Enigma of Hanging of Yakub Memon on the 30th July 2015

by astrodocanil

Terrorist Yakub Memon will  be hanged for his role in the 1993 serial blasts in Mumbai on the 12th March 1993, India’s worst terror attack, after the Supreme Court today refused to reconsider his execution. He will be hanged on July 30 2015, his 53rd Birthday.

Memon, an accountant, will be the first to be executed for the deadly attack in which 257 people were killed.

53-year-old Memon was found guilty in 2007 of financing the 12 blasts that shook India’s financial capital. He has been in jail for two decades. His brother Essa and Yusuf and sister-in-law Rubina were all convicted in the blasts.

Yakub Memon’s brother Ibrahim or Tiger Memon, and Dawood Ibrahim, the other masterminds of the attacks, have been on the run since 1993. A judge described the three as the “architects of the blasts” that took place at separate landmarks including the Bombay Stock Exchange, the offices of the national carrier Air India and the luxury Sea Rock hotel.

Yakub Memon decided to return to India from Pakistan in 1994, protesting his innocence. He was detained shortly afterwards in circumstances that remain unclear: he has said he turned himself in, but police claimed an arrest.

His was the only mercy petition to be rejected. The sentence of the other 10 people convicted for the blasts has been commuted to life in prison.

The 1993 Bombing was a series of 13 bomb explosions which Took place in Bombay the 12th March on Friday between 13-30 to 15-40 hrs

Supreme Court of India gave its judgement on 21 March 2013 after over 20 years of judicial proceedings sentencing the accused. However, the two main suspects in the case, Dawood Ibrahim and Tiger Memon have not yet been arrested or tried. Maharashtra Government has decided to hang Yakub Memon on 30 July 2015 on his 53rd birthday after the Supreme Court rejecting his mercy application  on the 21st July 2015.

Mercy petition moved by ’93 blasts convict Yakub Memon, who is to be executed on July 30 is to be decided before the 30th July 2015. Let us see the Planetary positions on the 27th to 29th July 2015  what the planetary positions are indicating .

If the Decision is Taken by the President on the 27th July 2015 the the Following are the Parameters

1.The Moon is Debilitated with Retrograde Saturn moving very slowly in Scorpio.
2. Dispositor of Moon and Saturn Mars is Placed in the 8th from them .
3. All benefics afflicted Moon, Jupiter Venus aspected by Retrograde Saturn and Mercury combusted .
4. Gulika Lord is Venus and Navamsha Lord of Gulika is Mars aspecting Rahu.
5. Day lord Moon is with Saturn and Moon is also Debilitated.
6. Monday and Ekadashi Dagdha Yoya.
7. In Navamsha also Mars and 8th Lord from Moon is Mercury and both are placed in the 8th from Moon.

8. Live force giving planets Sun and Moon both debilitated in Navamsha and afflicted


9.On the 27th July if the Decision is taken by the Supreme Court then From 11.55 to 14-10 Lagna will be Libra and  in the Dwadamsha of Sun indicates Death.
10.The outcome of the Mercy application could come any time around 13.50 hrs. on the 27th July by Supreme court.
The Planetary Positions are worst at the time of Hanging of Yakub Memon on the 30th July 2015 as compared to at the time Ajmal Kasab who was hanged on the 21st Nov. 2012.

11. After 27th July 2015 Saturn will be in Stationary position and indicates Status Quo  

Let us see Astrologically what the Planetary positions are indicating regarding the Hanging of Yakub Memon on the 3oth July 2015.

