In this Article I am gong to Discuss the events sprouted by Roman God Saturn when Fallen in Scorpio on the 2nd June 1958 . Saturn entered the Sign Sagitarius on the 7th Feb 1958 and became Retrograde and was fallen on the above date .It reentered Sagitarius on the 7th Nov. 1958.
Saturn Fallen between the 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 is Most Venomous and can be like a snake bite
Chart of Fallen Saturn in Scorpio in 1958
Fallen Saturn on the 21st June 2017 The chart below
1.Parameters acquiring a Special dimension as per above chart 1. Before Getting Fallen Saturn was aspecting Mercury, Sun, Mars and Jupiter .2. Saturn aspecting Ketu and in Ketu nakshatra a similar combinations as June 1990. After being Fallen Saturn aspects Rahu a Most malefic Parameter .
Since The Years 59-60 is divisible by 12 and 30 the Position of Saturn and Jupiter is same
Before Fallen , Mars and Saturn in 1/7 axis and in 1958 they were in Square position
Let me tabulate the events sprouted by Roman God Saturn below .
There was a Pakistan India border skirmish in 1958
India in start tried her best to Grab land in East Pakistan. It must be noted that many border areas of EAST Pakistan and India were not fully marked at that time.India was only trying to lay claim over any usable LAND in Tough and Jungle areas.Each time she tried and failed.This account is of 1958 when East Pakistan Rifles kicked intruders out by force.
Let us rewind the clock back to the tumultuous year of 1958. Border skirmishes with India along the periphery of East Pakistan are a norm. The border security forces of both countries continue to trade volleys of bullets on frequent basis. It is a constant contest of hide and seek between territory grasping Indians and territory denying Pakistanis. But matters have come to a head in the Jungles of Patharia, in the border District of Sylhet.
The Location of Skirmish was Tehsil Brahmanbaria(Now District) part of District of Sylhet in area Akhura near village Lakshmi Pur.
The following are the other happenings in the year 1958 when Saturn was fallen from 7th Feb. to 7th Nov. 1958
Revolt in Venezuela 1958
Communal Riots in Ceylon 1958
Thai-Cambodian Border Clashes 1958
Military Coup in Sudan 1958
Exile Insurgency in Paraguay 1958-1959
Lebanese Civil War 1958
Achinese Rebellion in Indonesia 1958-1959
PRRI Revolt in Indonesia 1958-1961
Iraqi Army Revolt 1958
The French Officers Revolt in Algiers 1958
Army Coup in Burma 1958
February 1 – Egypt and Syria unite to form the United Arab Republic.
5th Feb. 1958Tybee Bomb, a 7,600 pound (3,500 kg) Mark 15 hydrogen bomb, is lost in the waters off Savannah, Georgia
March 1 – The Turkish passenger ship Üsküdar capsizes and sinks in the Gulf of İzmit, Turkey; at least 300 die
March 11 – A U.S. B-47 bomber accidentally drops an atom bomb on Mars Bluff, South Carolina. Without a fissile warhead, its conventional explosives destroy a house and injure several people
April – Unemployment in Detroit reaches 20%, marking the height of the Recession of 1958 in the United States.
- April 3 – Castro‘s revolutionary army begins its attacks on Havana.
- April 4 – April 7 – In the first protest march for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament from Hyde Park, London to Aldermaston, Berkshire, demonstrators demand the banning of nuclear weapons.
- July 9 – 1958 Lituya Bay megatsunami: A 7.8 Mw strike-slip earthquake in Southeast Alaska causes a landslide that produces a megatsunami. The runup from the waves reaches 525 m (1,722 ft) on the rim of Lituya Bay
- July 14 – July 14 Revolution in Iraq. King Faisal is killed. Abdul Qassim assumes power.
- July 15 – In Lebanon, 5,000 United States Marines land in the capital Beirut in order to protect the pro-Western government there.
- July 17 – British paratroopers arrive in Jordan; King Hussein has asked help against pressure from Iraq.
- July 20 – Various rebel groups in Cuba join forces but the communists do not join them.
- July 24 – The first life peerage under the Life Peerages Act 1958 is created in the United Kingdom
- 1958 in the Vietnam War Link
War Zones C, D, and the Iron Triangle were Viet Cong strongholds near SaigonIn 1958, the upswing in violence against the government of South Vietnam continued, much of which was committed by the communist-dominated insurgents now called the Viet Cong. In South Vietnam, President Ngo Dinh Diem appeared to be firmly in power, although many American officials expressed concern about the repressive nature of his regime. The United States continued to finance most of the budget of the government of South Vietnam. North Vietnam continued to campaign for reunification with the South while focusing on its internal economic development, but pressure from hard-pressed communists in the South was forcing the North to contemplate a more active military role in overthrowing the Diem government.To defend themselves against the offensives of the South Vietnamese army the Viet Cong, contrary to the wishes of North Vietnam, began to organize themselves into military units. The first battalion of Viet Cong troops was established in Zone D in mid-1958. Zone D, about 40 metres (0.040 km) northeast of Saigon, was an important communist base area.July 1958Communist party leaders met with representatives of the highland Montagnard people in Quang Ngai province of South Vietnam to plan an uprising against the Diem government.[11](approximate date) Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai‘s advice to the North Vietnamese government was that it should focus on promoting “socialist revolution and reconstruction in the North.” Zhou said that “realization of revolutionary transformation in the South was impossible at this stage.” The North should await “proper opportunities.” China was not enthusiastic about a military attempt by North Vietnam to unify the two Vietnams.
