg
Chairman Jerome Powell last week opened the door to a July cut, stressing a cooling global economy and trade friction as drivers. That leaves investors monitoring U.S. retail sales figures this week and the latest economic data out of Europe and Asia to fine-tune wagers on the extent of cuts for the rest of 2019.

3. “Floods, Landslides Leave Scores Dead Across Nepal, India” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-14/floods-landslides-leave-scores-dead-across-nepal-india?srnd=premium-asia

Kathmandu, Nepal (AP) — Flooding and landslides triggered by heavy rainfall have killed at least 45 people in Nepal in the past few days, with more deaths reported across the Himalayan border in India, officials said Sunday.

At least 31 others are missing in Nepal, either swept by swollen rivers or buried by mudslides since delayed monsoon rains began pounding the region Friday, Nepal’s National Emergency Operation Center said.
The center said nine key highways remained blocked by floods and mudslides and attempts are underway to open them up for traffic. Among them is the East-West Highway that connects the country’s southern districts.

4. “These Are the Countries Most at Risk of Housing Bubbles” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-12/canada-new-zealand-show-signs-of-housing-bubble-says-study?srnd=premium-asia
Canada and New Zealand are the most vulnerable economies to a correction in house prices, with Australia and the U.K. also drawing concern, according to new research from Bloomberg Economics.
Seeking to build a “housing bubble dashboard,” economist Niraj Shah studied ratios of house prices to rent and income as well as inflation-adjusted prices and household credit.
The results showed that Canada and New Zealand seem to be on the most unsustainable path, with the cost of housing compared with wages the highest in the world in both countries. Australia, Norway, Sweden and the U.K. also raise alarm bells, Shah said.

5.”The Black Hole Engulfing the World’s Bond Markets” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-13/the-black-hole-engulfing-the-world-s-bond-markets-quicktake?srnd=premium-asia

There’s a multitrillion-dollar black hole growing at the heart of the world’s financial markets. Negative-yielding debt — bonds worth less, not more, if held to maturity — is spreading to more corners of the bond universe, destroying potential returns for investors and turning the system as we know it on its head. Now that it looks like sub-zero bonds are here to stay, there’s even more hand-wringing about the effects for mom-and-pop savers, pensioners, investors, buyout firms and governments.
1. Why invest in a bond that will lose you money?
Typically, bonds are the safest assets on the market, so many investors seek them out at times of heightened market stress, say a U.S.-China trade war or tensions in the Persian Gulf.
6. “Hong Kong Turmoil Has Millionaires Eyeing Other Wealth Havens” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-12/hong-kong-turmoil-has-millionaires-eyeing-other-wealth-havens?srnd=premium-asia
Private bankers are being flooded with inquiries from investors in Hong Kong who are worried about the long-term effects of the political crisis in the Chinese city.
While the Hong Kong government has shelved the controversial law that sparked the latest round of unrest — one that would have allowed criminal suspects to be transferred to the mainland for trial — a new tier of wealthy investors are setting up ways to move their money out of the former British colony more quickly, bankers and wealth managers said.
You’ve reached you

7.”Beyond the Trade War, China’s Economy Is Struggling to Stabilize” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-12/beyond-the-trade-war-china-s-economy-is-struggling-to-stabilize
Terms of Trade is a daily newsletter that untangles a world embroiled in trade wars. Sign up here.
China is grappling with a slowdown that will see output growth slide to the weakest pace in almost three decades this year, as factors far beyond the trade war with the U.S. weigh on the world’s second-largest economy.
You’ve reached
8.”Trump-China Trade Tensions Hit Panama Canal Revenues” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-13/trump-china-trade-tensions-hit-panama-canal-revenues?srnd=premium-asia

The trade tension between the U.S. and China is making waves at the Panama Canal.
9.”Industrial Gloom Is Getting Harder to Ignore” https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-07-12/industrial-gloom-is-getting-harder-to-ignore
Stocks are up, but the pain in manufacturing is starting to become more widespread. Plus, more industrial insights.
There is plenty of evidence of slackening of the Manufacturing activity during the last 3 months .which may not be good for economy of the Globe

10.”Unprepared U.K. Facing Highest Risk of Recession Since 2007″ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-13/unprepared-u-k-facing-highest-risk-of-recession-since-2007?srnd=premium-asia

The risk of a U.K. recession is at its highest level in more than a decade, according to the Resolution Foundation.
Using yields on government bonds as a measure, the think tank sees the greatest likelihood of a deep slump since just before the financial crisis.
You’ve reache

11.”China’s Growth Slides to Weakest Pace in Almost Three Decades ” https://www.msn.com/en-in/money/news/chinas-growth-slides-to-weakest-pace-in-almost-three-decades/ar-AAEjWNl?ocid=spartanntp

China’s economy continued slowing in the second quarter, as fragile domestic output and continuing trade tensions pulled growth down to the weakest pace since the early 1990s.
Gross domestic product rose 6.2.% in the April-June period from a year earlier, below the 6.4% expansion in the first quarter and matching economists’ estimates.
12.”With trade tensions escalating, here are 5 things to know about this earnings season ” https://www.marketwatch.com/story/5-things-to-know-about-this-earnings-season-2019-07-12?mod=mw_theo_homepage

Investors should brace for some bad news with all signs suggesting we are entering an earnings recession
13.”Asian markets retreat as China’s GDP growth fails to meet already low expectations ” https://www.marketwatch.com/story/asian-markets-retreat-as-chinas-gdp-growth-fails-to-meet-already-low-expectations-2019-07-14?mod=mw_latestnews

Asian markets fell in early trading Monday, as China posted its weakest quarterly GDP growth in at least 27 years.
14.”Should investors prepare for a “shock and awe” campaign from the Fed? ” https://www.marketwatch.com/story/should-investors-prepare-for-a-shock-and-awe-campaign-from-the-fed-2019-07-13?mod=mw_theo_homepage

From all the above it is clear that the Global Economy is at risk and the Dates mentioned in the Article are prone for the Markets taking a hit specilly the Chart of the 29th Nov. 2019 shows the Energy levels and specially in the sign Sagitarius which is Prone to give negative impact on the Global Markets in a big way
The Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Sagitarius and Capricorn can be more precarious one as per the dates mentioned above
Please note there are no good Researches available in the field of The Financial Predictions for the world and what ever is possible through Research I am sharing the same . If my predictions fail then don’t take it as a failure of Astrology . Also Please read the disclaimer clause for any investments to be made . The Writter is not responsible in any way.

The Global Recession seems to be inevitable it so seems as per the Past Experience and the Saturn and Jupiter Conjunction again and again in 2 different signs and Jupiter attichari . In the Present Context the Eclipses have already played the Role and the effects will be felt shortly of the 2nd July and the 17th July 2019 Solar and Lunar Eclipses respectively . I have already written an Article on the same as follows

“Eclipses in July 2019 What they Have Up Their Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/06/eclipses-in-july…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎

Date 14th July 2019 12.30.00 Hrs.
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

youtube link of the workshop on the 19th May 2019

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My Predictions on the Pulwama attack and IAF pouncing on Terror Camps of Jaish Prove on Dot for even the dat and time

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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My Interview by a University of Repute from US https://youtu.be/l6GdrMx4uSo in Nov. 2018
My Interview by the Express Star Teller Magzine published in Sept. 2017 edition on the page 34 link on my webpage

“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

Link EXPRESS STAR TELLER https://www.starteller.com/article7.html
My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link http://www.astrologicmagazine.com/ammunition-dump-mars-rom…/
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