I am hereby Reproducing some portion of  My Predictions as per the Paksha Kundali of the 16th July 2015  06-54 hrs. written in my article https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/07/paksha-kundali-of-16th-and-31st-july-2015-what-they-foretell/ dated 11th July 2015

It is believed in Astrology that Jupiter is a divine planet and is 100 % benefic. Jupiter  controls the 9th and the 12th house of the natural zodiac. It signifies Wealth, Prosperity, Growth , Bankers, Lawyers, Judiciary Religion, Speculation, Foreign Trade Education. Jupiter was in its Exhaltation sign till 14th July 2015 and there was no malefic  aspect on Jupiter.  Jupiter ingressed  in the sign of  Leo a royal sign on the 14th July 2015 and  it gets aspect of Retrograde Saturn there by afflicting it . Jupiter in the sign of Leo will be in the nakshatra of Magha, Poorva Phulguni and Uttra Phalguni  during its stay in Leo.Jupiter in U Phalguni nakshatra is supposed to be  Good , when Jupiter has good relations with Sun in Transit .

In the Present Context on the 21st July 2015 Jupiter is afflicted by Retrograde Saturn in close degrees and in 2/12 position with its dispositor and Sun, hence Jupiter loses its shine. Also on the Day of the Supreme Court taking Decision Mars had fully activated the Eclipse point in the sign Virgo in Haste nakshatra and moved in its own nakshatra and Rahu was aspected by Mars.  Moon was with Rahu was also  Forward motion. All these parameters resulted in rejection of the Mercy application.

Now on the 30th July 2015 the last day of the Paksha Kundali and the Day of hanging .Saturn is Stationary and  is the 7th and the 8th Lord aspecting the 9th and the 6th Lord  Jupiter and Venus . Saturn will also be aspecting Moon who will be in Capricorn shows the Native will be hanged . All benefics are afflicted in the Paksha Kundali and on the 30th July and Saturn will be aspecting Moon, Jupiter and Venus . The Most crucial Parameter apart from Saturn is Mars the dispositor of Saturn in ingressing in the Cancer and the Lagna of the Paksha Kundali in Debilitation and aspecting the Moon and the 8th house , Mars  and Saturn will aspect Moon in the 7th house is most crucial for untoward happenings after the hanging of Yakub Memon.

 Any Mercy application to the President  may also not bring condusive  results after 28th July 2015 since Saturn will be Stationary from 29th July till 6th August 2015 and the Results will be Status Quo  and the Decesion for hanging may be postponed  till Saturn crosses the Retrogression mark of 10.56 degrees on the 1st Nov. 2015 in the same navamsha , more so till 28th Jan 2017.

Let us see what the Paksha Kundali  of 31st July 2015  16-13hrs.has store for the above Hanging of the YakubMemon . I am reproducing my Predictions made earlier in the article mentioned above

paksha Kundali 31st July


The Lagna is Scorpio the 7th house of the India independence chart and the 5th house of the Hindu New Moon chart  having Malefic Saturn Retrograde in Lagna in Stationary Position. The Lagna is also in Gandantha  and hence extremely bad for the Country as a whole and specifically Delhi since Delhi is also Ruled by Scorpio. The Lagna Lord Mars  is Placed in the 9th house in Debilitation which is the 3rd house of the India independence chart and the Lagna of the Hindu New Moon chart and is extremely malefic since it is with Sun in the 9th house of Religon. Maximum  number of  Planets which are influencing the 3/9 axis of the India Independence chart and the 1/7 axis of the Hindu New Moon chart is a Critical Parameter in this Fortnight . There are malefics in all the Watery signs , hence havoc due to Rains, Floods  Tornodos, Cyclones  Boarder Issues, Terrorism, Espoinage from Foreign Elements.

Saturn in the Lagna indicates  Distress, Discontentment, Loss of work,sickness and Diseases  placed in the 7th house of the India Independence chart is very unfavourable position for foreign affairs, and depression in Foreign Trade , in the 5th house of the Hindu New Moon chart there will be depression in the Entertainment industry and Trouble to Women and children.


