Jupiter On Driving Wheel Of Mortgages Threaten To Smash US Housing Markets Like 2007-2008 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

840 Articles and Predictions since 2015 in just 46 months

Jupiter In the sign Sagitarius along with Saturn and Ketu may be responsible for the Mortgage Crisis in US Parallel to 2007-2008 when Jupiter was in Sagitarius and Saturn In Leo. Their Conjunction with Ketu in Sagitarius is Killing . Afflicted Jupiter is like a Mad elephant and has the Capacity to ruin the Jungle . Saturn and Jupiter in Fiery sign are Prone for Mortgage Crisis it so seems specially when Jupiter will be fallen from the 23rd April to 5th Nov. 2019 and with Ketu till Sept. 2020

This is with reference to my Article “Stock and Financial Markets In Hands Of Saturn Jupiter Ketu Conjunction In Sagitarius: Bolt From the Blue Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/03/stock-and-financ…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎

Let reproduce my Predictions on the basis of the 2008 Mortgage Crisis , since Jupiter will also be in the same sagitarius sign in the year 2019-2020


Subprime mortgage crisis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subprime_mortgage_crisis

The stock market crash of 2008 occurred on September 29, 2008. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 777.68 points in intra-day trading. Until 2018, it was the largest point drop in history. It plummeted because Congress rejected the bank bailout bill. But the stresses that led to the crash had been building for a long time.
On October 9, 2007, the Dow hit its pre-recession high and closed at 14,164.43. By March 5, 2009, it had dropped more than 50 percent to 6,594.44. Although it wasn’t the greatest percentage decline in history, it was vicious.

13th Oct 2007 Chart when Mercury was about to go in Retrogression and acquires a special dimension

Parameters which acquire a special dimension
1. Saturn Ketu almost Degree conjunct in Fiery sign Leo
2. Mars in Gemini sign
3.Jupiter in Scorpio
4. Moon with Retrograde Mercury . Mercury goes stationary on the 13th Oct. 2007 with Moon most malefic for Stock Markets

Chart of the 29th Sept. 2008

The Parameters which acquire an important dimension
1. Jupiter in the sign Sagitarius in Fiery sign
2. Longitudnal Distance between Mercury and Venus
3.Saturn in Fiery sign Leo
4. Mars in Libra

From the above can can safely come to the conclusion that when
1.Jupiter and Saturn are in Fiery sign they are most malefic for the Stock and Financial Markets.
2.Conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu in Fiery sign can be a bolt from the blue and for a long term recession in the stock mad Financial Markets
3.Longitudnal Distance between Mercury and Venus as per all events seen seems to work very well if other combinations are present as discussed in this article.
4. Mars affliction to Ketu
5. Mars affliction to Jupiter
6. Jupiter, Ketu, Saturn and Pluto in the Fiery sign most malefic for the Stock and the Financial Markets for a long term as per the Planetary combinations and a period of about 5 years or so.


1.Saturn and Jupiter will meet in the sign Sagitarius between 29th March to 23rd April 2019 and then after 5th Nov. to 20th Jan 2020.
2. Saturn Jupiter Ketu Conjunction in Sagitarius from the 23rd March 2019 to 23rd April 2019
3. Jupiter Retrograde from the 10th April in Sagitarius and will fall back in Scorpio and remain in Retrogression till 11th August 2019. It will join back in Sagitarius where Ketu and Saturn will be in Transit on the 5th Nov. 2019
4. Ketu and Jupiter Conjunction in Sagitarius from the 5th Nov. to 19th Sept. 2020. Here Saturn will also be there in Sagitarius till 25th Jan. 2020
5. Mars Joining Rahu in Gemini on the 7th May 2019 will add fuel to the fire.
6. 30th April Saturn will be stationary and can prove most malefic since turning Retrograde from the 30th April to 18th Sept. 2019
7.Jupiter fallen in Scorpio from the 23rd April to 5th Nov.2019 and specially till 11th August 2019 in 2/12 position with Saturn
7.17th June 2019 Saturn at 24 degrees
8.Eclipse of the 17th July 2019
9.Eclipse of 26th Dec. 2019 6 planets in the sign Sagitarius and Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec. 2019 a Massive Fall like the 1929 cannot be ruled out . As per Jyotish Classics when there is Eclipse in the sign Sagitarius the Royal Kings Suffer and the Economy is in Recession mode.
10. 9th Jan. to 13th jan. 2020 seems to be killing in this respect
11. When Ever the Nodes will be adverse the fall be will be steep , since they have the capacity to turn the tables upside down
12.Saturn is on the way to complete its 90 year cycle from the 24th Oct. 1929 when the Great Recession took place.

