69th year of India Independence: What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

In this article I am going to discuss the  69th year  of Independence  and what may surface out of the Planetary positions , specially when there will be chidra Dasha of Venu-Sun-Ketu till 10-9-2015 and then Dasha of Moon the 3rd Lord in the India Independence chart to start for the next 10 years .  The Situations are not at all healthy till this date of 10th Sept. 2015 when Dasha of Moon will come in operation.  There will be Eclipses in Sept. 2015 and further escalating the issues mentioned in this article . The Political Scenerio will remain tense and Tug of war will continue with greater dimension and War like situations.

Dasha of Moon in the India Independence Chart to start as mentioned above. Moon is the 3rd Lord placed in own house  with 4 more planets . All 5 planets aspecting the 9th house along with Mars from the 2nd Houseby 8th aspect . In the Independence Chart the BAV in the 9th house are only 19. Mars and Saturn casting their aspect on the 9th house will be crucial in the dasha of Moon. Saturn and Mars also aspect the 5th house of the Chart as well. The house of Students,Educational Institutions hence Agitations, Strikes, Roits will be Sprouting with Greater dimension with their involvement specially around the Eclipses on the 13th and the 28th Sept. 2015.  Transit Saturn and Mars Return aspect will further aggravate the situations after 15th Sept 2015 when Mars transits in Leo on this date. The Most malefic Component in the Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015 is the Mars Activation on the Eclipse point at the time of the Eclipse. It has been observed that the effects come into play according to the time of the Eclipse and this time the Lunar Eclipse is more than one hour Hence the effects will be felt 35 to 40 days in advance and after the Eclipse date . Religion, Casteism will sprout with dimension in the coming days and months specially till Saturn crosses the 10.56 degrees of the Retrogression mark on the 8th Nov. 2015 and to be more specific 6.40 degrees till 28th Sept. 2015 the Navamsha in which it was Stationary aspecting the 9th house during 27th July to 7th August 2015 at 4.13 degrees over the natal Ketu at 5.11 degrees in the 7th house of wars.A Planet in Stationary motion is supposed to be 3 times stronger than in normal motion, since concentrates it Energy at that point.

Pakistan Running the Dasha of Venus-Rahu connected to the 7th house of Wars and Threatening India time and again is also serious , specially when Dasha of Moon is to come in operation being the Lord of the 3rd House placed there and signifies the Neighboring Countries .

Transit Saturn at 4.13 degrees over natal Ketu at 5.11 degrees , same navamsha and aspect on the 9th house from the 7th house is crucial .Saturn has  activated Natal Ketu, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter at close degrees of 4 in Stationary motion on the 6th August 2015. In the Natal Chart Saturn is also with Mercury and Venus .This could sprout  Espoinage from Foreign Elements , Terrorism and War like situations could shortly emerge. I have already discussed this parameter in my webpage www.astrodocanil.com. and the recent Article. 

Enigmatic Fortnight of 30th August 2015: What Stars Foretell

The India Independence chart is  below.

Varsh Phala Chart 68th year completion


Vedic Progression chart of Running 69th year applicable from  15th August 2015 to  14th August 2016



In the Progression chart above the  Lagna is in the nakshatra of Saturn  the 7th and 8th Lord Placed in Lagna with Debilitated Mars the 10th and the 5th Lord . Affliction to the Lagna is serious in the Vedic Progression chart , specially by a Debilitated Planet and Saturn the Lord of the 7th  and the 8th house . Affliction to the 8th house and Lord is also a serious concern. The above combinations have been for a number of years since Cancer Sign has risen, but some Parameters are of Concern which have been activated in the running year till August 2016 and are of much concern are as follows.

1. The Highest concern is the Mars aspect on Venus almost at same degrees , hence Mars aspecting Venus in navamsha as well.In transit Mars and Venus are together in Cancer the Lagna of the Progression chart at same degrees at 20 degrees plus and in the same navamsha of Capricorn, which is the 7th house of the chart on the 1st Sept. 2015 and till 6th Sept. 2015, when Venus will also become Stationary. Hence This date is most sensative for untoward happening mentioned in this article.There was Terrorism when Venus was Stationary at 6.39 degrees on the 25th July 2015 in Leo and aspected by Saturn at 4.16 degrees.

Mars aspect on Venus the 10th Lord from Moon degreewise is a very Sensative Parameter , Sun the sigificator of the head of the country in Debilitation aspected by Mars and Moon in Vishghati are indicative factors that  there may be an attempt on the life of the Head of the Country or the State  and Important dignitaries Courts, Temples Embassies could also be the target.

