Tsipras’s shock call Vote on Greek Bailout sets 5th July 2015:What it Foretells

by astrodocanil

Greek Referendum Hangs on the Voters on the 5th July 2015  as Greek crisis: Parliament approves referendum, after bailout extension rejected. The Date fixed for the same is 5th July 2015 07-00 am. Greece . This Article is in continution to my earlier Article “Greece Debit Crisis: What Stars Foretell” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/06/greece-crisis-what-stars-foretell/ dated 29th June 2015 . As per this  Article I had Predicted that the Bailout  Extention would be rejected .  The Parliament approves referendum, after bailout extension rejected.”Greek crisis: Parliament approves referendum, after bailout extension rejected – as it happened” link http://www.theguardian.com/business/live/2015/jun/27/greek-crisis-mps-referendum-tsipras-eurogroup-ministers-live.

Let us see Astrologically what the Planetary Positions have to say in this connection of Voting For Referendum . The Voting has to Start at 07-00 am on the 5th July 2015 In Greece. The Chart of the same is below


Panchang of the Day 

Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun in the 12th House in the sign of Gemini an Inimical sign and in Rahu nakshatra  is weak to give good results.

Tithi is  KP -4 A Rikta Tithi Inauspicious 

Nakshatra Dhanistha  Number is 24 and as per Prashna Shastra the Results will be obtained   with Lot of difficulty.

Karna       Bava connected to 10th Lord is good

Yoga      Preeti

SunRise 05.12.56 hrs .

Hora Venus is good for Disputes , but again on Sunday Hora of Venus may not bring very good results. Venus is also in Gandantha

Prashna Triangle My Research the Planet influencing the query is Moon and in the 8th house and in 6/8 axis with Foundation chart of the Country . Failure of Results.

Yama The Day Lord Sun is Placed in the Yama of Taurus and the Lord of Taurus Venus is Placed in inimical sign of Leo in the Muhurat chart . The Fructification of the events seems to be difficult and the Motive may not be achieved with the same. Venus has Just changed sign on the 5th July only  and is aspected by Retrograde 7th and 8th Lord Saturn from the 5th house  This is crystal clear of the Results of the voting  a Failure of the same .

Moon  Moon has to be strong in the event chart and in the 8th house and specially at the time of the event it has just ingressed shows failure of the event .For Wealth associated happenings Moon should not be in a Dagdha Sign, unfortunately it is also in Dagdha Sign. Moon is also in Rashi Sandhi. Moon is extremely weak to give benefic results.

Wealth Associated Queries 2nd, 11th house and Jupiter are the Important Parameters,. Taurus sign is again Dagdha Sign, 11th Lord in 2nd House in inimical sign and lord of the same Sun  in 12th house and aspected by Retrograde Saturn, Jupiter Attichari and Dispositor in 8th house are the weakness in the chart  for Fructification.

Longevity for Help  The Longevity of the Act is reduced if the Day Lord Is adversely Placed from the 8th house and the Lord . In the chart above Saturn and Sun are placed in 6/8 axis. Even is the help is granted to Greece by the Banks it will be short lived . In Navamsha also Sun and Saturn are in 6/8 axis . Sun is also in 2/12 axis with the 8th lord of the Navamsha .

DBA Planets  Mars-Mer-Ketu DDA Planets owning the 2,6,10 and 11 thhouse bring good results, here 10th Lord Mars is totally combusted and placed  in 12th house of loss, Mercury and Ketu  are weak to give the results since Mercury in Mars Nakshatra and Keru in Saturns Nakshatra .

Lagna is Cancer a movable sign and Prishtodayo

Lagnesh Moon is placed in the 8th house . Moon has just changed . Lagna is also in the nakshatra of Pushya and the Lord is Saturn the Lord of the 7th and 8th house . Moon is also Placed in the Dagdha Sign  shows the weakness in the Chart.  Jupiter Placement in the Lagna is definitely good but may not be able to give full protection since atticahri  ,placed in the 2nd house from Sunand Dispositor in the 8th house .  Jupityer is also in the nakshatra of Mercury who is again placed in 11th house and in Dagdha Sign.

There is complete Ithasla of the Moon and the 11th Lord Venus but an inimical one.  Open Enemy .

Event Moon and the Yama Moon are in the same sign and the 8th house shows no improvement of The Lagna Lord . Moon in the Muhurat chart should be strong, here it is loosing strength and in an inimical sign and 8th house a house of total loss. , Jupiter will also not be able to give any protection since dispositor is in 8th house, Attichari and in the Nakshatra of Mercury  who is also about to go in the 12 th house  of Loss.

Karyesh  is Venus and in the Yama chart it is placed in inimical sign and its Lord is combusted in the Event chart, Hence the desired results may not be achieved from the Voting. Venus is in Gandantha extremely weak .

