Gulf Crisis : US Sends More Troops Amid Tanker Tensions What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

953 Predictions and Articles in just 49 months from April 2019

Mars is the Planet of War and Most Crucial State in the Present Scenario till 22nd June and then till 8th August 2019 for the Brawl between US and Iran. It so seems and the Gulf Crisis Can may take a bad shape specially around the Eclipses. The Brawl Between the Nations may be like a hanging fire it so seems

Media News “Gulf crisis: US sends more troops amid tanker tension with Iran”
The US military will send an additional 1,000 troops to the Middle East as tensions build with Iran.
Acting Defence Secretary Patrick Shanahan said the deployment was in response to “hostile behaviour” by Iranian forces.
The US Navy also shared new images it says link Iran to attacks last week on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman.
Washington has accused Iran of blowing holes in the vessels with mines. Iran has denied the allegations.
Tensions were further fuelled on Monday when Iran said its stockpile of low-enriched uranium would next week exceed levels set under the 2015 nuclear agreement.
The 1,000 additional troops being despatched to the Middle East is presented as a prudent defensive measure by the Pentagon; the recent attacks on the two oil tankers being taken as a clear sign of Iran’s hostile intent.
They join some 1,500 additional troops sent last month. Taken together, these deployments inevitably raise tensions but they are clearly not in any sense an assault force.
If direct conflict does break out between Washington and Tehran, it will most likely be a sporadic air and maritime battle, not a land campaign.
But what worries Washington is attacks by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps or Iran’s proxies against US troops or facilities in the wider region – hence this latest deployment.
“Mixed US signals on Iran muddy the path forward, may increase risk of war: Analysis”
“Iran is keen to show that bullying tactics will not work. Tehran has met maximum pressure with maximum resistance, first refusing to leave the nuclear deal and then threatening to restart its nuclear program,” according to Vali Nasr, dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

Let Us see what the Planetary Positions have up their sleeves for the Fate of the Gulf Crisis and Brawl Between the US and Iran ?

In the Present Scenario when US Sends More Troops amid Tanker Tensions the Planetary Positions and the Fortnight from the 17th June 2019 is most enigmatic one. The Mars-Rahu Conjunction Opposed By Saturn-Ketu, Mercury Lost in planetary war , Jupiter the Dispositor of Saturn and Ketu Fallen , Dispositor of Mars and Rahu in Planetary war and all the Planets at 25 degrees is something we cannot ignore and when the Eclipses are round the corner in July 2019 one Solar on the 3rd July and yeat another one Lunar Eclipse on the 17th July 2019 and both Eclipses falling on a Tuesday whose Lord is Mars and in Angaraak yoga and about to become Debilitated on the 22nd June 2019 are most Explosive Paramneters for hanging Fire for Iran


Chart of IRAN of the 1st April 1979 15-00 hrs

Mars Placement Makes the Nation War Mongering as Below

1. Mars Placed in the 9th house connected to the Debilitated Mercury Lord of the 12th, 3rd house and Connected to 6th Lord Jupiter.
2. Mars aspecting the 12th house,and 3rd House
3. 3rd and 12th Lord In Planetary war and Lost In It By Mars


Jupiter-Ketu, Jupiter is the dispositor of Mars and Placed in the Lagna as the 6th and the 9th Lord and aspects Mars. Anter Dasha Lord Ketu Placed in the 8th house and aspected by 7th and 8th Lorf Saturn Retrograde. Saturn aspects the Ketu Hence the Country is Prone to War Like Situations in the Dasha of Jupiter-Ketu and also In the Dasha of Jupiter-Venus since Venus is placed in the 8th house as well, they are also in 6/8 axis .Jupiter-Ketu till 16-9-2019


The Following Parameters acquire an important dimension
1.Mars Transitting over the 12th house activates the War Mongering activities till 22nd June 2019 and after that Mars will become Debilitated and Ingress over the Natal Jupiter the 6th and the 9th Lord till 8th August 2019 , this Time Frame will be Explosive it so seems.
2.Saturn the 7th and the 8th Lord will be with Ketu in the 6th house and aspect the Natal Ketu degree wise in the 8th house of losses
3. Jupiter the Dasha Lord will be fallen from the 6th house to the 5th house and asopects the Transit Mars after 22nd June 2019
Saturn will be in Trinal Position from Rahu at 23.41 exact degrees
4. Transit Mars will be over the Natal Jupiter and same navamsha from the 28th June to 3rd of July 2019
5. Transit Jupiter will aspect the Transit Mars degree-wise on the 25th July 2019
6. On the 25th July 2019 Ketu and Rahu will be at the Natal Degrees of 23.41 and close to Saturn degrees
7. The Most Effective point in the natal chart of Iran is 23.42 and Ketu at 23.41 is most malefic and Planets reaching these degrees specially the Saturn, Mars Rahu and Ketu may prove most enigmatic for Iran
8. As mentioned in my Articles the Mars-Rahu-Mercury Conjunction in the 12th house of Iran and opposed by Saturn and Ketu and all planets at 25 degrees and Mercury Lost in Planetary war as the 3rd and the 12th Lord is Most Sensitive for Iran to loose in the Crisis. The Fortnight starting from the 17th June 2019 till 3rd July 2019 seems to be most Crucial for Tensions between Iran and US

D11 Chart Rudramsha Chart

Jupiter is the significator of Expansion, Economy and Gains Placed in the 7th house of Gains from the Public and opponents

The Affliction to Lagna by Rahu -Ketu ,8th house by Debilitated Mercury and Jupiter Karka for wealth and the Dasha in operation of Jupiter-Ketu would bring Akal Mrityu and hence the Country will face Economy Recession and also get involved in War like conditions and even a Civil War in the Coungry is not Ruled out.

