Finding Janma Lagna,Janma RashiThrough Prashna

by astrodocanil

Remedial Measures are always seen from the birth chart, since it signifies and indicates our Poorva Janma Karma . Suppose the Querist has not brought the Janam Kundli or he does not know the Birth details or the Exact time of birth, then Prashna Chart will be helpful in finding out the Janama Lagna  which may also be required for the particular Query. Prashna Marg gives 5 methods  to find the same.

Some fixed Numbers are alloted to all the Signs . Aries: 12  Taurus:2 Gemini:5 Cancer :10 Leo: 7 Virgo:8 Libra: 1 Scorpio:11 Sagitarius: 4 Capricorn: 7 Aquarius : 9 and Pieces :7

Method 1.

These numbers are fixed and constants , what ever the Lagna may be at the time of the query  take that Rashi constant  and deduct the same from 49(Which is also Constant), the result be multiplied by 7 and then divided by 27 the Remainder counted from Ashvini will give the Janam Nakshatra and the Janma Rashi .

At the time of writing the Article the Lagna is Leo  and as per the above deductuing from 49 = 49-7=42 Now Multiplying by 7=294 and now dividing by 27= 24 The Nakshatra is Shatbisha and the Moon sign is Aquarius. That is my Moon sign Aquarius. In case the Janma nakshatra is in 2 Rashis the previous one to be taken like Mars Nakshatra falls in 2 Rashis. The above example is for fixing the Moons Position. Similarly  we can fix the Sun, Jupiter also . For Sun the constant number is 35 instead of 49  and for Jupiter it is 42 instead of 49. The rest of the procedure is the same . Let me calculate the Sun position as per the above ,  35-5=30  multiplying by 7= 210 and dividing by 27  Remainder is 21 and the sign is Capricorn. For Jupiter  42-5= 37×7= 259/27 the remainder is 16  Hence the 16th nakshatra  which is Vishaka and hence the Sign is Libra for Jupiter.

Method 2. 

Moon enters different Navamsha at different times . Find from the query chart when Moon has changed Navamaha. Find out the Ghati and Pala  from the moment it has entered in the Particular navamsha . The difference of time be converted in to Pala (Vighati), Suppose Moon enters  3rd Para of Anuradha ie  7s 23 degree and 20 minutesand the question time is 18.30 hrs  and difference in time is 15 minutes  or 45 vighati, Multiply this by 9 and divide by 27   =45×9/27=0 Hence 27th Nakshatra and Revati .

Method 3.

Note the Number of Signs from Uday Lagna to Arudha Lagna , Uday Lagna ai the the Lagna at the time of Sun rise  or the sign in whein Sun is Placed , this is to be multiplied by 2. The Number is to be deducted from the number represented by the date/Day of the Solar month, this number is found by the degrees of Sun has travelled in a sign. Let us take an Example. The Sign in which Sun is Placed is Virgo and Arudha Lagna is Sagitarius. The difference is 4 , hence multiplying by 2= 8, if Sun is 23.20 degrees then day of Solar moth is 23 , hence 23-8=15, Now this Number 15 is to be added  to the Prashna Lagna Nakshatra  number . If it is 5 then 5+15=20, which is Poorva shadha , hence Poorva shadha is the natives birth nakshatra and the Rashi is Sagitarius.

Method 4.

From the Nakshatra at the time of Query count the 26th nakshatra  from the Prashna Nakshatra, This will reveal the birth Ascendant.

Method 5.

Note the Longitude of the Prashna Moon and the Prashna Lagna take the difference between these 2  and add the difference to the longitude of Prashna Moon. This Longitude will represent the  Natives Natal moon Position . These methods are for Prashna only and cannot be applied elsewhere.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 3rd July 2015 12.15 hrs. 


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