Stars Foretell Troublesome Period At The Boarders From 21st Feb. 2019 Onwards As Saturn, Mars and Nodes On Wheel Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

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Taurus-Scorpio Axis and Capricorn -Cancer Axis Affliction is a Serious Parameter for India Boarder clashes with Pakistan and China. Mars Ingressin Taurus may aggravate the same after 22nd March 2019 and specially after 7th April to 26th April 2019

With the Drawn of Atomic age it is hoped that the fear of mutual destruction will prove deterrence to wars. Today the War has taken the shape of Terrorism in a more dreadful form of worst order.

Taking the case of India, since independence it has fought the following major wars

1. 1947-1948 War with Pakistan over Kashmir
2. Sino Indian War -1962
3. War with Pakistan -1965
4. Indo-Pakistan War over Bangla Desh -1971
5. Boarder war with Pakistan on Kargil 1999
6. War like situation and Threat of Nuclear war with Pakistan 2002.
7. Besides this there has been fight against Terrorism in Kashmir and other parts of India and Separatists wars in Nagaland and Mizoram.

Varahamihira and Hindu Astrologers like Hardeo Sharma Trivedi and adopted various Techniques for Anticipating wars
1. Annual Horoscope or the Varshpahla based on the Horoscope of the Country
2. Watch out some common Replicable Planetary combinations have been observed which are Troublesome for India and have reportedly led to war or warlike situations.
The following are the Replicable Planetary Positions

3. Affliction to the Taurus-Scorpio Axis the 1/7 axis of the Foundation chart. In the 1/7 axis of the India Foundation chart Rahu and Ketu are there close to the Lagna Degrees and hence affliction to this axis in the Transit brings Trouble for India
4. As Per Varahamihira the Sign of India is Capricorn and Affliction to the Capricorn-Cancer Axis is crucial in the Transit . Cancer Falls in the 3rd house of Boarders and there are 5 Planets and Demon Rahu is transitting over these 5 Planets till 23rd March 2019
5. Affliction to the Lagna or the Lagna Lord
6. Affliction to the life giving planets Sun and Moon or one of them
7. Affliction to the 7th house of Wars or the Lord
8. Affliction to Muntha in the Annual Horoscope
9. If Serious Boarder Clashes then affliction to the 6th house and in this case not a full fledged declared war

Let us have a Look at the India Foundation chart of the 15th August 1947 00-00-01 hrs

The dasha in operation is og Moon -Jupiter
The Transit Planets and Saturn in the 8th from the Lagna and the 6th from the natal Moon and 6./8 axis with Mars and Ketu joining the 8th house and then Jupiter the 8th Lord faloing back in the sign Scorpio may be the most Venomous Parameter after 23rd April 2019 it so seems , more so at that time Mars will be in Rohini Nakshatra and I have already explained that the affliction to this nakshatra may be the ugliest situations not only for India but also for the world and specially for US, Europe Japan etc
Now Have a Look at the Lunation chart of the 19th Feb. 2019 discussed in the Article “What Mars Saturn Jupiter & Nodes Can Spell In Feb-July 2019 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/

Let us See the Full Moon chart of the 19th Feb. 2019 of 21.34 Hrs Below

The Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars placed in the yama of Scorpio the 3rd house of the chart where the 7th Lord is placed and the yama Lord is placed in the 8th house and is also the 8th Lord is the most malefic component in this Fortnight starting from the 19th Feb. 2019 and indicates Fierce Battle at the Boarder
The Lagna is afflicted by the 5th and the 6th Lord Saturn by strong 10th aspect. The Lagna Lord is Placed in the 6th house and has aspects of the 6th Lord Saturn and degree aspect is another Malefic component in this Lunation chart from the 4th house . Sun and Moon are in the yama of Mercury and Mercury in the 6th house.The Cabinet will give approval for Surgical strikes to retaliate. Since the affliction is there in the 6th house as stated above parameter 9. thre may be serious clashes at the Boarder
Another component is the Ithasla of the Sun,Moon and the 8th Lord Mars and difference of 3 degrees and hence in 3 days from the 19th Feb.and hence 21-22nd Feb. 2019 could be most Crucial, more so then Moon will be aspected by Saturn and will also be in its own Nakshatra fromm 10 degrees In Virgo . Hence India aggressive stance and retaliation Cannot be ruled out. All above Parameters are activated as discussed above
Mars and Saturn acquiring an important dimension in this fortnight

Mars Represents Armed Forces, Naval and Air Commands. It is a planet of Wars and Strife’It represents Violence in any form

Saturn represents Discontentment, and Revolution, Emergencies , Rebellion and over throw of Rulers. Saturn has been designated by Kalidas as Dukakarka, war and calamities

Have a Look at the Chart below of the 25th Feb. 2019 of 16-05 hrs

The above chart is self explainatory and satisfies for a Aggressive stance taken by India it so seems for the Pulwama Terror Attack
From the above we can come to the conclusion that in the fortnight starting from 19th Feb. 2019 the Time frame Crucial is from 21st-22nd Feb. and then after when Saturn joins the Scorpio navamsha on the 26th Feb. 2019.

The chart at the time of 25th Feb. 2019 at 23.52 hrs is also worst hence a Time Frame of the 25th Feb. on wards would be most Venomous as explained above in the Fortnight starting from the 19th Feb. 2019.