The Eclipses in the Month of July may add fuel to the fire it so seems .

The Chart of the 4th July 1776 10-20-30 hrs is below

The Mars Placement in the chart of US makes it Strong War Mongering Country


Rahu-Rahu-Jupiter and Rahu-Rahu till 27-6-2021 is not a good Dasha due to the fact that Rahu is placed in the 12th house with 11th Lord Mercury a house of Losses . Dispositor of Rahu in the 7th house of Wars


The Transit of Rahu over the Natal Jupiter and Sun is most Sensitive parameter for US till 18th Sept. 2020
As per K. N Rao the Theory of Inevitability when Eclipses take place over the Natal Sun , Moon or the Lagna and Anter Dasha in operation is of Rahu or a Planet who has the Capacity to bring a down for the Country the Country ofr the Native can have a Fall.

In case of US the Eclipses will be very close to Sun and Jupiter Natal Planet

Rahu Transit over the Natal Jupiter Brings Financial Difficulties , hence the Country may face a Downfall and Financial Break. The Eclipses in the sign Gemini and Sagitarius will be most Sensitive for US since Varahamihra has signified US by Gemini sign and the Eclipses in the 1/7 acis of the same may bring a Havoc for the Country


Asper Mundane Astrology when the President of the nation is under the dasha of the 7th house the nation is in war-like situation. In the Present context Donald Trump is running the Dasha of Jupiter-Saturn and Saturn is the 7th Lord and Saturn is also the Debilitation Lord of the Jupiter Dasha inoperation. Hence there is every possibility of the Us Entering into disputes with Nations around the World and specially with China, Mexico, India and Iran

Hence From the above it seems that US will be more aggressive in its stance with the Global Countries and face the Music in the longer perspective and may be hot by a strong Recession which may influence the Globe .

Saturn has also completed its 59-60 year cycle from the 1990 when there was Gulf War and I have already Predicted this long back that the Gulf Crisis can take an ugly shape in June-July-Dec. 2019. There may not be actual war but warlike situations it so seems . US wil be more aggressive in the Act. The Dasha of Planets connected to the 7th house give war like situations Both Iran, US and Trump are running the Dasha connected to the 7th house and is crystal clear of the Present situations what ever is happening .The Situations may Ease Once Mars is out of affliction on the 8th August 2019. Another Sensitive Point is when Mars activates the Eclipse Point of the Eclipses of July 2019. Iran is not much influenced by the Eclipses in July 2019, but US is and irrespective US suffering is more then Iran in a nut shell due to Untoward happenings, Stock and Financial Markets taking a hit and Brawl with China taking Ugly shape

Also Read My Articles below
1.”Alarm Bells Ringing For Potential Global Recession & Untoward Happenings Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
2.”Full Moon Chart Of 17th June 2019 Lurking Danger For India & Globe Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”
3.” Eclipses in July 2019 What they Have Up Their Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”
4.”What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves For G20 Summit Japan 2019 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”
5. “North Korea or Iran Who is Mopre deadly For US ”


“White House ready to launch ‘massive bombing campaign against Iran'”

Israeli newspaper Maariv has quoted an anonymous “western diplomat” who claimed the Trump administration is gearing up to drop bombs on its sworn enemy.

“The bombing will be massive but will be limited to a specific target,” the insider said.

“Israeli newspaper Maariv has quoted an anonymous “western diplomat” who claimed the Trump administration is gearing up to drop bombs on its sworn enemy.

“The bombing will be massive but will be limited to a specific target,” the insider said. link
The military action under consideration would be an aerial bombardment of an Iranian facility linked to its nuclear program, the officials further claimed.

Pompeo has repeatedly made statements against Iran in recent days. He claimed that there is no doubt that the recent explosions in tankers in the Gulf were carried out by Iran.

The possibility of a US attack came at the time of the deterioration of relations between the United States and Iran, against the backdrop of the US’s withdrawal from the nuclear agreement a year ago, and the sanctions on the economy of the Islamic Republic.
I have already Predicted that due to most Explosive Planetary Positions and Rahu Adverse and US Running the Dasha of Rahu-Rahu will take an Aggressive stance on Iran from the 19th June to 28th June and then the 24 days in July 2019 when Rahu is adverse as mentioned by me in my earlier Articles .


Date 19th June 2019 10-00 hrs.
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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