According to the above combinations it so appears that the Terrorist organisations will leave no stone un turned to Retaliate  against the Hanging of Yakub Memon and could bring havoc. I am reminded of the Blue Star operation By the Prime Minister Indra Gandhi on the 5th June 1984,and latter after killing of Indra Gandhi   Roits took place and at that point of time Saturn From Libra at  17 degrees in Rahu nakshatra was aspecting Jupiter in Sagitarius in Venus Nakshatra at 17 degrees. In the Paksha Kundali Saturn in Stationary Position as a malefic as the 3rd and 4th Lord  at 4.12 degrees is aspecting Jupiter at 3,34 degrees and Venus Retrograde at 5.58 degrees . On the 4th August 2015 Saturn will be aspecting Jupiter and Venus Degreewise at 4 Degrees and Mercury will also be aspected since it ingresses in Leo the same Day  Hence the Period from 30th 28th July to 6th August could be most Prone to untoward happenings concerning the retaliation from the Terrorist Groups and the Muslim Community . There could be total kaos . In the interest of the country the Govt. should take strict Security measure in the Capital of Delhi, and Mumbai

In the Independence chart Saturn  will be in the 7th house and as the 7th Lord of the Hindu New Moon chart aspecting its  own house  Capricorn. As a Disciplanarian aspecting the 9th house in the Independence chart some Strict measures regarding the Judiciary, Religon, Navy Etc.   Afflicting Jupiter and Venus degree wise will not be good , Infact all the benefics will be aspected by Saturn will be a crucial factor.

In a Nut shell, 3/9 and 1/7 axis of the Hindu new Moon and the Independence chart will be activated with strong Saturn when Stationary till 6th August 2015. The effects will be seen soon and till Saturn Remains in Scorpio till 28th Jan 2017.

Let us also see the other Planets in the Paksha Kundali 

Moon is Placed in the 3rd house , which is the 9th house of the India independence chart and the 7th house of the Hindu New Moon chart of 2015and Aspected by Mars and Retrograde Saturn is indicating troubles of the 3rd house and 9th house from the Foreign Countries and Foreign Elements and Accidents.

Ketu in the 5th house , Danger to Ruler through secret intrigues and Teachery

 9th house Sun  with Mars Deilitated and Mercury , Religon, Judiciary, Navy,, Trade will be adversely afflicted and issues regarding the same .

Mars  Trade and  Commerce Will cause Religious and Legal Disputes, Lalit Modi Case may highlighted . Shipping Accidents.

Mars in action and ISIS in action as well. Rahu in Virgo is supposed to be very good for Computerised  Communication System and even Necular  Developements , but i fear all these innovations can be missused since after activating the Eclipse point Mars is going in Debilitation on the 30th July 2015

Mercury Commercial and Legal Affairs

10th house  Jupiter and Venus afflicted  and closely aspected by Saturn , Religious and Financial Disputes  Depcreciation of the Govt. Securities, unpleasant Episodes  for women,Debates in the Parliament  and Scandles  surfacing in the Parliamentary Circles . Jupiter and Venus in the 10th house  Female Politicians  issues can take a greater dimension

Rahu in the 11th house Will behave like Saturn , Political plots Revolts spying.

From the above it is clear that the fortnight starting from 31th  July 2015 and more so after 26th July 2015 may not be a good one and there may be untoward happenings concerning the 93 Convict Hanging of Yakub Memon, Terrorist activities are on the cards , The Govt. will be at a fix to solve all the issues relating to Religon, Judicairy, Terrorism, Opposition for the Resignation of the Ministers involved in the Scams. specially between the 26th July to 6th August will be a Period to be alert in all respects and specially around the 13th August when Venus in Retrogression falls back in Cancer sign and Joins Mars Debilitated and a degree conjunction at 21 degrees  on the 1st Sept. 2015.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 25th July 2015 13.40 hrs 

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological Predictions  and not my Personal opinion and The Writer does not hold himself responsible for any consequences thereof. It is my Astrological Prediction and want it to be used in a Positive perspective for the safety of  India and the Country as a whole


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