Global Economy In Danger: Stars Foretell Escalation of US-China Trade War

by astrodocanil

756 Articles and Predictions in just 45 months from April 2015
Davos 2019
The Planetary Positions are not condusive to give benefic results for the Trade war . The Davos 2019 also took place in Switzerland on the 22nd Jan. 2019 when there was Ishraaf yoga of Saturn and Mars. Ithasla of the Mars, Jupiter and Venus . The Degree of the Planets were as follows
Mars 20.14
Saturn 19.45 Ishraaf yoga between the 2 and in Square position show Strifes and struggles to Achieve the Results
Jupiter 21.54
Venus 21.45
Moon 23.45 These Planetary positions were at the start of the Davos 2019 at 09-30 hrs
The Saturn and Mars will be in Samsaptak on the 14-15th June 2019 and give the results malefic ones for the Economic Growth Globally
Yes the worry is there on the cards . Let the Nodes change signs and we would see a change in the Stock and the Financial Markets .ASTROLOGY HAS PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR ON THIS
N Number of Articles on this .ASTROLOGY PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR ON THE Stock and the Financial Markets from the 7th Jan. 2019 to 5th Feb. 2019 the Trend will be Roller Coaster . From the 7th to 23rd Jan. 2019 hoping for Trade war to Ease between the Us and China when North Node was Adverse and did not let it happen, Now on the 22nd Jan. [ 564 more words ]…/north-node-on-driving-wheel…/
Today will be worst and so will be the coming days watch carefully
Yes it is and when we are talking the Transit Lagna Lord of US Sun and Lagna Lord of China Saturn in the Foundation charts are in 2/12 axis in Transit . Ascendants in the foundation charts in 6/8 axis since US has Leo and China has Capricorn. . The Moon Signs are also in 2/12 axis since US has in Aquarius and China has in Capricorn. China is under the Dasha of Saturn-Jupiter . Saturn in the sign Leo the 8th house of China Foundation chart and 6th and 7th Lord of US, Jupiter in the sign Sagitarius in the 12th house which is the 5th house of US. US is Running the dasha of Rahu-Rahu in Cancer which is the 7th house of China. From the 7th Jan. 2019 things are worst since the transit Rahu is over the natal Rahu in the 12th house for US and also in adverse motion at a stretch from the 7th Jan. to 22nd Jan. and then from the 28thJan. to 5th Feb. 2019. After 23rd March 2019 Rahu and Ketu will change signs and Transit Rahu will come over the Natal Sun,Jupiter , Venus,and Mars in the case of US will not be good for the Economic condition of the Country . Rahu Transit over the natl Jupiter is not good since the Native or the Country faces adverse economic conditions, also there will be Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the above 4 planets . Transit Saturn will aspect the Natal Saturn at exact 24 degrees on the 10th March 2019, 17th June and 17th July 2019 in the case of US, at this time Saturn will also aspect the Natal Sun at 22 degrees and Transit Saturn will aspect the Natal Sun at exact degrees on the 10th Feb. 2019. These dates are crucial for the Global Economy

In case of China it is no better and the Ketu Transit over the Natal Jupiter and Eclipses over the Sign Sagitarius and Jupiter placed there could also be Venomous for China Economy. . In case of China The Transit Saturn, Ketu and Jupiter will be in the 12th from Moon and Lagna in Case of China and bring Venomous results for the China Economy. Transit Ketu will be over the natal Jupiter degree-wise on the 23rd March 2019

Hence from the above we can come to the conclusion that the 2 Major Economies of the world may face rough rides in the Economy of the Country and since in the case of US the Affliction is more and the Dasha Running is also a Malefic one US may suffer more than China

Another Parameter which cannot be ignored is that in the Foundation chart of Trump the Dasha in Operation is of Jupiter Saturn . The Dasha is Venomous due to the following reasons

1. Asper Tamil Classics the Jup-Saturn Dasha is most malefic one for Trump which will commence from the 1-3-2019 Saturn being the Debilitation Lord of Jupiter Hence Trump may lose his image and shine and may not be have the masses in favour of him.

2. When the President of the Country is running the Anter dasha of a Planet connected to the 7th house and a malefic as explained above , he may enter into war like situations with other nations .
Read My article in tjhis respect “WHAT FUTURE AWAITS TRUMP AND US IN 2017-2019 link
dated 23-7-2017
3. Saturn on the verge of completion of the 90 year cycle from the Oct. 1929
4. Eclipses in the sign Sagitarius are most Venomous for Kings of the world and also for the Economy
Also Read the following Articles indicating a break in the economy

The Dates 10th Feb, 10th March,23rd-30th April 14th-17th June and 17th July most prone dates for the Economy Break. When the time comes I will also see when the North node is also Venomous to add fuel to the fire and write an article again.

1.”North Node On Driving Wheel Will Turn the Tables In The Stock and Financial Markets On 22nd Jan. 2019 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
2.”Rahu-Ketu In Gemini-Sagitarius Axis: Eclipses In Sagitarius May Prove A Bolt From The Blue For Politics Global Economy”…s-global-economy/
3.”U.S. Stock Index Futures Fall As China Trade Talks Disappoint ‘As Predicted Loud And Clear’ Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/
4.”Nodes Rahu Ketu Mars Saturn On The Steering Wheel Forming Inauspicious Yogas For Global Events In 2019″…l-events-in-2019/
5.”Rahu North Node Adverse From 7th Jan. To 23rd Jan.,28th Jan. To 5th Feb. 2019 What It Can spell ?”…hat-it-can-spell/
6.”US-China Trade War : North Node And Karna Lord On 7th Jan.2019 Pose Hinderances”…pose-hinderances/ ‎
7.”A Glimpse On The Stock and The Financial Markets Of The Globe in 2019: What Stars Foretell ?”…t-stars-foretell/
Before the Economy Break there may be a surge in the financial Markets also which may look like there is no recession but it will be the other way round .
I have been analysing the Planetary positions since the July 2018 and I had Predicted this then and all Proving and seems we are at the corner now
From the above it is clear that the brawl between the 2 big economies of the world may take an ugly shape and Global Recession comes through

Now Read this “Global economy in real danger if US-China trade war escalates: Poll ” Media News Link

A synchronised global economic slowdown is under way and any escalation in the U.S.-China trade war would trigger a sharper downturn, according to Reuters polls of hundreds of economists from around the world.
That is a major shift in sentiment from just a year ago, when economists were optimistic about a significant global upturn. But an escalation in trade tensions and tightening financial conditions have hurt activity in most economies and dragged China’s growth last year to the weakest in 28 years.

Written on 25rd Jan. 2019 16-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

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