1,000 Days of the Ukraine-Russia War: Is World War III on the Horizon?
As the Ukraine-Russia war surpasses 1,000 days, and over 3 years now the conflict shows no signs of de-escalation. Instead, the situation is becoming more volatile, with increasing global involvement, heightened military strategies, and economic repercussions affecting nations worldwide. This raises a crucial question: Are we on the brink of World War III?
Key Indicators of Escalation
Western Military Aid & Russian Retaliation
- The U.S. and European nations continue to supply Ukraine with advanced weaponry, provoking stronger responses from Moscow.
- Russia has warned of “unpredictable consequences”, hinting at broader military action if NAT”O’s involvement deepens.
Please red my Article dated 10th August 2023 “Will The Ukraine-Russia War Escalate Into World War ?
Let me reproduce the text here for read y reference below
Chart of Ukraine 24th August 1991 18-00 hrs
The planetary positions from July 31, 2022, to October 23, 2022, and in a broader timeframe until January 17, 2023, followed by March 13, 2023, indicate a strong potential for war. All the astrological parameters previously discussed align within this timeframe, drawing parallels to the planetary configurations observed during World War I and World War II.
The Vedha (planetary affliction) between Mars and Saturn in the Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakras clearly suggests that the Ukraine-Russia war may persist until the effects of the October 29, 2023, lunar eclipse begin to wane. The Dasha in operation is Jupiter Moon from Dec 2024 till 2-4-2026 and Moon is the Lord of the 7th house of Wars and Jupiter is placed in the 8th house.
For Capricorn Lagna, Jupiter acts as a functional malefic, further intensifying the nation’s struggles. Jupiter’s combustion and planetary war with Mercury (9th lord) add to the instability, while the weak positioning of the 9th and 10th lords in the 8th house signals continued agony and hardship. This planetary configuration suggests severe consequences for Ukraine’s people and even the nation’s survival.
Ukraine’s Critical Period & Russia’s Possible Dominance
- Saturn’s fallen state at 28-29 degrees in Capricorn, aligning with Ukraine’s natal Moon and Saturn, indicates severe hardships for Ukraine until January 17, 2023.
- Ukraine is expected to undergo severe economic distress, and the possibility of Russia gaining further control is high, particularly from August 10, 2023, onward.
- This period is globally significant, as planetary movements reflect historical war patterns, pointing toward bloodshed and a resurgence of conflict in Ukraine—similar to Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea.
- President Vladimir Putin may order major troop advancements into rebel-held regions of Ukraine during these key timeframes.
Most Critical Transits & Global Tensions
- The period from September 24, 2022, to March 13, 2023, was a highly volatile phase, with war-like situations intensifying.
- From August to November 2023, geopolitical instability could reach catastrophic levels, escalating existing conflicts.
- The October 29, 2023, lunar eclipse is a major turning point, fueling tensions even months in advance.
- A significant Vedha between Mars and Saturn in the 2-7-11 signs triangle of the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra from October 3 to November 17, 2023, suggests heightened war risks, not just for Ukraine-Russia but for other nations as well.
March 29, 2025: A Possible War Trigger?
- The Solar eclipse on March 29, 2025, coinciding with a six-planet cluster in Pisces, could trigger unprecedented war developments for a long time.
- This transit may mark a dramatic escalation in global conflicts, potentially reshaping the world’s geopolitical landscape in ways beyond current predictions.
These astrological alignments suggest that the Ukraine-Russia war, alongside other global conflicts, may persist and intensify, with far-reaching consequences for multiple nations.
On February 20, 2014, Russia annexed Ukraine when Jupiter, the Dasha Lord, was transiting through Gemini, and Venus was in a Fallen position. Similarly, in 2022, after Venus’ declination 8 years later and as Venus was about to change signs, Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. My prediction for this event proved 100% accurate. In 2014, Ukraine was under the influence of Jupiter’s Dasha, and from the above astrological analysis, it is clear that Ukraine may not experience peace in the near future, especially until February 13, 2024. This is due to Venus’ Dasha having an 8-year cycle, and the period between 8 and 16 months tends to be war-prone, particularly as Saturn is both fallen and retrograde until October 24, 2022. No relief is expected after Saturn enters Aquarius post-January 18, 2023. The planetary positions, especially the Dasha Lords, indicate that the war is unlikely to end soon, and there seems to be a continuous tug-of-war between the two countries until Venus’ Antar Dasha. The timeframe from March 29, 2025, could see an escalation, as predicted.