Saturn has already shown its behaviour when it completed it’s 60 year cycle from the 1958-1959 when the Markets surged beyond expectations and similar happenings in the year 2017-2018 after 60 years. 10 Year Cycle of the Saturn and Jupiter is also completed from the year 2008.

12. Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the sign Sagitarius are prone to most malefic behaviour as per the Jyotish Classics and this brings down fall of Kings and Losses of all kinds, since Sagitarius is the Mool Trikona sign of Jupiter who is the karka for Wealth. During ther Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of Sagitarius Jupiter will be in the most afflicted condition and Ketu and Saturn in the sign Sagitarius could be the most ugly time for the Financial Markets. Afflicted Jupiter as the Lord of the mool Trikona sign in Fallen condition is like Car going up the hill has fallen back in a previous Sign and from the hill. It can be compared to an Mad Elephant as stated above. Countries having Sagitarius ascendant may be influenced the Most. Varahamihira Has desiginated certain signs and Contellations to various regions of India and some adjoining countries. Since the Gemini-Sagitarius axis will be under acute affliction the Countries who will be influenced most will be USA and other Countries but Us will be influenced the most
13. The 2 Biggest economies US and China are at Daggers drawn and as already mentioned US will be under the Dasha of Rahu placed in the 12th house and Transit Rahu over the 4 Planets in the Sign Gemini where Jupiter is also placed . China will be running the Dasha of Saturn –Jupiter and Eclipses over the 1/7 axis of the Natal Jupiter in the 12th house in the sign Sagitarius will also influence the Country.

1. 27th-1st April 2019 when Moon joins Ketu, Saturn adn Pluto and the Jupiter also joins on the 29th March 2019 in the sign Sagitarius
2. 10th April 2019 when Jupiter turns Retrograde
3. Now Have a look at the chart Below of the 11th Sept. 2001 New York when there was an attack on the WORLD TRADE CENTRE.

1. Mars at 20 degree mark in Rohini Nakshatra where Saturn was there at the time of 9/11
2. Saturn and Ketu degree -conjunct at the house where Mercury and Ketu were conjunct
3. Mars also 1/7 axius with Jupiter
4. Longitude of Mercury and Venus difference as per other events when Global Economy has crashed
5. Jupiter Fallen and Retrograde in Scorpio
6. Saturn Stationary in fiery sign with Ketu, Pluto and Moon
7. Jupiter Falls back on the 23rd April2019. Hence from 23rd to 30th April 2019 most Venomous
8. Jupityer Retrograde till 11th August and Saturn Retrograde till 18th Sept. 2019
9. Eclipses in the Sagitarius on the 3rd July, 17th July and the 26th Dec. 2019 when 6 planets will be in the sign Sagitarius will be the most crucal time for the stock Markets taking a hit with magnitude it so seems . The Time frame from 17th June 2019 and till the time Mars reaches the sign Leo on the 8th August seems to be a time killing for the Stock and the Financial markets
10. 9th Jan to 13th Jan. 2020 seems to Time frame for a Massive Break in the Stock and the Financial Markets also.

From the above it can be concluded that the Resession may Start from US since the Dasha in operation is Rahu-Rahu and Rahu will transit over the natal Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Mars from the 23rd March 2019. The Transit of Rahu over the natal Sun and Jupiter is most critical for the financial condition of the Country
I have mentioned in the article below
“Mercury Falling In Aquarius: Trump-Xi Push Agreement On Trade War In Hands Of Ketu Saturn Jupiter In Sagitarius Most Venomous” . The Conjunction is with Pluto and considered to be most Venomous and a long term Recession, untoward happenings . Traders to suffer the most , Kings and head of the Country suffer when there is Eclipse in the Fiery sign Sagitarius. Weather changes and Strong Earthquakes are also not ruled out . The parallel 9/11 combinations on the 25th April to 30th April 2019 are definitely Frightening. God Bless us all.

The Recession may last till 18th June 2023 on a New Moon Day or even more than this date

Please read my Article ” MARS IN ROHINI NAKSHATRA ‘ In the Astrology Magzine ‘STARTELLER ‘ APRIL 2019 EDITION PAGE 22


Written on the 19th March 2019 at 12-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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Link EXPRESS STAR TELLER https://www.starteller.com/article7.html
My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link http://www.astrologicmagazine.com/ammunition-dump-mars-rom…/
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