‘Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipada Hindu New Moon Year 2019: What It Foretells ?’ Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

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Hindu Astrologers have solved the problem of the conflicting Lagna by casting horoscopes on the basis of the begining of the Hindu New Moon Chart. This Horoacope sets the trend for the full year. On this Day the Sun and the Moon will be in the Pieces sign.Chaitra shukla pratipada – means the first day after the new moon in the month of Chaitra [hindi lunar calendar] or you can also say it as the first day during the waxing phase of moon in the Chaitra Month. It marks the beginning of the New Year of Vikram Samvat or better known as Vedic [Hindu] Calendar. This Hindu new year is also known as Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra, Ugadi in Telegu.
According to ‘Kalprakasika’ an ancient classical text The King of the year is the planet ruling the day when Sun is in the Sign Aries ,but this method of choosing the King of the year is not supported by other school of thought. The Accepted Principle is that This Parameter is for choosing the mantri of the year.

In the year 2019 the Hindu New Moon year is falling on the 5th April 14.20 hrs New Delhi and the chart is below

The King and the Commander-in-chief set the trends for the coming events.
If in any Year if the Royal Planets Sun and Moon are not the King of the year then Royality suffers . Similarly Mars is Commander-in-chief and if he does not become the same then the Army and the Navy suffer. All these details acquire an important dimension. In the Hindu New Moon year 2019 None of the above combinationsare taking place hence the above is bound to happen . There may be Boarder issues Economy May suffer, Unemployment may rise

Since the Skukla Partipada Falls on the Saturday the Lord of the Year is SATURN
As per Varahamihira in his classical book Brihat Samhita has given the results of the Various Planets becoming the King of the year, these results are general in nature and have to be used with caution.

Band of Robbers will roam about . People will be suffering . Hunger and Disease will stock the land. Less rains and earth will be parched. Lakes and Tanks will dry . crops will be damaged. Destruction and Misery and losss of wealth and property may be on the cards . Sun and Moon will lose there luster and People from Royal Families will suffer the most , Since Saturn is inimical to the Sun and Moon hence it will give malefic results for the Kings and Queens of Royal Nature. There could be trouble from Fire and Thieves, sinful acts. There may be increase in Robbery and dacoity, frustration and violence by kings, epidemic and general misery. Riots, strikes will be on the cards and people will mourn the Death of near ones
Adding here Saturn between the 24-26 degree mark in Sagitarius may prove to most venomous from 26th April to 14th June 2019 and then after 17th July to 26th Dec. 2019 it so seems near the Eclipses . On the 30th April Saturn will be Stationary and on the 10th July 2019 it will be nearest to Earth and 180 degrees from Sun the Most malefic time frame even for the Global Events
Saturn the Lord of the Year is placed in the 10th house from the Luminaries and in the 6th house from the Lagna with 6th Lord Jupiter whom is in Gandantha and with Ketu. This Ketu is at the mouth of Saturn and coming close to it and this combination is aspected by Mars from the Sign Taurus and about to go in the nakshatra of Rohini on the 7th April 2019. Saturn the Lord of the year is afflicted badly and is also the 7th and the 8th Lord of the chart and as the 7th Lord in the 12th from its sign loss of the significations of the 7th house . 7th house is also opposition. Since it is placed in the upchayasthan from the 8th house it will give the results of the 8th House in abundance. Needless to mention who will all be involved in it. Future Events cast their Shadows before and we can see for ourselves whatis happening in the Country

Since the Day of the Solar ingress of Sun in Aries sign is taking place on the Sunday on the 14th April at 14-09 hrs the Primeminister is the Sun. There is inimical Relation between the Saturn the King and the Primeminister Sun. As per classical texts when Sun is the Primeminister of the year there is discontentment amongst the Kings poor rainfall scantyrainfall ,scanty harvest, unrighteous acts. The Worst time will be when they will oppose each other or Saturn aspects Sun after 15th June 2019 and when they are in 6/8 axis from the 15th May to 15th June hence from 15th May to 15th July will be the worst time frame and then we also have the Lunar Eclipse on the 17th July 2019.

In the year 1991 Chaitra pratipada 16th March 1991 13.42 hrs. The year was full of strikes, discontentment, shortage of rains and food

21 May – Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi: Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi is assassinated by a LTTE Suicide Bomber in Sriperumbudur near Chennai in Tamil Nadu during the election campaign.
31 May – The Government of India constitutes the Company Law Board as an independent quasi-judicial body thus giving up direct control on matters of company law.
15 June – When the general election results are all compiled, the Congress Party has won a plurality of votes.
21 June – Indian National Congress leader P.V. Narasimha Rao becomes Prime Minister.
24 June – J. Jayalalithaa is sworn in as chief minister of Tamil Nadu for the first time.
24 July – The government of India announces its New Industrial Policy, marking the start of India’s economic reforms.
11 October – Sikh Separatists bomb Hindu Procession in Lucknow, killing 41 people.
20 October – The 6.8 Mw  Uttarkashi earthquake shook northern India with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent), killing 768–2,000 and injuring 1,383–1,800.
11 December – Rapid Action Force established by Union Home Ministry.

