Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of 16th June 2015 :What Stars Foretell for AAP

by astrodocanil

As per News Item on FirstPost  “More trouble for AAP: Delhi Police filing chargesheet against 21 MLAs including Kejriwal”

Link http://www.firstpost.com/politics/more-trouble-for-aap-delhi-police-filing-chargesheet-against-21-mlas-including-kejriwal-2299394.html.

I have already written that the Oath Taking chart of Arvind Kejriwal is Precarious link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/05/oath-taking-chart-of-arvind-kejriwal-what-it-foretells/. Also I have already mentioned that the Paksha Kundali of the 16th June 2015 is not condusive to give good results and the Ruling Govt. and would  face 8 type of Humiliations  as the opposition party will not leave any stone un turned to hit the ruling Govt.  and more so after the 11th June 2015 when Mercury the 7th Lord Mercury also regains its normal motion at 10 degrees where Saturn also went in Retrogression in Scorpio and aspect Mercury, Saturn connected to the 3rd Placed in the 12th and aspect the 9th house is surely going to give problems related to Foreign Travel documents and , See the Lagna lord and the Planet Venus both in the 8th house in female sign showing the Foreign Minister getting humiliated by the opposition. Yet another problems associated with AAP have cropped up on the 17th June 2015 . Let us analyse the same in the Present Scenerio of the Planetary positions.The Planetary positions in this fortnight will give adverse results and humiliations for the Govt. for Sure.

The News has come today the 17th June 2015. I have observed that the Role of Mars is immense for Arvind Kejriwal . Last year when he resigned it was the Sub SubDasha of Mars when he resigned on the 14th Feb. 2014 when his dasha was Jup-Mer-Mars and in Transit Mars was with Rahu at very close degrees in Libra  and Now Jup-Ketu- Mars  from the 5th July 2015 will be crucial for him , since Ketu is placed in the house of Mercury and will behave like Mercury and Rahu-Ketu over Rahu Ketu in Transit in the 2/8 axis .

Now  Let us see what the Planetary positions have to say on the 17th June 2015

  1. As per Panch Pakshi the results are negative since the Birth Bird  is Peocock For Arvind Kejriwal and the Ruling  Bird is Owl and Peocock is in Dying Stage.
  2. Nakshatra of Moon is Rahu and that of Rahu is Moon , exchange of nakshatra , extremely bad for all the 21 people of AAP. Puts the Status  quo and  same for a long time and no respite.
  3. Nakshatra number is 6 and Madhya Nakshatra , hence the results will be in 30 to 64 days.
  4. The Sub Sub Dasha Lord of Arvind Kejriwal is Mars on the 5th July and will be aspecting Rahu at exact degrees of Rahu and the eclipse point where Ketu is Placed at 17.21 degrees is most crucial .
  5.  On the Day of the News Mars is totally combusted and with Sun and Moon in the sign of Gemini on the 17th June 2015 .. Arvind Kejriwal has Mars Deblitated and every time Mars is Afflicted in transit and Dasha Related to Mars he suffers . Mars will be over Natal Mars on the 30th July 2015 is another critical factor for Arvind Kejriwal
  6. The News came on the TV channels at 16.29 hrs and in the hora of Saturn is extremely malefic and failure for Arvind Kejriwal .
  7.  Taking the time of the News from the TV channels ,Day Lord placed in the Yama of Virgo and in the Event chart Mercury placed in the 8th house is stroing negative for Arvind Kejriwal and the other 20 menbers of the Party for whom charsheets will be given by the Delhi Police.
  8. 10th July 2015 will be most crucial for Arvind Kejriwal and the rest of the People.
  9. Jupiter and Venus will be in Lagna of Arvind Kejriwal on the 14th July 2014, Mars and Sun will be over Mars and Sunin Transit can definitely put Arvind Kejriwal in Problems along with other Party members , There could be lot of Processions and Representations against the govt. in this fortnight .
  10. As per the chart of AAP of 26th Nov.2012 12.00 hrs New Delhi the Dasha in operation is Venus-Moon-Saturn, Venus is Yogkarka and Placed well,  Moon is the 7th lord of the chart and is placed in the 8th house as per Rashi Tula Navamsha and in the Lagna of the Navamsha which is the 8th house of the chart, indicating hurdles. Moon is also Placed in the sign of Virgo in the Dashamsha, which is the 9th house of the Chart relating to legal affairs , Saturn is the Lagna Lord, butSub Sub Dasha of Mercury who is fallen and placed in the 10th house influencing venus and moon will be crucial from 12th Sept. 2015.
  11. The ruling Govt. may have to face humiliations on account of number of issues this fortnight and to be specific onbetween the 1st July to 22nd July .2015. The Govt. may have to beat a hasty retreat also this fortnight .
  12. Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 17th June 2015 10.40 PM 

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