 2. Moon is in vish ghati and in the nakshatra of Sun  who is Debilitated and placed in the 4th house with 4th Lord, 11th lord Venus and Mercury  3rd and 12th  Lord  and aspected by Deblitated Mars from the Lagna is a crucial Parameter in this chart and showing a concern of the significations of Sun and the 4th house . Placement of the Debilitated nakshatra Lord Sun  is in the 10th from Moon in the Vedic Progression chart is extremely bad and malefic results sprouting  since the 10th Lord Saturn of the India Foundation chart is also with Debilitated Mars in the Lagna  and Mars connecting the Both Venus and Saturn is the Most Crucial Parameter in this Progression chart.  This is Indicative of that the Country position in general will not be good. The Prime Minister will not be able to perform, 10th Lord from Moon is Venus placed in the 10th house again influenced By 2 Debilitated planets is extremely bad. Sun Placement in the 4th house in Debilitation is worst since it suffers from Digbala and Strength as well . Moon is placed in the 7th house of Foreign affairs and is badly afflicted and also having Exchange with Saturn. Hence issues pertaining to Foriegn affairs will sprout with greatest dimension. Libra is signified by Metropolitan cities and Busy market places will be the target of the Foreign elements for Espoinage and  Terrorism

3. Lagna , Lagna Lord and Moon all the 3 Parameters  are totally afflicted by Deblitated Mars  and Saturn along with 10th Lord from Moon and 10th Lord from India Independence chart along with  nakshatra Lord of Moon . Hence 10th Lord and the Prime Minister suffers , but 10th Lord from Moon and 10th Lord of the India Independence are are connected to their houses hence inspite of the worst situations , may survive the adverse conditions.

4. 8th house and Lord of the 8th house Saturn is with Debilitated Mars and also aspects the 8th house is indicative of mass happening till 15th Sept. 2015 till Mars is in the Lagna in Transit till 15th Sept. 2015 most sensative.

5. 10th House from Lagna, 10th house from Moon and 10th  Lord of the India independence chart Saturn is in affliction , then Extremely bad results for the head of the Country and the Country in general.

6. There is affliction on the 3rd house and the Lord Mercury hence there will be boarder clashes, Rail and Air Transport will be adversely influenced by Terrorism and Calamities.

7. Dasha Lords Venus-Sun and then Dasha of Moon from 10th Sept. 2015 will be worst since Moon is under Affliction and near Vish Ghati . Moon is also Lagna Lord . The Year will be full of Turmoils and total energy on the 3rd house and the 7th house and will be the headlines of the News  till August 2016

8. Dasha Lords as per Garbshishta  are also afflicted badly Hence Bad year and Untoward happenings, specially Mars connection and being Debilitated .

9. 4th house is badly afflicted hence there will be hinderances at every stage for achievements and damage to the Country Assets , Infra structure in the mertopolitan cities

10.  Moon afflicted in the Vedic Progression chart and at the time of  the Transit on the 15th August 2015 is also Crucial , more so in Vish Ghati in Progression chart , hence Accidents and untoward happenings . 8th Lord , Saturn  and 3rd House are afflicted , hence war like situations from the neighbors and Pakistan Since Rahu is placed there and signifies Muslims , more so aspected by 7th and 8th Lord Saturn. In Sept. 2015 it will be in forward motion a number of times mentioned in this article and hence Extremely malefic Parameter for war,  with Pakistan or Terrorism by Pakistan militants.  .

11..In all the 3 charts of the Varshphala , Progression chart and Transit chart, Mars is most important planet Debilitated, hence  is a matter of concern.

Significations of Mars Red Planet

Armed Forces, Army, Naval,Air Commands, Police, Engineers, Criminals , Fire fighters, Mars is a planet of Waror Strife and Represents Violence of all kind  including explosions, Fires,  Armed Conflict Assisination , Coup, Accidents, Murders,  Abductions, Rape, Militancy, Dicoity,Unnatural Deaths, it is afflicting the 8th house and the 8th house 7th house 7th Lord , hence there will be war like conditions Prevailing and Pakistan may take a foolish step on the insistence of the militant groups in Pakistan .India should take the threats of Pakistan Seriously.

Let us see the Transit Chart of 15th August 2015 as compared to the Progression chart and see the Placement of the Transit Planets Moon, Saturn, Venus, Sun and Mars , which acquire a special dimension in the Vedic Progression chart along with slow moving planets Rahu-Ketu and Jupiter below.