Saturn’s strong placement in Ukraine’s ascendant contributes to the country’s fighting spirit. However, when the fallen Saturn joins the Ascendant and aspects the natal Moon at 29 degrees while also opposing Jupiter, the functional malefic in Pisces in stationary mode, it will cause a significant economic downturn in Ukraine from July 12 to July 30, 2022. Additionally, the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on October 29, 2023, will be explosive for Ukraine’s economy.
The Country is running under the operation of the Dasha of Rahu-Moon till 26-1-2023 and then the Dasha of Rahu-Mars which will be till the 13-2-2024. Russia Invaded Ukraine when Jupiter was placed in the sign Aquarius the 6th house and was totally combusted by the 12th Lord Sun and the sign rising at the time of Invasion on the 24th Feb 2022 5 .07 hrs Ukraine Kyyiv was Sagittarius having Planetary war between Mars and Venus . This Parameter of the sign Sagittarius rising and Planetary war in the Ascendant is most explosive and the war may continue for Long .The Prolonged Conjunction of Mars and Venus up to 26th March 2022 was explosive. Similar happenings have taken place in the Month of July and August 2023 of Mars and Venus conjunction and Planetary war which may be responsible for the escalation of the war between Ukraine and Russia. The Solar Eclipse of the 29th March 2025 coupled with Jupiter dasha will add fuel to the fire for brawl between Russia Ukraine and other Countries .
CHART OF THE PRESIDENT VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY 25th Jan 1978 14:00 hrs Krivoj Rog Ukraine
The Dasha in operation for the President with Taurus Ascendant is Moon- Saturn from the 3-10-2022 and then Moon -Mercury till 3-10-2025 Mercury is in the 8th house and having aspect of the 8th Lord Jupiter from the 2nd house of marka
Ashtam shani from the 17th Jan 2023 most precarious for him till the 30th March 2025.
The Progression charts from the 2 previous and 3 coming years Rahu-Ketu are in afflicted motion and in the year from Jan 2025-Jan 2026 Moon is in the star of Ketu, then Venus and then Sun .Hence till 2028 his planetary positions will prove a bolt from the blue for him and he would have to beat a hasty retreat and he will have to come on his knees
The coming years will be a bolt from the blue for him and a nasty fall in his career
Please read my Articles on my webpage and I have predicted the year 2025-2026 most Catastrophic for the World in respect to Brawl between Countries. Major Catastrophe in World and Economy Crash. The Jupiter in accelerated motion for 8 years will add fuel to the fire for a big War . I have already predicted that the ww3 has already started since 24th Feb 2022 and will explode when Saturn goes in Taurus and in Rohini after Nov. 2029 and between June to July 2030 a big war. See the charts below from 2026 to 2030 which are scary.
Also see the chart of the 24th Feb 2026 and cluster of Planets in the sign Aquarius will be in the 10th house of the Foundation chart of India and aspects the 4th house of the Foundation chart.
See the chart below
Hence the coming 2 years 2025-2026 will be the most difficult years for the complete world for a big happening which no body can imagine. Some of the Coastal Countries may be wiped out from the Map. The Prone Countries are specially Bangladesh. North America, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines due to high intensity Earthquakes, Tsunami, Tornado.
Next crucial time frame is when Saturn and Jupiter will be in 1/7 axis and aspect each other in the year 2028 and a strong transformation in the world in the 10 years cycle from conjunction of these planets in 2019-2020
Now coming to the year 2030
See the charts of the 17th May 2030 and 1st June 2030 below where there is self explanation and explosive for the world in terms of a big war, diseases and catastrophe
This will be parallel to Oct. 1929 when we have the Global Economy break down after 100 years cycle When time comes I will write more .