Mars On the Wheel Of Elections Results On 23rd May 2019 What It Foretells ?

by astrodocanil

840 Articles and Predictions in just 46 months from April 2015

Day Lord Jupiter Afflicted Badly on Both Days 11th April and 23rd May 2019 Start and Results Days respectively and Mars on the Steering wheel Most inauspicious For Elections. Although the 24 degree mark of Saturn after 11th June 2019 will prove to be Boon for Narendra Modi
This is with reference to my Article on the Start of the Elections on the 11th April 2019 ” Mars On the Wheel For 2019 Polls: What It Foretells ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎ dated 13th March 2019.

The Planetrary positions on the start of the Elections are not auspicious one since Mars acquires a special dimension due to the following Parameters as mentioned in the article

Let us have a look at the above astrologically to see what could be the results for the above Elections as per the Planetary positions

At the time of the Start of the elections on the 11th April 2019 at 07-00 -08-00 hrs . Exact time is not known but I will take the time as 08-00 am for my calculations for the Day of the Start

7 Phases of Elections hence the Planet Mars comes into play since the rays of Mars are 7
At 08-00 hrs Hora Of Mars.
Moon in the nakshatra of Mars and Mars in the nakshatra of Moon and that to Rohini
Moon in the yama of Scorpio and the Lord is Mars again
Event Moon and Yama Moon in 6/8 axis Most Venomous like the Makar Sankranti Day, it also says Cancellation of the event when Moon is placed in such a way
Moon with Rahu and Dispositor of Rahu and Moon Fallen in Aquarius
Day is Thursday and Lord is Jupiter placed in the 8th house as the 8th lord Retrograde Stationary In Gandantha and with Ketu and Saturn. The Day Lord should not be Afflicted and placed in the 8th house as the 8th lord and also in Gandantha and junction points of Scorpio and Sagitarius and about to fall in Scorpio on the 23rd april 2019. and aspected by Mars
Day Lord Jupiter is placed in the yama of Taurus and the Ascendant of the Chart and again Mars is placed in the Yama Sign who is the 7th and the 12th Lord and aspects the Day Lord in the 8th house . These Planetary positions are most malefic and Venomous for the start of the Elections in the Country.

The Karna Lord Mercury is Fallen in the sign Aquarius and with Venus the Lagna Lord and both placed in the 10th house and the Lord of the sign is Saturn placed in the 8th house and Saturn aspects this conjunction.

Mars is acquiring a special dimension in this chart and connected to Day Lord Jupiter under affliction, Ketu and 9th and 10th Lord Saturn
The Dispositors of Sun Jupiter and Moon Mercury are under acute affliction.
Dispositor of the Lagna Lord in the 8th house
The Number of Planets connected to 8th house are
Saturn, Jupiter, Ketu, Mars, Dispositor of Sun, Venus and Mercury in 8th house
Moon with Rahu and dispositor of Moon and Rahu Fallen, hence Rahu acquires an important and strong dimension
Rahu Turns Adverse from the 12th to 14th April 2019
Rahu and Mars acquiring most malefic and strong state in the Chart
I dont want to write any thing more here. I have been mentioning that the planetary positions are not conducive in the present scenario , but Modi may come in power but with lot of stifes and struggles with good mandate.
Listen to my Video and the Recoding after My predictions proved on dot for the Pulwama attack and the Iaf jet Pouncing on the Jaish Terror Capms in Balakot
In the above chart the Navamsha of Saturn is rising and on the 30th April Saturn is turning Retrograde and also First Stationary . Espionage from Foreign elements cannot be ruled out during the Elections

Direction Critical Is South East As per the Yama chart. I will write more once the Elections start and the Exact time is Known.


Now Let us see what could emerge when the Results are declared on the 23rd May 2019 , since the results start pouring in at 08-00 am we shall see the chart of the 23rd May 2019 at 08-00 am

The following parameters acquire an Important dimension on this day also
1.The Day is again Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter and Placed in the 6th house in the sign Scorpio Retrograde and Fallen in most afflicted condition.For Dual sign Jupiter becomes a first class marak if afflicted being the 7th Lord as Bhadak, Marak and having Kendradhipatidosh.
2.Since Jupiter is afflicted badly the Day is not auspicious one.
3.Jupiter is placed in the Yama of Taurus the 12th house of the chart where the Ascendant Lord Mercury is placed with Sun is very good forming a Budhaditya yoga shows success of the Ruling party with a score not as expected.
4.The Yama Lord of Jupiter is Venus also placed in the 11th house of Gains is also suggesting that the Party in Position to win the elections.
5.Lagna denotes the Party in Position and 7th the Opposition. The 7th Lord Jupiter is weaker then the Lagna Lord since 7th Lord is Retrograde and also Fallen and placed in the sign Scorpio the 6th hpouse of the chart. Lagna Lord is placed in the yama of Taurus and the Lord is Placed in the 11th house
6. At the time of the Start of the elections on the 11th April 2019 Mars acquired an important dimension and was placed in the ascendant as the 7th and the 12th Lord , here he is again Placed in the Lagna as the 3rd and the 6th Lord .
7. Hora of Mars till 7.45 hrs then Hora of Sun
8.The Kendras have Malefics and the no benefics in the trines . Moon is with Saturn and Ketu
9. Planet Closest to Lagna degrees is Mars
10. Lagna is also Dagdha Rashi not good having Mars and Rahu and 7th house has Moon, Ketu and Saturn Retrtograde
11. The Yama Moon is also Debilitated and in 2/12 axis with the event chart
12. The Karna Lord is Mars and ill placed with 10th Lord Jupiter is most malefic. Karna Lord is not connected to 10th Lord and in 6/8 axis with 10th Lord is like a Shirt Stiched of size 36 for a Person who needs 40 size.

I dont want to write anymore since every thing is obvious
Also Read My Article “Saturn 24 Degree Mark In Sagitarius Boon For ‘Modi To Win Majority’ In Poll 2019 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
I have clearly mentioned that for Modi 24 degree Mark of Saturnin Sagitarius will play the game and declare him the winner and this Saturn will reach the 24 degree mark after the 15th June 2019. Hence Modi May Prove his Majority on the floor after 15th june 2019 it so seems after lot os Strife and Struggle caused By Ketu with Saturn

From the above we can come to the conclusion that neither the day of Start is Auspicious and nor the day of Results is Auspicious one
Mars is Most Malefic in Both the Charts and owns the Malefic houses . Placed in the Lagna also gives strength to fight is ok but Malefics in the 7th house also show long battle . Hence from the above we can say that although the Ruling Party is stronger than the Opposition there may be Tug of War and Ultimately Narendra Modi may Be declared the winner with Majority after the 15th June 2019.

The 2 Days 11th April and 23rd May 2019 are not Auspicious for the Elections 2019 and seems there can also be untoward happenings since Mars in the Ascendant is not good and aspects the 8th house on both the days . At thetime of the Results Mars will also be in Rohini Nakshatra deemed to be most malefic as per our previous experiences .

Please read my Article ” MARS IN ROHINI NAKSHATRA ‘ In the Astrology Magzine ‘STARTELLER ‘ APRIL 2019 EDITION PAGE 22
An Indeed Bad Day for even the Stock and the Financial Markets


Written on the 19th March 2019 at 17-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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