Astrology Predicts Iran Economy In Death Spiral After US Sanctions Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

961 Articles and Predictions in just 49 months from April 2015

The Dasha Lords Jupiter-Ketu in 1/7 axis of Rudramsha Chart afflicting the Lagna and the Jupiter. Transit Jupiter Fallen and 10th Lord Mars Debilitated till 8th August will Push the Country towards Economic Recession it so seems Astrologically . US Sanctions also speak in the same tone

This is with reference to my Article “Mars In Debilitation May Put US-Iran, US-China Crisis Hanging Fire Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Let me reproduce the Text here for ready reference

1. “Iran Crisis Escalating US To Take ‘Measured ‘ Response. Astrology Predictions Proving On Dot Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
After 22nd June Mars Debilitated will be Transitting over the Natal Jupiter 6th and 9th Lord over the Ascendant till 8th August 2019 in case Of Iran and seems the Crisis may remain as a Hanging Fire
US will now take a Tuff Stand against Iran, since Mars has become Debilitated and Transiting over the Natal Rahu the Dasha Lord and aspects the 7th house of wars by 8th strong aspect till 8th August 2019, after whcih Mars will ingress in the Lagna of Trump and US this may be the Time when US can take Drastic action against IRan if he does to agree to the terms and Conditions of the Sanctions imposed on him, never the less the Mars in the sign Cancer and Leo may be instrumental for the Ugly relationships between the US- Iran and US -China, there do not seem to be any substantial improvement in the G20 to be held on the 28th-29th June 2019 in Japan
2.”Iran Crisis Escalating US To Take ‘Measured ‘ Response. Astrology Predictions Proving On Dot Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Also Read Read My Predictions on the Tensions rising between Iran and US
3. “US Navy Drone Shot Down By Iranian Missile Tensions Sour As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
4.”Gulf Crisis : US Sends More Troops Amid Tanker Tensions What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
Now See what Im had written and Proving on dot for US giving a liverage for some time
Mars is the Planet of War and in the Foundation charts of both the countries Mars is making both War Mongering by connection with the ,6th, 3rd and the 12th house in the natal chart and Transit Mars activating the same till 22nd June 2019 and after that till 8th August 2019 Mars will be Debilitated . Even after that US and Trump may be aggressive since then Mars will ingress the Leo sign the Ascendants of the US and Trump till 25th Sept. 2019. Transit Mars with Rahu in adverse motion opposed by Retrograde Saturn and Ketu almost degree-wise and the Eclipses round the Corner US may be more aggressive then Iran, since the Eclipses are not on the 1/7 axis of the Sun, Moon and the Ascendant in case of Iran, where as the Eclipses are in the 1/7 axis of the Sun in the case of US and as per Principles of K. N Rao of Theory of Inevitability if the Country is running the Anter dasha of Rahu or a Planet who has capacity to bring a down fall then the Country can be involved in war-like situation and can have a fall or may have to withdraw. With Leo Lagna Foundation chart of US taken By K. N Rao the dasha in operation is Rahu-Rahu which is placed in the 12th house of losses and the dispositor Moon in the 7th house of wars. Hence there is every possibility that US will retaliate specially in the time frame from 21stJune to 28th June and then from 2nd July to 19th July and then from 25th July to 1st August 2019. The worry is for immediate crisis escalating, but seems that Trump will first weigh the situations and give Iran some liverage also , but unfortunatley in the present Scenario the Planetary positions may escalte the Crisis it so seems The Mars-Rahu Conjunction opposed By Saturn Ketu the Energies Dragging like a Tug of War. Mars we all know with Rahu is Explosions and War in any shape, Lets see what the Planetary positions have up their Sleeves till the time Frame mentioned , but definitely not a pleasant affair

Read this in the Article 4. below

Let us see what the Planetary Positions have up their sleeves for the Fate of the Gulf Crisis and Brawl Between the US and Iran ?