- August 23
- Chinese Civil War: The Second Taiwan Strait Crisis begins with the People’s Liberation Army‘s bombardment of Quemoy
- August 26 – A general strike is called in Paraguay.
- August 27 – Operation Argus: The United States begins nuclear tests over the South Atlantic.
- August 30 – September 1 – Notting Hill race riots: Riots occur between blacks and whites in Notting Hill, London
- September 27
- Typhoon Ida kills at least 1,269 in Honshū, Japan.
- Hurricane Helene, the worst storm of the North Atlantic hurricane season, reaches category 4 status.
- September 28 – In France, a majority of 79% says yes to the constitution of the Fifth Republic.
- September 30 – The U.S.S.R. performs a nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya.
- 1958 Lebanon crisis
- The 1958 Lebanon crisis was a Lebanese political crisis caused by political and religious tensions in the country that included a U.S. military intervention. The intervention lasted around three months until President Camille Chamoun, who had requested the assistance, completed his term as president of Lebanon. American and Lebanese government forces successfully occupied the port and international airport of Beirut. With the crisis over, the United States withdrew
U.S. Marine sits in a foxhole outside Beirut, Date 15 July – 25 October Saturn Fallen from 2nd June 1958 to 7th Nov. 1958 Location Lebanon Result American-led government victory - U.S.-Lebanese occupation of the port and international airport of Beirut
Operation Blue Bat
U.S. President Eisenhower responded by authorizing Operation Blue Bat on July 15, 1958. This was the first application of the Eisenhower Doctrine under which the U.S. announced that it would intervene to protect regimes it considered threatened by international communism. The goal of the operation was to bolster the pro-Western Lebanese government of President Camille Chamoun against internal opposition and threats from Syria and Egypt. The plan was to occupy and secure the Beirut International Airport, a few miles south of the city, then to secure the port of Beirut and approaches to the city.
- 1959 Defection of Sieu Heng: Cambodia 1959
- Prime Minister’s Assassination in Ceylon 1959
- Pan-Arab Revolt in Iraq 1959
- Rebellion in Kirkuk: Iraqi 1959
- USR Secession in Maldives 1959-1962
- Revolution in Rwanda 1959-1961
- “State of Siege” in Paraguay 1959-1960
- Communist Insurgeny in Thailand 1959-Present
- Uprising in Chinese Occupied Tibet 1959
- In the year 1959 Saturn was back in Sagitarius and sprouted the above
- From the above it is clear that Saturn may sprout Wars , Coup and Happenings similar to the above listed
- The Iran -Iraq Gulf War, US Brawl with N Korea and China, Russia , Japan could be influenced Most in this Transit of Saturn in Scorpio and Sagitarius till 20th Jan 2020 Untoward happenings man made and Natural as already predicted earlier
- . Saturn Fallen in 1958 -1959 the US stock Markets Touched a New High and in the Present Situations it can become unpredictable and can touch new High and Low between the 21st June to 26th Nov. 2017 Reference http://archives. page/37/article/stock-market- confounds-experts-soars Parameter added in the Article last night at 21-00 hrs Please read my article again https://www. roman-god-saturn-fallen-from- 21st-june-nov-2017-may-prove- explosive-for-financial- markets-natural-and-unnatural- calamities/ - Satrun on the driving seat what it has up his sleeves is unpredictable , in the year 1958-1959 there was a surge in the Market of US, Jupiter was aspecting the Leo sign by Retrograde aspect and was about to fall in it , normally when Jupiter and Saturn in Fiery signs the Market drops, it was the reverse , Saturn in Watery sign and Jupiter in Virgo about to Fall in Leo did the Miracle in 1958, Now Saturn in Sagitarius and about to fall in watery sign and Jupiter no connection with Fiery sign , hence it may be unpredictable. The Market may move , but seems it may break after reaching a Top figure of 9850-9900 or even more to unexpected figure till Saturn is in Scorpio and then break from here after crossing Aries Navamsha , There are no researches and , no astrologer works on the Fallen Saturn in Stock Markets , how it may behave is unpredictable since Fallen Planet is most venomous and can go in any direction. As far as the Declination is concerned it is the same as the 1958, which indicates the Markets may surge beyond expectations and would behave like the year 1961 pattern when Mars and Saturn were conjunct and the Market started to take a reversal
- A Strong Earthquake of More than 8.00 is not ruled pout after mars activates the Eclipse point on the 3rd Sept. 2017 to 9th Sept. 2017 specially after 7th Sept. 2017 when Moon will be in acute affliction. The Countries Prone are Mexico , Indonesia, Japan, Australia, India, Phillipines, Morocco, Portugal and the Coastal Areas around the World The Other Prone Dates are as mentioned 16th Sept, 26th Sept and 26th Oct. 2017
- In Sept. 1985 when After Fallen Saturn in Libra Joined Scorpio sign there was an Earthquake of More than 8.00, This could Repeat in Sept. 2017 as explained above. More then 40000 people died and 100000 people suffered , similar situations could emerge now
- anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch. Jyotish Acharaya , Research BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
- Written on 11th June 2017 Time 21-10 hrs. New Delhi
- Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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