1.Lagna has Mars Debilitated and Fallen Venus in Lagna clearly shows the outcome and Specially Mars Debilitated in Cancer the 3rd house of the India independence chart will be a crucial factor in this year starting from 15th August 2015 to 16th August 2016. All watery sign afflicted , we have seen the damage by rains and floods already and loss of lives.

2.1st Sept. 2015 both Mars and Fallen Venus  will be conjunct degreewise at 20 degrees plus  and almost at the degrees of the Mars and Venus in the Vedic Progression chart. Mars in Navamsha has also become Exhaltedand with Venus and  will be crucial for damage and Terrorism as mentioned above.

3. Saturn over Ketu and Jupiter   very close degrees and Saturn almost degreewise on Jupiter the 9th and the 6th Lord , in the Progression chart Saturn was with 5th Lord now in the 5th house will be crucial  for educational institutions and Young Students , Jupiter karka for Education is also afflicted  getting involved in Roits, Strikes, Hardik Patal may be instrumental in the agitation in this regard.

4. Venus will be in Stationary motion on the 6th Sept. 2015 . There could be a strong untoward happenings, like Terrorism, Plane Hijacking, Planting of Bombs on the Railway Tracks . Attack on the diplomats, Temples, Embassies, Courts, head of the Institutions, head of the country and Important Dignitaries .

5.One Rank one Pension will take a greater Dimension after 1st Sept. 2015.There will be strong Protests to achieve their demands.8th lord over 6th Lord in the 5th house is crucial.

6. Hardik Patel will be instrumental in creating war like situations around  15th Sept. 2015.

7.Mars will change sign to Leo on the 15th Sept. 2015 and will be the most malefic time  and war like situations in the country since Mars and Saturn are together in the Lagna of the Vedic Progression chart and will aspect each other by retrun aspect degreewise on the 25th Sept. 2015 and both will also aspect each other in navamsha , Mars will be at this time over Taurus the Navamsha sign of the 8th Lord of the India Independence chart . Strong Earthquake could also sprout then in the globe as well  .

8.Rahu in the 3rd house of Neighbors. and 3rd and 12th Lord Mercury will join Rahu on the 23rd August 2015. Mercury is Karka for Stock market. Rahu will influence Mercury and degreewise conjunction on the 1st Sept. 2015. Rahu on this date will be in Forward Motion till 6th Sept 2015 and then  15th Sept to 22nd Sept. 2015 and then again on the 25th to 29th Sept. 2015 . These dates are Sensative  for Terrorist Attacks, Stock market hits  for fall and a Strong EarthQuake in the Globe , specially countries with Pieces , Virgo Lagna , Moon sign or Sun Sign. Mercury remains in this sign till 29th Oct. 2015 and becomes Retrograde on the 17th Sept. 2015 is also a sesative date since in the 3rd house of neighbors and with Rahu.

9. Mars joins Virgo this sign on the 3rd Nov. 2015 and Joins Libra  on the 24th Dec. 2015 will be most sensative and Prone to give untoward happenings over the Mercury, Venus, Sun in the Vedic Progression chart. Mars Joins Scorpio over Saturn on the 20th Feb 2016 and Becomes Retrograde on the 17th April 2016 and Stationary at 14.49 degrees  with Saturn also in Retrogression . Mars will transit in Scorpio for 211 days  will be the Most sesative period for India and even Pakistan.Mars will fall back on the 17th June 2016 to 12th July 2016. Mars will again be Stationary on the 30th June 2016 at 28.58 degrees in Libra over Mercury at almost same degrees and same navamsha  Mercury is 27.22 and Mars will be 28.58. Mercury is Karka for Stock market and also the Lord of the 3rd and the 12th house . Espoinage by neighbours. 

In wake of the serious affliction in the Vedic Progression chart and Eclipses approacing and on the 3/9 axis will sprout serios untoward happenings concerning the significations of the 9th and the 3rd house, Neighbors, Air and Rail Traffic, Temples, Religious Places, Courts, Embassies, Diplomats . Home Ministry should take the threat of Pakistan seriously and take appropriate measure. Financial Stagnation is also attributes around the time when Sun will enter Libra till 18th Oct. 2015 and after 28th Sept. 2015 the Lunar Eclipse. Mercury Transit in Virgo is also a sensative Parameter over the 3rd house till 29th Oct. 2015 . Mercury goes in Retrogression on the 17th Sept. 2015 and will be in Stationary position as well with Rahu in any case is not good since Pakistan will be instrumental in Terrorism in india with the help of militant Groups using Latest Equipments in the field of Electronics, since rahu with Mercury Exhalted

Hindu New Moon Pieces chart of 20th March 2015

New Moon

The  Pisces New Moon Chart is coinciding with the Total Solar Eclipse on March 20, 2015. A Total Lunar eclipse follows total Solar eclipse on 4 April 2015. The chart of Hindu New Year 2015  therefore holds a special dimension for an astrological analysis.

