Red Planet Mars, North Node Rahu & Saturn On Wheel : Fear Of Secret Plans Of China Looming Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

810 Articles and Predictions in just 45 months from April 2015

Transit Mars activating Natal Mars and Transit Rahu over Natal Mars and also afflicted by Transit Mars . Saturn Aspecting Transit Sun and Natal Sun Most Venomous Parameters for The Head of the Country taking aggressive stance it so seems
The Foundation chart of China is Below of the 1st Oct. 1949 15.15 hrs Beijing

The Dasha in operation for china is Saturn-Jupiter-Moon till 15-3-2019 and then Saturn-Jup- Mars to 8-5-2019 till sub-sub dasha of Rahu ends on the 24th sept. 2019. What China Plans is nobodies Buisness may be it is the US or India.Natal Rahu Placed in the 3rd House of Boarders and anter dasha of also Jupiter the 3rd Lord Jupiter is placed in the 12th in its MT sign losses the ownership of the 3rd house . 3rd house of neighbors therefore suffers as per Jyotish principles of the south Indian Astrology. Now when this Lord Jupiter in Transit is fallen after 23rd April 2019 can prove to be most Venomous till 5th Nov. 2019. The Transit of Rahu over the natal Rahu will add fuel to the fire after 23rd march 2019 for 1.5 years or so and neighbors may suffer on this account.
Dasha Lord Saturn is the Lagna Lord placed in the 8th house of secret plans and Anter Dasha Lord Jupiter is the 12th Lord and placed in the 12th house and aspects the Saturn in the 8th house . The Sub-Sub Dasha Lords Moon and Mars are connected to the 7th house of Foreign affairs and War. Hence in the Present context The Period from the 27th Feb. 2019 to 8-5-2019 is critical one for entering into conflicts with neighbors .
THE REASON IS CLEAR MOON IN THE ASCENDANT AND DEBILITATED MARS IN THE 7TH HOUSE. Sub-Sub Dasha Lord involvement in the 7th house of International affairs and wars . Mars and Saturn both aspect the 10th house and the 10th Lord Venus in the sign Libra and give very strong combinations for the Head of the Country

Transit Rahu over the natal Mars in Debilitation till 23rd March 2019
Transit Ketu over the natal Moon till 23rd march 2019
Transit Venus in the Lagna with Degree conjunction with Ketu till 21st March 2019
Transit Mars aspecting the Natal Mars in the 7th house till 22nd March are critical Parameters
Transit Saturn is over the Natal Jupiter and aspects the 9th house where Sun, Mercury and Ketu are placed
On the 9th-10th March 2019 Transit Mars will aspect the Natal Mars degree-wise

Have a Look at the chart below of the 10th March 2019

Transit Saturn aspects the Transit Sun Degree-wise and also aspects the Natal Sun in the 9th house.Transit Saturn aspects the Natal Ketu in the 9th house degree-wise and Transit Ketu will join Saturn on the 23rd March 2019 and Ketu will be degree-wise on the Natal Jupiter of China .
On the 22nd March 2019 Mars will ingress the Sign Taurus the 5th house of the Natal chart and aspect both the Natal and the Transit Saturn.This will be a Malefic Transit since the Sub-Sub Dasha will also be of Mars.

At this point 8th Lord Sun will be afflicted by Saturn both the Transit and the Natal 8th Lord .Mars will afflict the Lagna Lord in Tansit and Natal Lagna Lord in the 8th House. After 29th March 2019 Jupiter the 12th Lord will also join Saturn and Ketu in the 12th house from Lagna and also the Moon

The above Planetary positions are taking an ugly turn it so seems
From the above we can say that involvement of China cannot be ruled out direcrtly or indirectly and some secret Plans where the Boarder clashes are taking place between India and Pak. This Possibility cannot be ruled out
The Transit Of Rahu Over the Natal Mars and Trasit Mars also afflicts the Transit Rahu in the 7th house of Wars till 22nd March is definitely Venomous and calls for attention in the above scenario. The Planetary positions suggest more towards the Neighbors then the 7th House and since the 3rd and 9th house in Transit will be afflicted the Country is bound to be involved with the neighbors

Let us study the Planetary positions at earlier times when Indo-China war took place on the 20th Oct. 1962 the Chart with Taurus Lagna is below

The Affliction to the Cancer-Capricorn Axis till 22nd-23rd March 2019 is major concern. In the Progression Chart by Manu Smriti of the India there is affliction to the Cancer-Capricorn Axis and Rahu Is Transitting over the Debilitated Mars and Saturn in the sign Cancer .

Written on the 27th Feb. 2019 at 14.30 hrs.
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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