Lunation chart of the 6th March 2019 21-34 hrs

The Lunation is taking place in the sign Aquarius the 10th house of the India Foundation chart and also under affliction from Saturn placed in the 8th house by 3rd aspect if we consider the India Foundation chart of Taurus Lagna. In the Lunation chart above it is from the 3rd house of the Boarders hence there could be more attacks from the Boarders by the Terrorists

The Day is wednesday and the Lord is Mercury and Placed in the 6th house in retrogression and aspected by 6th Lord from the 2nd house . Mercury is placed in the sign of Scorpio in the yama chart and the Yama Lord is placed in the 7th house of Wars. Look at the degrees of the Planets Mars, Saturn, and the Luminaries and it seems that 9th March 2019 could be most venomous for the Govt. Taking a Very strong Step and May Be Conditions like emergency in the Country . Saturn aspects Moon and Sun. Mars aspects Rahu and the Lagna Lord Venus with Ketu in the sign Capricorn. On the 9th March 2019 Saturn will be at the 24 degree mark and aspects Sun at 24 degrees . I have already discussed the importance of 24 degrees Saturn in Sagitarius in my articles on my webpage.
It seems When Mars Enters the sign Taurus it will be be the most malefic Trime frame already discussed earlier in my Article . From the Planetary Positions it seems that India will be aggressive For Surgical Strike and when Mars Joins the sign Taurus Emergency may be clamped . The Most malefic Parameter after 26th Feb. 2019 is also the Saturn goes in the Navamsha of Scorpio can also prove explosive since then Saturn will be in an arc of 23.20 to 26.20 degrees which could prove explosive.
The affliction to the 6th house again shows Boarder Fierce Clashes all other Parameters as dicussedabive are also activated

Let us Now Have a Look at the Annual Chart of the completion of the 71 years of the Foundation chart of India to confirm the above happenings

The above chart also fullfils the Parameters crucial for Wars and Boarder clashes
Have a Look at the other details Below of the Muntha and the Muntha Lord affliction and in the 7th house of Wars

Mars Ingress in the Sign Taurus may Aggravate the situation after 22nd March since Mars will then ingress over the sign Taurus, but Thank God The affliction to the Capricorn and the Cancer Axis will be finished . Hence a Time frame of the 21st Feb. to 24th March 2019 there could be serious clashes at the Boarder . In Annunal chart Vedic POrogression charts as Per manu Smriti also indicate the above and serious tension at the Boarders with Pakistan and China it so seems as per the Principles of the Mundane Astrology Laid In the Classics and the Parameters used by our Late Stalwarts Pandit Hardeo Sharma Trivedi of Solan

Hence as already mentiomned by me in my Previous article the Elections in our Country may have to be postponed due to the warlike conditions and then after Mars Ingresses Rohini Nakshatra from the 7thb April to 26th April could be the worst time,. Saturn will be Retrograde on the 30th April and will be stationary between the 25th to 29th April 2019 could add fuel to the fire it so seems and also not good for the Congress Dynastic Politics as already explained in my Various articles on my webpage. Saturn will be retrograde till 18th Sept. 2019 and will reach the same navamsha from where it started to Retrograde on the 2nd Dec. 2019 and cross the 26.24 degrees on the 26th Dec. 2019. Note this Time frame i will write the important of these Degrees when Time comes
Read My Article written before which also indicate explosive conditions after 26th Feb 2019
1.”‘Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada Hindu New Moon Year 2019: What It Foretells ?’ Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
2″Vedic Progression By Mannu Smriti Of India Foundation Chart :What It Foretells ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
3.”What Mars And Saturn Forming Inauspicious Yoga’s Have Up Their Sleeves From 22nd March-8th August 2019″…-8th-august-2019/
4.”Mars In Taurus And Rohini Nakshatra From 7th -26th April 2019 : What It can Spell ?”…hat-it-can-spell/ ‎
5.”Mars Planet of Energy Violence Explosions It’s Stay In Aries And Taurus : What It Foretells ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”
6. “Mood Of The Nation Poll 2019: 24 Degrees Sagitarius Saturn Disciplinarian On Wheel Will Swing Moods”…will-swing-moods/
7. “Sun Entry In Aries It’s Exaltaion Sign : What It Foretells ?”…hat-it-foretells/ ‎
8.”Makar Sankranti Sun Affliction : What It Foretells ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/

I have been writting since the 29th Jan. 2019 about the Malefic Planetary positions . In the Near future the most malefic planetary Positions are the Saturn in Poorva Shadah after 26th Feb. to 7th May 2019 and Mars in Taurus after 22nd March 2019
Rahu Ingress in Gemini and Ketu in Sagitarius on the 23rd March 2019
Jupiter ingress in Sagitarius on the 29th March 2019 and the going in Retrogression and then Fallen in Scorpio on the 23rd April to 5th Nov. 2019

From the above we can come to the conclusion that ‘Saturn’acquires an important dimension in the year 2019 For the Following Reasons

1. King of the Year From 5th April 2019 and Primeminister Sun Most Malefic combinations as per 2002 and 1991 when Saturn was Lord of the year
2. Saturn with Ketu in March 2019 and inauspicious yogas with Mars and Rahu
3. Saturn reaching the 24 degree mark in Poorva shada in 2/12 axis with Jupiter and in Poorva shada Nakshatra Stationary from 25th to 29th April , Retrograde on 30th April and then again Stationary from 1st May to 4th May 2019
Pulwama Happening may Repeat it so seems with dimension. India should make all arrangement for the security of the Nation and the national Leaders .

When Mars goes in the Sign Taurus on the 22nd March 2019 will be the worst time for Global Economy it so seems . I have already written in this concern in my Earlier Articles

Written on the 19th Feb. 2019 at 22-30 Pm
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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