Cancer sign is rising in the Lagna   which is the 3rd house of the India Independence chart with ninth lord Jupiter placed in it and Luminaries (Sun and Moon) in the ninth house in Eclipse. The 3rd lord of the India Independence chart is also under malefic influence hence  as per the Hindu Moon chart the Events regarding the 3rd and 9th house would be surfacing

The ninth house signifies Supreme Court, Judiciary, foreign affairs,diplomats, foreign trades, commerce, merchant shipping, tourism, institute of higher learning, religious places . etc. The year 2015-16 will surface religious disputes, and reforms in Judiciary for the country, new developments in foreign trade and merchant shipping, treaties with foreign nations for investment and commerce.

As mentioned by me above the 3rd house rising and the 3rd house afflicted by Rahu and its Lord Mercury placed in the 8th house and in Debilitation is crystal clear of the happenings concerning the 3rd house and conflict with neighboring countries.

If we look at the chart then we will find that the  Lumaniries afflicted in Full watery sign Pieces, Saturn  and Jupiter also Placed in watery sign shows there will be excessive rains and Floods on account of the same in different parts of the country and specially the coastal areas.

The Lumanaries under affliction in the 9th house shows there will also be disputes with the Ruling Govt. for Justice .

If you look at the above charts of 68th year of Varshphala, Vedic Progression chart New Moon Pieces Chart the  both the Vedic Progression chart and the New Moon Pieces chart are of Cancer sign is rising and Moon the Lagna Lord is afflicted badly in both the charts .

Anter dasha Lord is Venus and Lord of the 6th house placed in the 3rd house again shows boarder issues.

There will be damage due to Rains and Floods near the Coastal Areas.

The Sun and Moon afflicted badly in all the charts Hence there will be adverse effects on the King and Queen of the Country and Head of the States and more so on Female Head of the States or the Country since Moon is Placed in the Female signs in most of the charts.

Paksha Kundalis have been discussed in my webpage and need not be eloborated here , the Predictions hold good there also and can be used in relation to this article as well vide article ”

Enigmatic Fortnight of 30th August 2015: What Stars Foretell

Planetary Realignments of Planets in Sept. 2015: Boon or Bane link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/08/transit-of-mars-in-leo-boon-or-bane-for-pakistan/

Mars In Cancer its sign of Debilitation : What it Foretells

Summary By the Vedic Progression Chart 

In nut shell the following woulkd be more prevelant in the year till August 2016

1. Terrorism, Tension with Neighboring countries.

2. Havoc from Rains and Floods in the Coastal  Areas and Areas signified by Leo, Gemini and Scorpio Signs .Leo rashi will bring heavy rainfall in the state of Gujarat.  Havoc because of  flood in Delhi-NCR region, Uttarpradesh, Assam,Bihar, parts of West Bengal and Orisha. On the onset of the Fortnight Cyclone and Tornado cannot ruled out

3. Head of the States and King and Queen under humiliations and attack by opposition  to bring them down from power , needless to mention the names here , specially the Women Leaders .

4. Issues Pertaining to Religon , Court, Justice, Diplomats cannot be ruled out .

5.Prices of Crude oil could go up  Bearish and Bullish  and Bullish after 20-2-2016 and then  Mars transits the sign Leo on the 15th Sept. 2015.

6. Prices of Real Estate will be Minimum after 16th June 2015 and till 15th Sept. 2015, till Mars is in Cancer .

7. Prices of Gold will improve when Sun and Jupiter in Leo after 18th August 2015.

8. 2nd Lord debilitated in the 4th house is worst for the Financial position of the country . Sun goes in Debilitation after 18th sept. 2015 hence depression in the financial position of the country is on the cards.

Jyotish acharaya anil aggarwala 26th June 2015 09-20 am

Added some Parameters on the 1st Sept. 2015

Disclaimer: This is only a Astrological analysis and not my Personal opinion . The writter does not hold himself responsible in any respect of the Contents  thereof.  



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