In the year 2002 (13th April 00-51 hrs ) New Moon Pratipada chart Saturn was the King of the year. Results then—- It was a rollercoaster year full of dizzying heights and unbelievable lows. The most significant development was the aggressive posturing by almost all political parties. After the Godhra massacre and the subsequent riots led to the worst communal divide in the country, politicians realised there was profit to be made.
Some Events in in the hindu new Moon Year starting from the 13th April 2002. There was lawlessness,anarchy and famine like conditions in many parts of India, Scarcity of Rains and people were unhappy and discontented. 2002 heatwave in India. Mars is ahead of Sun an even now When Mars goes in Gemini after 7th May 2019 it could be worst weather.

16 April – Up to 10 million public sector workers, including 32,000 employees of state-owned banks, hold a one-day strike against government privatisation plans.
18 April – India signs a deal to buy a $146 million weapon-seeking radar system built by the U.S. company Raytheon. It is the first significant U.S. arms sale to India for a decade.
29 April – Minister for Coal and Mines Ram Vilas Paswan resigns on the issue of the Gujarat violence, which he says has “tarnished India’s image” while the government’s role appears to be that of a “silent spectator”. He pulls his Lok Janshakti Party out of the ruling National Democratic Alliance coalition.
21 May – Moderate Kashmiri separatist leader Abdul Ghani Lone is assassinated. On the same day Vajpayee begins a five-day visit to Kashmir. In a martial speech on 22 May, he says that “a new chapter of victory and triumph will be written in the history books soon”.
27 July – Vice President Krishan Kant dies of a heart attack.
25 August – Notorious bandit Veerappan abducts a former minister of Karnataka, Hannur Nagappa, threatening to behead him unless the state governments of Karnataka and neighbouring Tamil Nadu release imprisoned Tamil separatists.
9 September – At least 119 people are killed in a train crash in the northeastern state of Bihar when part of the Rajdhani Express from Kolkata to New Delhi derails on a bridge over the Dhava river near Aurangabad.
16 September and 24, 1 and 8 October – Elections are held in the state of Jammu and Kashmir amid an atmosphere of escalating violence. The result is a surprising defeat of the National Conference, which was the dominant political force in the state for over 40 years. A government is formed by the People’s Democratic Party and the Congress. PDP leader Mufti Mohammad Sayeed is to be chief minister for three years, followed by Ghulam Nabi Azad of the Congress for another three years.
24 – 25 September – Two heavily armed gunmen kill at least 32 people in an attack on a Hindu temple in Gandhinagar, the capital of Gujarat, before army commandos recapture the temple and kill the terrorists.
15 November – A court in New Delhi finds that there is sufficient evidence to prosecute the UK based businessmen and brothers Shrichand, Gopichand, and Prakash Hinduja for cheating, conspiracy, and abetting corruption in the 1986 arms procurement scandal between India and the Swedish arms manufacturer Bofors.

12 December – The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is returned to power with a landslide victory in state assembly elections in Gujarat.25 April – Prameela Devi, actress (b. 1943).
6 July – Dhirubhai Ambani, business tycoon (b. 1933).
27 July – Krishan Kant, politician, Vice President of India (b. 1927).
24 September – Pisharoth Rama Pisharoty, physicist and meteorologist (b. 1909).
11 October – Dina Pathak, actress and activist (b. 1922).

Here Robert Vadra, Vijay Mallya , Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi will be Brought to Book AND SOME MORE POLITICIANS INVOLVED IN SCAMS.

Coming back to the chart the Lagna Lord is stronger then the 7th Lord though Saturn is the Lord of the year and Both the Lunimaries are not afflicted , AmamVasya for Narendra Modi is a Boon since it is a Rajyoga from his Debilitated Moon the Dharmadhipati and the Karmadhipati will be conjunct in the sign Pieces which is the 5th from Moon and also a House of Padchuti and Rise in life inspite of all the above . Needless to mention that those Politicians and Buisness Tycoons who have Debilitated Saturn will suffer the Most and I have already Predicted about there down fall on my webpage.

Saturn can also bring unusual Results in the General Elections of the Lok Sabha 2019. Since Saturn is a bitter enemy of the King it also has the Capacity to Turn the table and un expected Results may emerge Please note this Parameter , it can Prove some thing unusual also . Since the Elections will take place after the 5th April 2019 the Govt. will face difficulties at every level and Strikes, Representations, Processions against the Ruling Govt. also . Modi may face the toughest time in his regime of 5 years at the fag end .

The Best Saving is the Sun and the Moon are not afflicted , and the 9th Lord in the 6th house dont forget it is also a Rajyoga since the 9th Lord is Placed in the 10th from the 9th house and that also from the Luminaries for the Present King.

Saturn is also the disciplinarian and bound to punish the Culprits and will be seen from the 26th Feb. to 30th April when it will be in the Poorva shada Nakshatra between the 23.20 -26.24 degrees. On the 30th April it will become Retrograde and remain in this position till 18th Sept. 2019 at 19.47 degrees and will again retrace its path on the 23.20-26.40 arc and punish the Culprits, in this arc Saturn will be in Exhaltation in Navamsha and punish the culprits with dimension. Note this Time Frame and the significations of Saturn

The Probability of BJP coming back in power seems to be on the cards. Security of the King is the most essentail. The Situations in the Country before the Elections, at the time of Elections and even after the Elections will be like clamping Emergency. Needless to name and write who be the suffering the Most in terms of the Political Scenario and fail in there motives. Congress Dynastic Politics may totally fail it so seems , but even the BjP coming back in power may face the toughest times in this Hindu Year as mentioned above

Written on 13th Feb. 2019 18-30 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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