Anil Ambani In Another Debt Crisis What Star’s Foretell ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

898 Articles and Predictions in just 48 months from April 2015

Karka for Brother Mars in Paap Kartariyoga and Karka for wealth Jupiter in Gandantha , Retrograde and Fallen what can we expect from these parameters , But Sun Exhalted and Budh Aditya Yoga in the sign Aries signified by Anil, Ambani’s may help Anil Ambani and he may get some extention it so seems taking a positive stance till 14th May 2019

As per Anil Ambani is Born on the 4th June 1959 . The time of Birth is not available never the less i will use the Transit Planets and the progression chart to analyse the situations .
Please also refer to my Earlier Predictions on him vide “Blood Is Thicker Then Water As Predicted Mars Saves Anil Ambani Mukesh Comes To Rescue Last Minute Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎ My Predictions on his Brother helping him proved on dot .
Also Read my Article “Will Red Planet Mars Add Fuel To Fire For Buisness Tycoons Politicians In Trouble ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Read About Anil Ambani
The News on the Media comes on the 6th Feb. 2019 in the Morning For Anil Ambani and Robert Wadra. All the above may suffer from this Transit till 7th May 2019 it so seems till Mars crosses the sign Gemini till 22nd June 2019 and also at the time of the Eclipses in July 2019 it so seems .
As per Jyotish Classics when any event takes place in the life of a native the planetary positions acquire an important dimension irrespective the birth chart is available or not we can still predict his future. Let us see the Planetary positions at this time to evaluate which planet is responsible for the above.

I would also use the link for his planets placed on the 4th June 1959 since this the D.O.B available on the Google
Chart 1

Now also see the chart of the 2nd May 2019 when the News comes “How Anil Ambani will weather another debt crisis; will brother Mukesh help again? ”

Chart below comparing the Transit if the Planets at the time of Birth and now

The following parameters acquire an important dimension

As per my Earlier Predictions Mars was in own sign and the Brother helped him , Ambani’s and Anil are ruled by Sign Aries and today Mars the Lord of the Sign is in Paap Kartari yoga and Jupiter is also Fallen over the natal Jupiter of Anil Ambani
As per Progression chart also although time of birth is not available the nakshatra Lords for the running year and next year are in acute affliction. Jupiter Natal is also Fallen in the sign Libra showing his inability to come out of Debt Crisis and Transit jupiter also over the Natal Jupiter

The Sign Aries has Exhalted Sun and Mercury is a positive parameter , hence the chances of Brother helping him though poor , but the Sun and Mercury in the sign Aries may Help Anil Ambani and the Ambani’s to get out of Trouble Taking a Positive stance
One More Parameter seen as per the Natal Chart of Anil Ambani The Placement of the Saturn in the sign Sagitarius in Retrogression and in Moola Nakshatra the Nakshatra of Eclipse of the 26th Dec 2019 may put him in hotwaters . Hence when in trnasit Ketu and Mars reach this point near the Eclipse point on the 20th Feb. 2020 will be a bolt from the blue for him as can be seen from the Planetary positions. He may Get relief temorarily from his brother in the first instance but longer prespective he may end up in deep trouble as per the above time frame

This Article Written on 2nd May 2019 at 21.29 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
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