1993 Mumbai Blasts Case Convict Dr Bomb’ Jalees Ansari Missing May Be Arrested By Police With In 4 Days Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1132 Articles and Predictions in just 56 months from April 2015

As per the link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_Bombay_bombings the Blasts took place as below
1993 Bombay bombings
Bombay, Maharashtra, India
12 March 1993
13:30–15:40 (UTC+05:30)
Hotels, office buildings, banks, petrol pump, markets etc Attack type Car bombings, scooter bombings and grenades Weapons
12 car bombs (RDX) containing shrapnel Deaths 317 Injured 1,400 Perpetrators Mafia groups affiliated with D-Company

A convict in the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts case, Jalees Ansari, disappeared on Thursday from his home in Mominpura area in Mumbai after being released on a 21-day parole.
Ansari is an MBBS doctor who was convicted for his role in several blasts across the country and sentenced to life in the 1993 Rajasthan bomb blasts case.
Ansari graduated from the Maratha College at Nagpara in 1972. He later continued his studies from Sion Medical College.
He joined the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation as a Junior Medical Officer.
Ansari has been in jail since 1994 when he was first arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation for his role in planting a bomb in the Rajdhani Express.
Jalees Ansari, who is known as Doctor Bomb, was allegedly connected with terror outfits like SIMI and Indian Mujahideen and taught terror groups how to make bombs.
Ansari allegedly helped set off a series of 43 explosions in Mumbai and Hyderabad and seven separate explosions on trains on December 6, 1993, the first anniversary of the Babri Masjid’s demolition. Later, he was convicted for carrying out blast in trains.
A Malegaon court in 2018 held him guilty and sentenced him to 10 years in jail for carried out bomb blast experiment below Girna river.

Let us have a Look at the chart of the 12th March 1993 when the Blasts took place from 13-30 hrs

Chart of the 15-40 hrs the same day when the Blasts stopped

Following Parameters at the time of the Blasts acquire an important dimension

1.The day was friday and the Lord was Venus fallen in the Sign Pieces and placed in the 10th house and placed in the yama of Leo the 3rd house of the Chart and the Yama Lord Sun Placed in the 9th house with Saturn the 8th Lord who has just entgered the 9th house and also conjunct with Retrograde Mercury is the most malefic Parameter showing Act of Terrorism and Religious Fundamentalism
2.Note the Position of Mars in the Gemini Lagna close to the Lagna Degrees at 18.20 degrees and Transit Rahu already crossed the same degrees. Transit Mars Over the Natal Rahu at the time of the Blast. These parameters clearly point out Terrorism when Mars reaches the Degrees from 18-22 and Hence from the 21st Jan to 27th Jan 2020.
3. Transit Rahu in Adverse motion from the 16th Jan to 24th Jan 2020 another Parameter which cannot be ignored at all for Terrorism in any form , Blasts. This period is most prone not only for India but the complete globe and specially for US-Iran Tensions taking ugly Turn
4. Eclipses in the 1/7 axis at the time of the Blasts and cluster of Planets in the 7th house Sagitarius
5.On the Day of the Dr.Bomb missing Saturn aspects the Cluster of Sun, Mercury and Saturn in the Sign Aquarius and Saturn aspects Sun at very close degrees . Sun is 28 and Saturn 29.00 . On the Day of the Blasts Saturn Just changes sign from Capricorn to Aquarius and on the 16th Jan 2020 Sun changes sign to Capricorn.
6.Sun Mercury and Saturn conjunction at the time of Blast in the 9th house and now the same conjunction in capricorn the 8th house after 24th Jan 2020. This parameter is most Venomous in the present Scenario
7. The Blasts took place 27 years back and Mars has Declination of 27 and there fore Acquires an important dimension, not only due to this but since Mars was placed in the Lagna at the time of Blasts , Navamsha of Scorpio rising at the time of 15-40 hrs on 12th March 1993 and Now Mars activating the Natal Mars and Rahu at the time of the Blasts seems to be the most Venomous parameter for the Dr. Bomb missing and planning Violence and Terrorism
8. As per the media link https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/crime/1993-mumbai-blasts-case-out-on-parole-dr-bomb-jalees-ansari-missing/ar-BBZ2eFA?ocid=spartanntp
Jalees Ansari, a convict in the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts case, has disappeared from his home in Mumbai, where he was supposed to be staying after being released on a 21-day parole, his son Zaid has told police.
The Chart is below


1. Dr. Bomb is missing since Thursday 16th Jan 2020 at 5-00 am Mumbai when Scorpio lagna Fixed is rising and Mars is positioned in the Lagna and aspects the Rahu in the 8th house as the Lagna and the 6th Lord .
2. Moon and Lagna Lord are not related hence it seems he has not gone of his own choice.It seems to be a Forced disappearance .
3.As per the DBA the Dasha are of Moon-Moon-Saturn and Moon affliction shows Forced disappearance and poor chances of Return
4.A benefic Venus in the 4th house does not lead to early return of the missing person since he is in happy state of affaira and Venus is placed in a Fixed sign being the 7th Lord Karyesh.
5.Mars Ithasla with a Planet in the 4th house . No Return
6.Jupiter placement in the 2nd house in own sign is a strong parameter for return but again afflicted by Ketu and Saturn
7. Moon aspected by Saturn is weak parameter for safe return.
8. Rahu in the 8th house aspected by both Mars and Saturn is most crucial parameter for safe return and causes impediments for accomplishment of efforts and failure in his mission
9. 7th Lord in ithasla with Lagna Lord in a fixed sign the time of Return taking a positive stance = 4×2 = 8 days on the 24th Jan 2020, He can be arrested by the Police
10. 8th house is under utmost afflictionand connection of Mars and Saturn on the 8th house and in Rahu is Terrorism and also a parameter which is most malefic for the Dr. Bomb it so seems if the Time given in the Media Article is correct
Not Shell The time Period from the 21st to 27th and specially on the 24th Jan 2020 is most crucial in the immediate future . North Node Rahu is also adverse from the 15th Jan to 24th Jan 2020
Mars in own house in Lagna is Police and Venus is the 7th Lord Karyesh and inimicalm ithasla hence he can be arrested by the Police it so seems taking a positive stance from the Parameters in the Prashna chart.
Moon and Mars ithasla yoga and difference is 4 degrees , he can travel by Train may be caught by the Police with in 4 days

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
Jyotish Acharaya from BVB New Delhi
16th Jan 2020 19-00 hrs

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