In the Present Scenario when US Sends More Troops amid Tanker Tensions the Planetary Positions and the Fortnight from the 17th June 2019 is most enigmatic one. The Mars-Rahu Conjunction Opposed By Saturn-Ketu, Mercury Lost in planetary war , Jupiter the Dispositor of Saturn and Ketu Fallen , Dispositor of Mars and Rahu in Planetary war and all the Planets at 25 degrees is something we cannot ignore and when the Eclipses are round the corner in July 2019 one Solar on the 3rd July and yeat another one Lunar Eclipse on the 17th July 2019 and both Eclipses falling on a Tuesday whose Lord is Mars and in Angaraak yoga and about to become Debilitated on the 22nd June 2019 are most Explosive Paramneters for hanging Fire for Iran


Chart of IRAN of the 1st April 1979 15-00 hrs

Mars Placement Makes the Nation War Mongering as Below

1. Mars Placed in the 9th house connected to the Debilitated Mercury Lord of the 12th, 3rd house and Connected to 6th Lord Jupiter.
2. Mars aspecting the 12th house,and 3rd House
3. 3rd and 12th Lord In Planetary war and Lost In It By Mars


Jupiter-Ketu, Jupiter is the dispositor of Mars and Placed in the Lagna as the 6th and the 9th Lord and aspects Mars. Anter Dasha Lord Ketu Placed in the 8th house and aspected by 7th and 8th Lord Saturn Retrograde. Saturn aspects the Ketu Hence the Country is Prone to War Like Situations in the Dasha of Jupiter-Ketu and also In the Dasha of Jupiter-Venus since Venus is placed in the 8th house as well, they are also in 6/8 axis .Jupiter-Ketu till 16-9-2019 is most prone for war like situations in the Country.


The Following Parameters acquire an important dimension
1.Mars Transitting over the 12th house activates the War Mongering activities till 22nd June 2019 and after that Mars will become Debilitated and Ingress over the Natal Jupiter the 6th and the 9th Lord till 8th August 2019 , this Time Frame will be Explosive it so seems for Iran.
2.Saturn the 7th and the 8th Lord will be with Ketu in the 6th house and aspect the Natal Ketu degree wise in the 8th house of losses
3. Jupiter the Dasha Lord will be fallen from the 6th house to the 5th house and aspects the Transit Mars after 22nd June 2019
Saturn will be in Trinal Position from Rahu at 23.41 exact degrees
4. Transit Mars will be over the Natal Jupiter and same navamsha from the 28th June to 3rd of July 2019
5. Transit Jupiter will aspect the Transit Mars degree-wise on the 25th July 2019
6. On the 25th July 2019 Ketu and Rahu will be at the Natal Degrees of 23.41 and close to Saturn degrees
7. The Most Effective point in the natal chart of Iran is 23.42 and Ketu at 23.41 is most malefic and Planets reaching these degrees specially the Saturn, Mars Rahu and Ketu may prove most enigmatic for Iran
8. As mentioned in my Articles the Mars-Rahu-Mercury Conjunction in the 12th house of Iran and opposed by Saturn and Ketu and all planets at 25 degrees and Mercury Lost in Planetary war as the 3rd and the 12th Lord is Most Sensitive for Iran to loose in the Crisis. The Fortnight starting from the 17th June 2019 till 3rd July 2019 seems to be most Crucial for Tensions between Iran and US. Iran may be also be on the verge of Economy Break down.
Lets see the D11 Chart for the sa,e below

D11 Chart Rudramsha Chart

Jupiter is the significator of Expansion, Economy and Gains Placed in the 7th house of Gains from the Public and opponents

The Affliction to Lagna by Rahu -Ketu ,8th house by Debilitated Mercury and Jupiter Karka for wealth and the Dasha in operation of Jupiter-Ketu would bring Akal Mrityu and hence the Country will face Economy Recession and also get involved in War like conditions and even a Civil War in the Coungry is not Ruled out.

The Eclipses in the Month of July may add fuel to the fire it so seems .

Date 25th June 2019 13.00 Hrs.
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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