Jupiter  Significator of Economy and Finances  Attichari, Dispositor in the 8th house totally afflicted . Jupiter and Venus were in Planetary War on the 29th June 2015 and Jupiter lost in the war. Till Jupiter is in Cancer will not be able to give good results till 14th July and after that it will be aspected by Saturn Retrograde and Venus again in Planetary war with Jupiter in Leo at 4 degrees and aspected by Stationary Saturn at 4 degrees  will be the most crucial Parameter for the Country . Venus loses in the War now and Both Jupiter and Venus aspected by  Stationary malefic , will ruin the Country significations of Jupiter and  Venus, it so seems that the Country will witness the worst time on the 5th August  2015 till 29th Jan 2017 and a total Economy melt down till Saturn  is there in Scorpio.

Mars and Sun in 12th house. 2nd Lord in 12th house shows loss of Reserves  and 10th Lord combusted  failure for Success.

As Per the Foundation chart of the Greece Moon is Placed in the Sign of Virgo  and in the event chart in Aquarius and in 6/8 axis.

Navamsha Both Lagna and Navamsha are movable hence the situations will change but Moon , Lagna and Venus  In Rahu-Ketu ,Moon aspected by Saturn and Venus aspected By Mars shows results may not be favourable .

In  fact the Main issue is the Success or Defeat of the Country,Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.  He has called for a Referendum  and  he wants The People to Vote for No so that he is able to Negotiate with the Creditors and the Country may be out of the European Union, If the People Vote for Yes then The Creditors will Impose their Restrictions for Recovery of the Huge Debit which the Country Owes to IMF.

In Prashna the 6 houses from the 3rd to the 8th  houses belong to The Citizens King Residing in the city Alexis Tsipras.  who is under attack by the IMF  and has  Rahu, Saturn and Moon.  The houses begining from 9th to 2nd Belong to the so called invader and the IMF and has all the benefics Mercury, Jupiter and Venus .The portion of the 6 houses having benefics  gives victory to the same  The Part containing malefics gives defeat  to the corresponding Party, Hence it is evident that Alexis Tsipras. will face a defeat and may have to quit as seen from the Planetary positions. The chances of Victory are only of Jupiter placed in Lagna but as discussed above Jupiter is attichari and dispositor is in the 8th house  is weak. in any case it so seems Alexis Tsipras. will have a fall . Giving rise to Political instability in Crisis Ridden Greece


Tsipra may not be successful in his mission .The purpose of Voting may be defeated alltogether even if Vote is as per him.  Moon in the 8th house clearly shows malefics effects from the Results of the Voting irrespective of yes or no. voting .

The Lagna Lord in the 8th house more so it is also Moon and 10th Lord in 12th house and Combusted by Sun shows  weakness for the ruling Govt. and the Results are crystal clear and need not be eloborated. 

 Let us see the Paksha Kundali of the 2nd July 2015  04-19hrs. In fact I have already discussed the same in my previous Article .

Paksha Kundali of Greece 2nd July

The Paksha Kundali of the 2nd July 2015 of  04-19 hrs is again of the Gemini Lagna and the affliction is crystal clear . Lagna is having Mars 6th Lord and 11th Lord  Combusted in conjunction with  Sun  and the Lagna lord is Placed in the 12th house aspected by Retrograde Saturn , Lagna and Lagna Lord are both afflicted .  There is degree conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in the 2nd House of Finances and there is exchange of the 2nd and the 7th Lord , 7th house is house of Opponents and Foreign connections , Moon is also aspected by Combusted Mars  and Mars also aspects the 8th house along with Saturn, Dispositor of Saturn is extremely weak hence though Saturn is aspecting the 8th house may not be able to give any Protection to the 8th house. Mars as the 8th Lord of the natural Zodiac and connection with the 8th house and specially combusted will not give benefic resutls rather Negative.

Since the Lumanaries are in the 1/7 axis the Issues which will sprout will be of the Country and the Foreign support  for Finances since Moon is also connected to Jupiter and the 2nd House and Placed in the 7th house , The affliction does not ensure Support from the EU countries and as such the Country may float in Fall of Economy.

The condition of the Country will go worse after 14th July when Jupiter moves in the sign of Leo and is aspected by R Saturn specially on the 5th August 2015 as  explained above  If we see the Transits in the Sept 2015 and March 2016 Eclipses 7th and 10th Lord Jupiter and Karka for Wealth and Economy will be deeply afflicted and hence there may not even be any relief to the Country in the Coming Years and Economy may Stagnate . Lagna Lord in the 12th house and aspected by Retrograde Saturn in the 6th house aspecting the 8th house and Lord of  8th Could bring Adversities for the Ruling Govt. as well.  More so Moon has just come out of Alffliction from the 8th to the 9th to give some Negatives  surfacing .

Even if there is some relief ( Sun and Mars together)to Greece it may be a temporary one and the situations may Explode after 5th Ausust 2015 ,Sept. 2015 and March 2016 Eclipses

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  2nd July 2015 13.30 hrs.

Disclaimer: This is just an astrological analysis and the writer does not hold himself responsible , if any is effected in any way, if some one takes any decision it will be purely his responsibility .

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